The Killing Joke Original Coloring

Reading the threads on here I've realized that a disappointing amount of anons have never seen the original version of TKJ.

Sadly I'm too busy to do the storytime myself, but I am able to upload my image folder if someone else would be so kind as to do it.!lZlgQJKT!N9RLh0Hy3e94CL4t1PszMA

is it ever okay for Batman to not be voiced by Kevin Conroy and for Joker to not be voiced by Mark Hamill.

Conroy phoned it in for TKJ desu
Hamill gave an 11/10 performance despite sounding a lot older and strained ;_;

Alright why not












The original and the Deluxe were both story timed here

Good looking out

Thread's over lads, ta

Thanks anyways, op


Yes because Conroy was awful in this.

I thought Conroy was serviceable at least compared to Tara and whoever did Gordon

I don't see what makes the old coloring so much better, it's too bright and too much contrast, the newer one is more subtle with the coloring.