How do we stop this?

How do we stop this?

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go throw a fit on twitter threatening to boycott

What's the issue? Was Moon Girl originally white?

Nobody cares.

>diversity means black people

what's wrong with this? it's just the same as valeria richards only black

and it's a decent role model for black kids and girls at the same time, why not?

How DARE the writers of a fictional universe decide who that universes SMARTEST PERSON is?

I demand a fictional IQ recount.

Because just like valarie she is an annoying cunt

I demand representation for dumbasses. All the new marvel diversity are super geniuses and that's abelist.

If she's so smart, why is devil dinosaur?

>black people
>role models

We tried this already in the era of Bill Cosby. And even he ended up being a horrible rapist.

Black people are doomed because their culture is doomed. Some smart ones will slip through the cracks, but as a majority they will always be sub-90 IQ retards because that's exactly what all the black people before them (and people who sell them shit) want. Even this bullshit isn't free of malice considering it's only done to win libtard brownie points, no pun intended.

Same I also want representation for people who think all this shit is stupid and stay away from it.

Black IQ is actually increasing though as time goes on




The sad part though is this is only because even 1/16th blacks are counted as black and the number of interracial children is rising.

Obviously as time goes on there are gonna be more 'black' geniuses hogging the front pages because they skipped a grade in high school solely due to the fact they have 15/16 white blood.

cosby didnt do anything though. the 'praise black people for being criminal' lobby didnt like him for calling them on their bullshit

>she is an annoying cunt
Unlike the other contenders?


>Samuel L Jackson, Snoop Dogg, etc have a significant role in driveby shootings, even if triggers weren't actually pulled by them
>have a public image centered around being a violent criminal, but 'haha naw not really for real hahaha except yeah'
>beloved celebrities with huge roles and -cartoon voiceovers-

>Cosby works extensively in trying to make people in general better, steer kids away from bad behavior
>gets called out for basically 'existing in the 70s when everyone was having drug-fueled sex parties which he participated in'
>despite no conviction, is immediately condemned purely for the accusation, has his show pulled, his statues removed, instant pariah

>Modern liberal shows deal with irrelevant bullshit like gay feelings and cringy animated refferences

>meanwhile, in a show that gets ripper apart for being outdated

Fat Albert got fucking real.
It got fucking real a whole fucking lot.


Don't buy the comic at all.


We stop buying marvel products and stop discussing their practices.

Don't buy it.

moon boy was originally an ape

But Anons, he's a comic book nerd, that means he has to buy the book even if he hates it, and the angrier it makes him the more copies he has to buy. Remember what Brevoort said!

So they haven't changed anything.

Oh by the way I suck cocks.

These ironic posts are more tedious than social justice pandering.

One more Marvel Title I won't be reading. Seriously, when their Star Wars line starts to decline Marvel comics are boned.

>tfw desi
>mfw we'll never get anything else in comics barring Kamala 'holds up spork XD' Khan


>How do we stop this?
If you don't like it go live in Russia.

If you care you legitimately care about this your autism is off the charts there's no hope for you

If you've got a problem with autism, you're in the wrong place.

>The sad part though is this is only because even 1/16th blacks are counted as black and the number of interracial children is rising.
Is it really only because of mixed ancestry? The number of high achieving Nigerian Americans kind proves that high IQs can naturally exist in the population. What percentage of the population is actually mixed? If it is increasing, then that doesn't mean it's just increasing for black/white mixes. It seems perfectly possible to have higher IQ blacks mate with each other to increase the average. It seems to be happening with the sub group of nigerian americans who ALREADY make the front page with very little white ancestry

It really says something when Marvel believes they have to drive forward black role models with fictional characters

At this point, Marvel is toxic waste, they can't have any character not have some racial or culture bias as their baggage

Ben Carson's view applies here

And you know what, a Black Spiderman actually COULD have worked, they should have just given up on Miles and started over

Moon girl rule 63

Then put your money into Chulk, Nova, Silk, or Ms. Marvel

>they should have just given up on Bendis and started over
The only time Bendis was ever good were when Icon was still alive and his Daredevil.

>and it's a decent role model for black kids and girls at the same time, why not?
Honestly I never understood why role models had to be the same race as you.

I 't mean that as in I do get why kids would like that but I just think it's dumb.

Characters that are specifically made to act as that never really turn out well. And what a kid will latch onto for a role model is something that is hilariously hard to control.

This image confuses the fuck out of me. It doesn't seem to know who it wants to make fun of.

