Refugees refused entry to Poland

>Ostra selekcja na polskiej granicy. "Dochodzi do ograniczania praw cudzoziemców do ochrony międzynarodowej"

"Severe selection at the Polish borders. Restriction of foreigners' rights to international protection occurs""

>Cztery tadżyckie rodziny, które od kilku tygodni bezskutecznie próbowały złożyć wniosek o ochronę na granicy polsko-białoruskiej, na początku sierpnia musiały wrócić do Rosji, skąd prawdopodobnie zostaną odesłane do Tadżykistanu – zaalarmowała nas Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, po tym jak opisywaliśmy, jak coraz więcej uciekinierów z tego kraju stara się o status uchodźcy w Polsce. – Jedna z tych rodzin to działacze młodzieżowej organizacji przy zdelegalizowanej w ubiegłym roku głównej partii opozycyjnej w Tadżykistanie. Ludzie ewidentnie zagrożeni w swojej ojczyźnie. Mimo to nie doprosili się wpuszczenia do Polski – tłumaczy Marta Szczepanik z HFPC.

Four Tajik families who were vainly trying to submit a protection application at the Polish- Belarussian border, were forced to return to Russia at the beginning of August, where they will probably be sent back to Tajikistan - Helsinki Committee for Human Rights alarmed us after we described how more refugees from that country try to apply for refugee status in Poland. – One of these families consists of activists of youth organization of main opposition party outlawed in previous year in Tajikistan. People that are definitely endangered in their homeland. Beside that they were refused entry to Poland- explains Marta Szczepanik from Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.

>Badacze rozmawiali z ponad 60 osobami, które kilka, kilkanaście – rekordziści nawet kilkadziesiąt – razy zostały odesłane z granicy w Terespolu.
Researchers talked to over 60 people, who were denied entry several times – record-holders even several dozen times – at the border pass in Terespol.

Other urls found in this thread:,ostra-selekcja-na-polskiej-granicy-dochodzi-do-ograniczania-praw-cudzoziemcow-do-ochrony-miedzynarodowej.html

>Statystyki wskazują, że odmów wjazdu do Polski jest coraz więcej. W pierwszej połowie 2015 r. SG wydała ich 17 tys., a w pierwszej połowie tego roku już 42,3 tys. Wzrost o 140 proc. jest więc nieproporcjonalnie większy od 15-proc. wzrostu ruchu na granicach.

Statistics show that there more entry refusals to Poland. In the first half of 2015 the Border Guard issued 17 000 entry refusals, and in the first half of the current year over 43 300. Thus the 140% increase is disproportionately than 15% increase of border traffic.

Sorry for flaws in my translation.,ostra-selekcja-na-polskiej-granicy-dochodzi-do-ograniczania-praw-cudzoziemcow-do-ochrony-miedzynarodowej.html

czuje dobrze

Keksimus maximus xDDDD

i envy you poland

V4 is among the last bastions of sanity in this world.

God bless you
Please hold me while dying

And I love it.

What should we say brother? The Poles always were glorius based tough guys :)

You don't need to die, you can start anew. Come to Hungary. Become a Magyar. A lot of Germans have done so in the past 1000 years, including my ancestors.


you know and i know that people don't want to learn your meme language becouse its just too hard


It's amazing how true that is. I really, really hope the EU is dismantled to make way for a powerful new V4 group. Maybe even Intermarium.

Whatever the case may be, Pilsudski's ideas were definitely ahead of their time. Perhaps a century after he attempted to form an Intermarium alliance, it will actually happen.

Every language can be learned within a year or two tops if you live in the country and make an effort.

Eastern Europe Best Europe

It isn't that bad. I have seen Africans who managed to cope with it quite well. Hungarian can be learned as long as you are not intimidated by it.

This story made me realize how lucky Americans are that there was not a decent, functioning country on the new continent.

Had there been, it's pretty likely that the colonists would have just packed up and moved when they got annoyed with British oppression instead of toughening up and fighting for what they believed in.

Tajikistan sucks? Then do something about it don't bring it here.

Those statistics are fake.

Yes! Glad to be part polish. Though I'm still embarrassed by my German side.

At least I have blue eyes though.

Fucking nazis

>muh heritage
fuck off

I just want to say thank you to OP for translating the text.

Germans and French, take note.

Hahaha oh boy, triggered?

Going to listen to some of my grandpas polka and admire muh heritage.

My ancestry is polish, is there a polish db I can trace back?

>leave a country where there's no war
>pass safe countries where there's no war
>apply in a country that's a gateway to countries that are rich and hand out free money
>get denied
We're like a trusty gate that can only be dismantled from the inside.

>Sorry for flaws in my translation.
You did very well :)
The more I learn of Poland the more I want to visit.

How are Polish girls?

Do you speak polish fluently? Do you know history of Poland? If no then you are just filthy murican who felt for muh heritage meme and you should off yourself

>Safest country in EU

Too bad there is nothing to do other than washed up ex-Yugoslavian pussy

You have to ask?

