Thoughts on this shithole?

Thoughts on this shithole?

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I really like Poland

Europe's Christianity museum

lovely place unlike lithuania which is full of bydlo and people smell bad

so a shithole that doesn't keep up with the times


nooooo it's the lithuanian top polish-hater here to hurt my feelings again
don't do it brother

Why be a hater when you could help put back together the Commonwealth?

Beautiful women.

Shitty country.

why would we team up with subhumans slavshits?

black brothers

You did it before. Are you telling me you're proud of being a B*ltic?

better than actual pooles

Should give back clay.
Away from that I do not care too much.

Lithuanians pls don't be mad on us

>le butthurt subhuman lithshit once again

why are they so subhuman and aggressive?

Nice people

hello janek

kek, retarded schizo lithshit XD

commonwealth when

1) kill all ""lithuaninan"" żmudzin subhumans

2) liberate B

3) commonwealth 2.0


only a swede could care what neggroes said

>not being grateful to people who open up their arms for you and accepting you as their brother
as expected from a pole.

I still love you Litwin, you are so cute when you get mad