I think what I hate most is that just about no one was reading this series, right?
Yet, again, such a simple thing like this gets people in a ferver.
The OP doesn't even bring up race, amd people ALREADY go head first into complaining about it.

Why are the black characters ALWAYS depicted in mainstream material as being nerds/geeks?

Proving my point exactly, Marvel is toxic waste, it CAN'T do anything without that baggage anymore

Apparently your only experience with mainstream media is in the past 2-3 years?

We demand higher expectations for writers.

The problem isn't diversity per se. Consider pic related, for example. He's a nigger, and from a nigger country, and he's got strengths and weaknesses. The end result is a heroic but relatable character, not a fucking mary sue.

Any character that needs to be described via a comparison to something or someone else ("BEST AT X", "BETTER THAN Y AT X", "THE NEW Y", "ONLY PERSON WHO CAN X"), then you've created a bad character. Granted, not all characters have to be good characters, but if you're just writing bad characters, it's time to stop writing or at least reassess why you're writing.

You can be a nigger and be a good character. You can be gay and be a good character. But being a member of a given race, or gender, or nation, or group which likes to masturbate to a given topic is making the character's entire personality and worldview dependent on something pre-existing, which no living person ever is unless you are a low functioning autist savant.

Another example of this shit is Rey in the new Star Wars. Girl Jedi are nothing new. Girls in Star Wars are nothing new either. But what made Rey stand out in a bad way was she was good at everything. "Better than Han Solo at piloting his own ship, which she never drove before." That's unnatural. Not in a 'it was magic or the force' way of unnatural, but in a 'no person acts like this' way. Rey has to be bad at SOMETHING. Some flaw, some insecurity, some bias or false belief. Even fucking Yoda was wrong at some point. His fuckups earned him his place in that swamp, and thus his fuckups made his character better to learn about.

But what is there to learn about "Moon Girl" or "Rey" or "the New Thor"? Nothing. They are dependent on something preexisting, and thus we already know their story. And we aren't intrigued.

The only time when this dependency = bad writing is not correct is titles or roles. Like Green Lantern. There can be many GL's, but only one Thor.

user, it's Marvel, the nerds and geeks have superpowers

the only mainstream Chads are Thor and Namor

Now when you say ALWAYS, do you mean most of the time or all of the time?

>I never understood why role models had to be the same race as you.
They don't, and that has never been the case.
It's about a role model being similar to you, but better, which leads to someone of the same race, same gender, similar background, or whatever being a role model, but it's never limited by that.
There are an unlimited amount of things that can make a good role model, and none of that is det on them having to be the same skin color.


From my experience kids also want to look like the people they admire.

My niece used to (and maybe still does) think she was ugly when she was 7 because she wasn't white like the Disney princesses she liked.

You don't have to tell me that. My role models growing up was a Japanese guy, a white french Canadian and a fictional Irish guy.

But why is that a thought process

I dislike the idea of a kid that young being part of current Marvel considering all the trumped up drama superheroes are forced into, so yeah, I avoided it. Plus the mind-swapping with Devil is kind of on the nose here.

Were there any other words you didn't mean to say?

think that had to do more with being a girl than a black girl

So does that make Riri the second smartest? Is Cho being pushed to being number 9 or does he move to the top 5 because hes also a minority? And im guessing the new kid wasp is gonna be the "scientist supreme".

Because it's also about projection.
As much as its passed off, here, people of color can have it tough, whether it's because they're of color or not. So they see this guy on TV, or they see a guy in a comic, and they look like them with the same skin and same problems, and they feel better about themselves, in a way.
It's not really any different from having Peter Parker be your role model because he's also a nerd or he also has dead parents and uncle, but he still chooses to do the right thing, in the end.

At least DC has total fucking idiots represented on the front lines with Hal Jordan.

most in the last couple of years? If we extend the margin back multiple, multiple decades, then you're going to have to show some evidence.

ignore it. i'm ignoring marvel for at least 18 months, i've found that's the timeframe when the shit changes in comics start to fail and begin to be sent to limbo.


I think the difference is Nigeria and some other African nations have, for a while, been forced to face up to their situation in some way or another and either deal with cultural issues or just get to work on other shit. Obviously their situation isn't GOOD overall, since there's a long ass way to climb before they even hit neutral, but they're at least beginning to address issues about their culture.

Black america, and a lot of other black nations, are obsessed with white people in an unhealthy way. They won't crack open a book for fear of "acting white". They can't take care of themselves. If they leave the spot they were born in they lose all their friends.The same thing happens in basically every black group, including Nigera, to a good degree. I remember one Nigerian blogger had the gall to say people in his country have serious problems with time management and in the comments section some of his countrymen said he was trying to imitate white people by demanding they go to work on time.

