Black Freemasons: Legit or autistic coonery?

Black Freemasons: Legit or autistic coonery?


F&AM=not legit

most P Hall are F&AM though some are AF&AM

masonry is an African tradition, Africans invented it and it comes from Africa where they don't engage in white sex (homosexual deviancy)

Alls I know is that black masons always have to plaster their cars with the licence plates and stickers from their lodges.

White masons seem more low key.

Mostly fake.

They're both legit. One just came from the Antients, and the other from the Premier (Moderns).

Have they finally found out the secret of fired bricks or do they still air dry them?


Masonry hasn't been shit in at least 50 years, but niggers do it now; they love all the secret society crap and it is actually a sort of thing for retired gang members. Trayvon Martin's Crip father was a Mason in that vein-- all the Masons in his group were Crips. I suspect that's a pretty typical thing.

You see some af & am black Masons up north, not a lot here in Texas.. but there are some. Most exclusively black lodges at f&am aka clandestine Masons. We still consider them brothers in a way, but will not discuss (((business)))with them.

>f&am aka clandestine
You guys are the only place to do this, how do you not know how it works?


I do know how it works. If they don't have all the light, how can they even be tried? Hence.. "clandestine" famalam. They are brothers though, so I will help one in need. Whereas some random wearing a square and compass faking the funk, gets no love.

>I do know how it works
Apparently not, if you think AF&AM or F&AM actually matters.
Protip: They're still going to be American/PW Rite, and those few letters aren't the decider if they're dodgy or not.

You are a fucking moron. Masonry is about tradition, pageantry and believing in a higher power. Most of the time is spent on meetings and rehearsals about the ceremonies. The biggest thing masons do is deciding which charity they will donate to. You sir are a coon and fantasist

ancient free and accepted is recognized by the grand lodge, free and accepted is not.

Which Grand Lodge?
You're still not getting all those letters mean is who from the UK originally chartered them prior to the Union of 1813

Do you get it now why #BlackLivesMatter?

who cares all masons are useful idiots

^this is 100% correct

Almost all of the "Prince Hall" lodges in my state are irregular.

The large majority of them are weird, Nation of Islam groups of "masons."

the funniest thing about them is that for all their
>ogga-booga BLACK POWER!
talk... they want nothing more badly than to be recognized as a brother mason well met by actual white brethren in legit lodges.

I can't stand them because they are consistently giving the Craft a bad name as they are always engaged in crimes and fraud within their communities.


Whats the craft?

I suppose that is a bit vague...

was I speaking of the only actual degrees of the blue?

Was I using it as a catch-all phrase for all UGL approved rites and bodies?

I don't even know myself to be frank...

I do know that 90% of these negro lodges are not legitimate however and their members are consistently involved in crimes against their own communities, which is rather antithetical polished jewels...

The craft is just a catch all phrase, we use in the us when referring to the work, or lodges as a whole.

Craft Freemasonry. It refers to the Craft lodge (EA, FC, and MM degrees), the Mark Master degree(s) which can be separate, and the Holy Royal Arch.
They're what's considered proper Freemasonry, and are non-sectarian, where most of the appendant degrees are Christian only.

The whole point of the masons is to have contacts across all sectors and facets of society. How much they get up to will probably vary between groups and activity.

>The whole point of the masons is to have contacts across all sectors and facets of society

It goes a little deeper than that.

How much they get up to will probably vary between groups and activity.

This is why one group does not recognize the other.

>The whole point of the masons is to have contacts across all sectors and facets of society.

Oh... I suppose I was mistaken this whole time!

thank (You) for correcting my record!

All Masons are homosexuals, what do you thing they get up to behind those closed doors? It's a massive lemonparty.

The craft of speculative masonry, rather than operative masonry.