Lack of dangers means lack of adventures.

You either live an exciting life or a safe one.

>People that are definitely endangered in their homeland. Beside that they were refused entry to Poland- explains Marta Szczepanik from Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.

Are Croatian girls better than Polish ones? I've never visted Eastern Europe, redpill me

>Poland is so shit even refugees don't want live here
Huh really makes you think
I hate this country

>safest country in eu
>2nd safest country in the world
>people still talk shit about us
feels good man



>calling anybody filthy

you're a soros paid commie or a legit self hating retard?

Np mate

undergade leafyfaggot detected. gtfo

Don't worry mate, this will happen soon enough. The war about this issue was lost. If you think they'll just let you be happy, then you are mistaking.

"We are gonna force this war upon Poland whether it likes it or not."
T. Globalists

this is fake data u know.

Also all this reactionary scum deserves to be gulag'd.

We should go back to People's Republic ways.

kek love these pictures.

Ten kraj to żywe gówno bez żadnych perspektyw xD

There seems to be an even divide between nationalistic fascist cuties and brainwashed westernized sluts. Not much middle ground, so it just depends on your luck I suppose.


>this is fake data
is this the polish version of correct the record?




No to wypierdalaj podwieku jak ci tutaj źle XD no już zapierdalaj czyscić kible w anglii o ile matka ci pozwoli xDDDDDDDDDD


i like refuges and want some in my old shit country but people here are so dumb and HURR TERRORIST ATTACKS DURR



I am feeling you bro.

>tfw no arabic princess



Już się nie posraj wykopku

Getting stabbed in the kidney by a rape refugee while you're walking to school is not an adventure, you fucking retard. Rock climbing or sky diving is an adventure. Filling your country with Muslims who want to kill your family is not.


Based Poland!

If you ever have any doubt about rejecting refugees, come to Berlin and have a look at what accepting them leads to.

Keep up the holdout guys.


>half of people make less than 450 american pesos a month
you forgot the most important thing m8

my current feelings on Poland


to godło Gdyni?




When the time comes in year or two, will you take white refugees?

>postowanie papieża
zawiało nowokurwą, tam twój kara podludziu ----->

>US of Freedom
>best and greatest empire in entire Universe
>poor third world country, which only advantage is low numer of ehtnical minorities


You don't want live here lad it's shit


ale go piecze

I dont get these below 9gag tier polish memes

is it a group of people doing this, or is there a handful of underage retards always ready to flood a polish thread?

Compared to what we'll be in a few years it might not be shit.


Nice Proxy, Nigger, you seem buttblast, have you been cucked by jaroslaw?


you forgot about following:
>jewish puppet
>destroyed whole middle east
>"""secretly""" funds terrorism
>nigger as preesident
>spews political corectness bullshit

Forum o gównie i krawędzi to poważny biznes dla ciebie widzę xD


wow edgy

Poland seems like the Nebraska of Europe. I like that.

Congrats to Poland for doing what it is supposed to as a Schengen border state. It's a low bar, but still better than Greece, Hungary or Croatia combined.


sage w karaczanersa zamulacza jebanego


Mam realny ból dupy z powodu Polaków, bylbym największym patriotą, gdyby nie to, że ci ludzie są tacy zjebani. Ich gospodarka jest jebana, lokalne i ogólnokrajowe układy niszczą państwo, suma zagrożeń stojących przed nami w przyszłych dekadach jest tragicznie duża, spekuluje się o kolejnych falach emigracji a jakość debaty publicznej jest zbliżona do rozmowy najebanych meneli.

Ale nie, powtarzaj za mną, "Islam jest głównym problemem Polski, musimy porozmawiać o Islamie, bo to jest na czasie, o tym mówią na Sup Forums, my tacy światowi, pogadajmy o Islamie. Nie mówmy o opiece paliatywnej, o niskim odsetku zatrudnienia wśród starych, o upadku publicznego zbiorkomu na prowincji. Odłóżmy ten temat na za 10-20 lat, bo przecież media nam powiedziały, że mamy rozmawiać o zamachach w Europie Zachodniej, nic się innego nie liczy, na niczym innym się nie znamy.

Ale gdy za 10-20 lat jebnie w nas z całą mocą konsekwencja odkładania dyskusji o ważnych rzeczach na później, będą pytać, czyja to wina? I wymyślą, że pewnie zachodnich banków, które przestały pożyczać pieniądze. Nie łudźcie się, że dojdzie do jakichś refleksji, po prostu media, kontrolowane przez beneficjentów systemu, zmienią temat. A za 100 lat takiego narodu jak Polacy nie będzie, globalizacja będzie skuteczniejsza niż zaborcy.

Z Bogiem, rodacy.




Poland is my favorite place outside of the US

Catholics everywhere, good food, little degeneracy, and the areas untainted by the Soviets are some of the most beautiful in Europe