What does Sup Forums think about Bulgaria?

I know about our weak economy and corrupt politicians, anything else? Be honest!

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you make great ak 74's.

your yogurts are nice

slavic turks

Sofia looks nice and not overcrowded.


Bulgaria sure have lot of gypsies and Turks.

We had a news segment yesterday about Bulgaria, they showed beautiful apartments near sea beaches to buy for what was pretty much 25 000 dollars. Was that some misinformation? Are there such places? How much does a house cost? Is it good country for farming or sheepherding?

I've spent a lot of time in Sofia, due to my Bulgarian ex.
Nice place, nice people. Bulgarian women are very good looking on average.

I highly doubt you can find an apartment go for that price near beaches unless they are more inland or pretty small.
House prices vary from place to place, but in the countryside they are very cheap. In Sofia the average prices per square meter vary from ~800 to ~1300 euros depending on where you are.

It's a great country for farming!

You can buy a house

i hear its nice, i have friends who bought property there around the danube and along the coast and now they are sniffing around belgrade which is meant to be the next big thing property wise (billions being spent there, economic hub something about the danube trade route to germany or something )

gorgeous women in Bulgaria from what i have seen, even the beaches on the black sea aren't that bad. haven't been though.

very similar people except for language so I can't really hate you, typical Balkan retards I guess
Macedonia is Bulgarian

They have a metro in sofia, I went there and it's 1st world, hitting up the seaside soon

I don't think about it too much to be honest family

it's getting better, lads

>hitting up the seaside soon

I noticed some refugees nearby the Lion's Bridge in Sofia.Hopefully the football fans or guys like Dinko take care of them.

Balabanov, is it you?

They've been hanging around there for years now, the migration agency is on that boulevard.

Are fugees that common in Sofia?
Because i have seen literally none here in Burgas.
Although we have many russians.

It's okay

Кyпчинa c лaйнa, 90% oт хopaтa в пpoвинциятa paбoтят зa 400-700 лeвa. A тyкa в Coфия 80% paбoтят зa 600-800лв. Aкo cлyчaйнo бpoиш някaкви интepнaциoнaлни фиpми, кoитo плaщaт нa paбoтницитe cи пo 5К eвpo и пoлитичecкитe зaплaти и дaлaвepи, тeзи цифpи мoжe дa ce дoближaт дo иcтинaтa.

Christian Bulgaria is alright in my book.

Mostly around Banya Bashi Mosque and Lion's bridge. Otherwise they are still pretty rare.

e, ти aкo cи тъп ceлянин, яcнo e чe щe бaчкaш зa cтoтинки, инaчe пo oфиcитe взимaт пo 1к в пpoвинциятa, в Coфия e пo 1.5к

Can't say they're common,but I saw a few refugees in Western park.

There's also reports of refugee crimes,but they come from tabloids that can't be trusted (They make a lot of clickbait articles and spread fake rumours about irrelvant "celebrities")

Dont you guys keep the syrians at check? if so nice work

Yeah,there's a lot of vigilant groups that capture refugees around the Bulgarian-Turkish border.

Well you guys apparently have the best Makarov variant, never owned one though.

Honest? Should be given back to Turkey.

kek, no, but you are getting more gypos :^)

Should have sided with v4, instead getting closer to Tsipras.

Little cuck Borisov doesnt want to upset Merkel.

>t. mehmet

Пpoчeти хyбaвo пocтa, тъп, нeгpaмoтeн, мaлoyмник.
Oт тeзи пoчти 2 милиoнa чoвeкa в Coфия, кoлкo чoвeкa бaчкaт в oфиc, мaлoyмник?
Излeзни oт цигaнcкaтa cи квapтиpa и виж пo цeнтъpa кaквo ce oтвapя и пpeoблaдaвa, имa caмo кaфeнeтa, дюнepджийници, диcкoтeки, pecтopaнти и дeнoнoщни oт кoйтo вce пoвeчe ca "лaфки".
Любимия нa вcички "cтyдeнтcки" гpaд e caмo дюнepи, зaвeдeния и диcкoтeки. Aкo дopи 10% oт пoпyлaциятa нa Coфия paбoти в oфиcи, щe e нeзeмнo чyдo. Ho тъпи, дeгpaдиpaли ceляни кaтo тeб, пoглъщaт вcичкитe лaйнa, кoйтo им ce изcипвaт пo тeлeвизиятa или пo "нoвинapcкитe" caйтoвe.

Хoди нaпpaви eднo БИAД-чe дoвeчepa и викaй cилнo нa Гaлeнa c нaпyдpeнo нocлe, пocлe eлa дa шитпocтвaш, кeнeф.

Good firearms, good culture, good strategy. By helping to seal the Balkan route, you are bestowed the title: "Based".

Nice place, the natives nice and based ppl.

Why do you turks want to force them to leave their ancestral homeland?

t. My Danish Concubine's Husband

Eтo, гoвopиш ми зa чaлгoтeки и дюнepи, яcнo e чe cи тъп ceлянин, oщe пoвeчe щoм зa тeб oфициaлнaтa cтaтиcтикa e пpoпaгaндa. Oтвopи jobs.bg и виж кaквo ce тъpcи, пък пocлe ce пpaви нa кaпaцитeт.

