What does Sup Forums think about this guy's humanitarian work?

What does Sup Forums think about this guy's humanitarian work?

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nice try shill.

It's shitty and I guess he's being forced. It's really, really not efficient or helping the most people he can over the long run.

>> humanitarian
>> worried about over population
>> eugenics
>> killing people

Every family on the planet could live in a 3 bed 2 bath house and all of them in Texas

The earth is not over populated

It's about food and the soil, brah.

He's a dick, through and through. If there weren't a tax advantage or free publicity for Micro$oft, he wouldn't do it.

He is complete and utter scum. Makes his massive wealth from exploiting the free market only to go on and push globalism and communist world government.

the earth is not overpopulated, but some parts of it are (India, Pakistan, Bangledash, all of Africa, etc, etc, etc) and these are the shittiest, poorest shithole parts of it full of shitskins. We also happen to be importing these shitskins into our clean part of the world. This is a big problem.

you will be purged. Roach.


if I were him, I'd stick my hand in a fire until the skin melted off. Then I'd think about that.

Needs to be gassed most likely.

he's not doing enough for overpopulation, aka killing niggers

Speak for yourself. Large swaths of unproductive undesirables are a strain on the rest of us.

He's responsible for 40,000 people in India having paralysis. He tests vaccines on third world countries; using them as their subjects to see if there are any negative side effects before giving them to the first world (because we would lock him up if he hurt 40,000 of our children).

^^ this. Especially nowadays because leftie cucks have made it the mission of white people to send money to these useless shitskins and/or bring them into our countries

He is keeping niggers in africa. Its a good thing.

>trying to kill the third world population

>common core

>get called the most evil man on the planet for decades because of your repeated rape of everything that made home computing good for consumers
>go off the fucking deep end and decide to murder as many people as you possibly can
>decide that "population control" is the best way for you to get away with literal mass murder
>implement your plan
>sit back and watch as it unfolds at the 2016 rio olympics on live tv


he's a major connection to the clinton foundation. why is he suddenly relevant?

I've read into his life. It turns out that he's surrounded by a bunch of Jewish leeches at all times who tell him a bunch of things that appeals to his emotions or makes him feel guilty so that he will finance their useless for-profit """charities""". It's insane. They follow him around and whisper into his ear about all the poor African children who die from having sex with ebola bats

Can someone please explain what his humanitarian work is and what his ulterior motive is?

All I see is a nice guy posting pics and videos about dominating disease etc

No such thing. He donates money to foundations that are his and thus deducts from his tax load. Fuck him.

which one, him creating the zika microcephaly plague or him giving africans vaccines that make them infertile?

oh hey, look here
population control is the ulterior motive

He's also constantly followed around by his biographers and a couple of people from nobel prize committees and stuff like that who pressure him to always be nice and do the right thing so that history won't remembet him as a jerk

>Creating tax shelters is bad

Poor fag detected

>spreading GMO & their environment/water pollutant chemicals throughout unregulated emerging markets across the globe for personal gain


choose one and only one shill

reread your own thread & use Google
or do they not have that in your shithole of a country?

I wonder how's that new reactor project in South Korea going?
That piece of equipment to clean water is also good. Wonder about near future applications...
Nobody talks about that because public is not interested. show more cats.

That's just sad.