Letterboxd: the identity politics movie aggregator

>using letterboxd when "Trigger Warning" keyboard warriors filtering everything through a Tumblr lens and identity politics now run it.
>it even has a block feature to keep these faggots in a safe space.

Seriously, that site went to shit. letterboxd.com/glazomaniac/ Sally Jane Black is the biggest cringe inducing attention whore there and all of HIS shit gets so many likes. Is there a good alternative or can we take this site back?

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mmmonty and Steve G are worst than him.

>waaaaaahhhh nobody likes my reviews.


Three words you will find in every Sally Jane Black review multiple times.

daviderlich is MCU of letterboxd

Always quips, gets hundreds of likes, review is poor quality always

He also spoils films in reviews without marking them. Fucking heretic.

>tfw a good irl friend likes sallyjaneblack reviews consistently even though """she""" is a fucking retard

the great tragedy of Sally Jane Black is that she's not actually stupid. whenever she puts the effort in and actually analyzes a film, her writing is great, but so many of her reviews are filtered through this insane, echo-chamber worldview that she has that it's just not worth it to try and filter through the garbage for the good reviews.


>first two words to start the review are "You guys..."

Fucking dropped.


This guy is reddit personified. He tries to quip and meme every review and lets not forget one liner quip review and 300 likes.

People like him made way for SJWs to join letterboxd and ruin it entirely.

Yeah, you're right. I thought about creating an account there these days but gave up after browsing the site for a while and realizing it's basically Tumblr's official movie discussion forum

Name some of his reviews that aren't garbage.

>seriously discussing movies on the internet with strangers

I just use it to rate and catalog and keep a watchlist. I have no earthly idea why anyone is into the social aspect, sjw or not

I cant

Guardians of the Galaxy and Moonrise Kingdom come to mind

you're not me, fuck off

>Sally Jane Black
she's actually good because she writes reviews.
Most of letterboxd reviews are just
flooding the top review sections


letterboxd.com/eternalsunshi/ this is by far the worst profile on the site

>user rates a movie 5 stars
>review is about themselves and not the movie/thanking followers

Cinemos can't come any sooner

yeah, there are much worse offenders on the site w/r/t writing """"reviews"""" that really just are virtue signaling blog posts than the occasionally insightful Sally Jane Black (and quip reviews are equally cancerous)

e.g., one of top World of Apu reviews barely talks about the movie and instead rambles on about a transperson's recent breakup ffs


>people who rate almost everything 4 or 5
fuck sjws, these people are the worst thing on letterboxd

I agree about reviews just being blog post most of the time on Letterboxd.
I can't believe the site got worst than Adam Cook or Eli Hayes

Me too, I didn't even really realize there was a social aspect until I saw people sperging about it.

Oh God, Eli Hayes reviewing Mommy is the most embarrassing thing on that entire site. It's an autobiography. Fucking Jesus mate.


it's crazy because when they were around i hated seeing their shit all the time but i'll take those in heartbeat compared to the shit now.

to be fair, he says at the start that it isn't a review.

Pretty much. I also think Adam went to Mubi and Eli still shills his short films nowadays.

Mommy isn't even a good movie. It's an extended episode of a later season of Skins. The only thing Xavier Dolan has going for himself is a good eye for cinematography. His writing is the most melodramatic crybaby bullshit he needs to grow the Fuck out of.

to be fair, he was like 23 or 24 when he was making Mommy. i hope his skills as a writer improve with age, because he's a great director, and Tom at the Farm (which he wrote with Michel Marc Bouchard) is one of my favorite films of all time.

I thought Mommy was pretty effectively emotional but that's because I could relate to it a lot and was easily moved by it. From a more objective standpoint I agree that his writing is melodramatic as fuck. I think he's talented though and I'm pretty excited for his new film with Kit Harrington.

>still using tumblrboxd

are you fucking high op?


it's all your fault for using that garbage website

Is there a better alternative?

it smells bad. beat. music note. camera movement. badass roar. smelly. poo music up to 11. over 11? hell yeah. badass over 11. poop smells. badass action poop.
Review by ToddGaines.

has eli hayes ever made a good review?

haven't seen any of xavier dolan's films yet, been meaning to get around to it. i'm a bit skeptical on mommy, that whole vertical camera set-up is making me hope it's not a movie that relies on that gimmick.


the 1:1 thing is a bit gimmicky but I really don't think the film overall would be any better or worse without it.


Letterboxd needs Emily Jean as a mascot and it'll be good.