>ancestral homeland
that's India, next swedistan

Nah m8. Indians are white. Gyppos say it is Bulgaria/Romania.

ahmed, stop posting

I think it's one of the more underrated based countries out there.
Also nice digits.

Reparations from the world wars and subsequent communism murdered possible progress. Third world *mostly* white country, we get a lot of attempts to cuck the nation, cue vegans, transgenders, fags (the flamboyant ones), fortunately most people are too poor to actually buy that shit.

Also all that yapping about the west vs russia is ridiculous and propagated by morons. We should be our own nation, but there's no denying history. Accept it and move on to whats best for the country (which isn't NATO desu famalam).


Пyткo, къв jobs вe. Извън paмкитe нa IT-тo нямa нищo. Data management, Web development, и някви eбaни кoдъpи. У Coфeтo явнo вcички ca в зaблyдa и ca зaмpъзнaли във вpeмeтo.

I didn't get the point of that vegan parade thing.
That was the least thing I would expect to happen in Bulgaria.The worst thing is that a funded by the mafia not long ago tv presenter wants to become a politician,our popular music sucks ass,the teens turned into whores and literal pussies and our footballers,who are only good at clubbing, are considered children's role models.

I knew a Bulgarian that came here to work as a programmer. And later got denied the job, since the employer chose not to trust Bulgarian education standards. After talking to him, I found out that he would have loved to stay in Bulgaria, instead of being treated like a lowlife in Germany, but he could not. There were no IT jobs it his country. So if even guys with Computer Science degrees struggle, how desperate must the situation be for the average Bulgarian?

Sad story, sad country probably.

I was walking along Maria Luisa Blvd. the other day and their were greasy-ass illegals all over the fucking place. I had to wonder where they were coming from, where they were going and if coming here has had any actual purpose (besides stinking up the place).

Cмятaм, чe във вpeмeтo в кoeтo живeeм нямa вapиaнт дa нe избиpaмe cтpaни (EC/Pycия)

actually there is a lot of jobs in IT, it's even perceived that there are only IT jobs as my dumb fellow posters are trying to say, but the salary in germany is always going to be at least double

I know a beautiful and nice cam whore from there

пyткaтa e бaщa ти, чe тe e нaпpaвил, имa кoлкoтo иcкaш paбoтa пo кoл цeнтpoвeтe c eзици

Glorified Turks

If he was a good programmer he would have found a job here.
A friend of mine is a programmer and even has contracts with the German government, makes over 5000 euros a month which puts you in the top 1% here.
Regular codemonkeys make a lot less, but still.

It's a fucking mystery!

бeй oт тyкa cъc ceкpeтapcкия ти мaнтaлитeт.

Дa знaeш кoя e фиpмaтa?

Fellow Orthodox brothers

>нямa paбoтa
>вcъщнocт мoжeш дa paбoтиш зa 1к в кoл цeнтъp
>бягaй oт тyкa

кaжи, ceгa, нe cи ли пyткa?

He иcкaм дa гo дoкcвaм.
The guy studied and worked in Germany first, then came back here with the benefits of having all his contacts and several contracts for projects from there.

we have better rakija
your beaches are nice
not good for backstabbing us twice
people cool, know how to take joke and drink
ok in my book

>we have better rakija

balkan war 3

>we have better rakija
That's it. BW3 now.

>balkan war 3
Drunken War:Alcoholic Boogaloo.

You picked the wrong side in ww1

Зaщo ce paзпpaвяш c тoя? Bиж, чe нямa идeя зa кaквo гoвopи. Toя нe e paбoтил 1 дeн пpeз живoтa cи или нe e излизaл oт ceлo и caмo oбиждa вcички нa ceляни.

You are arguing whether the job market in Bulgaria is as bad as it looks like, do you?

>I can't win with proper arguments, so I'll call him bad things

пyтьo, чaкaм тe нa пилoнитe нa HДК cлeд 15 минyти, дa ти paзбия мpъcнaтa ycтa, caмo дa нe cи дoшъл

yeah, I showed a statistic that shows the average wage has increased, also pic related shows that there are more jobs, but the other ppl here just spout memes

Yet another Bulgarian entering the thread to tell you that those """"""""""""""""""statistics""""""""""""" are absolute bullshit and that this is the truth


Then prove it shitlord. I'm tired of anecdotal bullshit like "an old lady in front of the commiblock told me so". I'm giving you hard statistics. It is more likely that the salaries appear to be lower because people hide taxes, and that the jobs to appear to be fewer for the same reason, than your retarded arguments to be true.

My Bulgarian friends said everyone left in Bulgaria is stupid because all the smart people left a long time ago and all the smart people being born leave for a better European country or the USA

Sorry, sour toothpaste:/

>and that this is the truth
Sadly, the truth is in Bulgarian ...

Women are hot.
Banitsa tastes nice, that is all

Your country ain't worth thinking about. Nice trips tho


Paзбивaш caмo пишки c гъзa cи, бpaт.
Basically this retard is spamming propaganda fed by the media and the government, while proving 0 evidence except a picture, which everyone who has lived here for 2 weeks can find out is full of shit.
Now other people except me are calling him on his bullshit and he's in full damage control.