I don't use it and I'm fine, there's no reason to use it

this site sounds like a satire, but it's not.

Lol I commented on his insufferable I Am Cuba review and he blocked it and requested that I don't post comments there.

that site is a huge hugbox for tumblrinas



I like it fine as a personal archive for the convenience and clean interface. Just go elsewhere for the social aspect if you like.

Everything you have said is 100% true but i still trust letterboxd more than any other film related website.
Even Sally Jane Black writes some phenomenal reviews from time to time when she isnt discussing a film that lots of people will give her clicks for.
For example, out of the blue one day she did a review of Stalker and its genuinley one of the finest reviews on the whole website and there is not even a trace of the kind of identity politics bullshit thats in her reviews of more popular films.
I dont mind people doing that shit when they review movies if they appear as if they actually watched the film, to use a bad Sally Jane Black review for an example, in the review for La La Land the extreme dislike of the film stems 100% from how John Legends character is portrayed, but in the analysis of that character its abundantly clear that she had not watched the film and instead read some BLM activists twitter rant about it.

to be fair, its extremely annoying when older (or younger r film users) film buffs lambast you for liking a movie thats not in the film bro/IMDB pre approved canon

well Paul Dano *is* terrible


Fuck off sally

Nah, that's only annoying if you're insecure in your tastes and can't explain why you like the movies you like

fuck off reddit

This. More people should check out RYM's film section

Can someone translate this nonsense into english?

Just use IMDb for that.

i completely disagree with everything he says but that review is entirely coherent. maybe you're just retarded.

IMDB's UI sucks ass, though. the site looks like complete shit.

Sounds like you're the one that wants a safe space dude

The quippy, couple words long "reviews" are so awful, holy shit

One of the tryhards of lb,, people eat that shit up because he's on the popular this week list

Oh wow you got me. Nice try identity politic faggot, but no. Way to try to spin the insult back (every one of your type is now resorting to the "Well it looks like YOURE THE ONE who needs a safe space xD" line it seems. You're not making a point. Just parroting each other.)when it's really your autism shitting up places here. Go back to Twitter, or trying to grandstand while a girl you're into is looking but pretend it's not about specifically for her to know yours on her and specifically her side. You're sad.

what said, I just like Letterboxd's UI better. Since I don't care about the social aspect, the UI is really all that matters.

I had a conversation with this person on there before. It was about the movie the 13th. I told her it was a race bait movie and that as a black guy I found it offensive. One of the posters didn't believe that I was black, and Sally pretty much shut down any opposing view I had in regards of the movie. She blocked me afterwards.

she has a terrible habit of completely ignoring other people's opinions. it's part of the unfortunate hugbox/echo chamber mentality she has..

She's a sociopath which sucks to be honest, because I agree with what the previous Annan said. She has phenomenal writing capability and analysis, but all of this is overshadowed by her sociopath mentality.

It also doesn't help the fact shes got a lot of followers like mmmonty who never question her.

evidently you have literally never discussed film with a reddit film bro


>t-trannies will stop existing if i post sarcastically about them on the internet long enough!
you can't hide forever, user.


Gas yourself furfaggot /theprez

reminder that even SJB doesn't know what """she""' is

and that's okay. she wants to be called she, and it's not hurting anyone.


It's insane. You are enabling and encouraging future suicides, faggot

actually, the only people who encourage and enable future suicides are the ones who ostracize and bully people for feeling differently from them.

no stake in this, but the moonrise kingdom review is startlingly poorly written dreck that should've been a quarter the length

preach brother

>Not using TheMovieDB
It even has discussion forums.

The fact that you are stupid enough to cut your dick off and turn it inside out doesn't make you a woman.

It makes you a person that has a 50% chance to die in a suicide if you are American, post-op suicide rate is insane.

mubi is much better since the character limit filters out PURE IDEOLOGY reviewers like Sally.

It's brilliant actually.

I like Mommy and the new one he made. Haven't seen his earlier films, but dude's got it.

And hee looks super autistic in his profile picture. I wouldn't be surprised if he was, though, just read his Resident Evil series reviews.

I hate this fag. There was one review where he was bitching about muh patriarchy and white people and just couldn't take it anymore, commented to her "YOU ARE A FUCKING MAN, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU BITCHING ABOUT"
Bitch blocked me.

SJB is far above average when it comes to amateur film criticism in a film aggregator. However, most of the times she does not talk about the film at all, and she's fairly thin skinned.

Rightly so. Don't be such a cunt.


>Mao Quote
am I supposed to believe he's an adult?