Which is why most of the black people you see in politics and media that are taken seriously at some point or another abandon the community entirely.

It's both. She wants to look like them because they're beautiful in her eyes. But she realized that she can't look like them because of her hair,skin tone, etc. and that made her feel ugly.

Because when blacks go nerd/geek/weeb they go all out

Smart "pure" black people do exist, I've met a few. But yeah, they're not nearly as common as smart whites. Like some other user said, it's pretty likely that high IQ blacks will end up mating with either each other or high IQ whites, which can account for that increasing average.

>Samuel L Jackson involved in a driveby

Can I get some links on this, never heard of it but I'm interested.

Sup Forums Duh. It's making fun of everyone, and it's both sides 100%

I would say don't buy it but people already aren't

How about Wolverine, Thor, Hulk (not Banner)?

>It's been so long since anybody told me the truth...
>I don't recognize it anymore


So I don't care about black science girl or anything like that, but
>Moon Girl, smartest person in the Marvel Universe
Are they just deciding right away she's the smartest one? Shit, there are lots of extremely smart people in the Marvel Universe, can any other writer in Marvel just come out and make a hero and market them as "look, this guy's the best one, no one can beat him"

Just reeks of some fanfiction shit.

Also I've heard for years that writers should avoid making characters that are 'stereotypes', as in they follow really common/overused character traits from their archetype. Does that suddenly not count now that it's "genius little girl" that's being overused to fuck?

>From my experience kids also want to look like the people they admire.

No, I disagree completely.

As much of a common sense statement on human nature it is, we don't always admire those who look like us or even those who act like us. How many kids IN ANY ERA had anything in common with Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman? Almost none.

Granted, making a character similar to your target audience helps, but it's impossible and impractical to try to make it an exact fit. Peter Parker has the opportunity to share in teenage angst and shenanigans, but most Spiderman fans do not live in New York, work at a newspaper, or share in any of Parker's motivations and beliefs.

Superheroes are instead an ideal, something to strive to be similar to even if it's impossible. Like war propaganda, or the ancient stories about heroes like Odysseus and Achilles. Nobody was ever like Odysseus or Achilles, they're ideals.

And what do liberals idealize? Equality of outcome. Everyone HAS to be made a superhero, or else SOMEONE is oppressed by the evil white patriarchy. Thor cannot be a specific Norse God, there has to be a female Thor because EQUALITY!

Again, this is an ideal. The appeal of superheroes have not changed, and will never change, but what is idealized has indeed changed. Individual achievement and ability is no longer valued, instead identity and having the right beliefs - the author's beliefs, of course - are what is valued.

Just look at the new Star Trek series. What is the first thing we learn about it? Is it the moral issues that will drive the series? What alien races they'll meet? Some update to Star Trek's 'wagon train in the stars' premise? No, it's that Sulu is gay because his actor is gay. Despite Takei telling everyone "ummm, no, Sulu is straight and I'm just an actor".

What is idealized? Ideology, equality of outcomes, self-flagallation, and a kind of new white man's burden. It's sick.

This is pretty much universal to the black female experience. I have a grand total of one black friend but she's talked about this. It can really trip you out when you're told over and over again that pretty girl is synonymous with white girl.

This is why we need more black girls in media. So being a little black girl isn't so shitty, and also to feed my ebony fetish.

Not recent. Also not not "diverse." Hell look at Chulk. He's one of the smartest Chars in the MU and he gets to keep his wits as Hulk. Yes. He's not that new, but him being Hulk is.

Miles, Kamala, Riri, Lunetta all super smart. All in schools for smart people.

>now they're crying about moon girl

You guys are on some shill shit and are going to cry about everything brown no matter what.

I mean like holy shit, we already know she isn't the smartest and one of the main things she's dealing with is not being as smart as she thought.

I swear you niggers don't even read comics and just show up to push your Sup Forumstard bullshit.


Contain your threads Check the

I mean sure. Why not?

>And what do liberals idealize? Equality of outcome.
Arguably what they want is equality of opportunity. Seeing someone that looks like you in a position you never thought you could achieve can start a fire in you to achieve that thing, even if that character and their position are completely fictional.

Making Sulu gay is the dumbest shit I ever heard of, and I think in general it's dumb to create diversity by retconning existing characters instead of creating new ones.

While we're speaking of Star Trek though, and to prove my point, the first female black astronaut to ever go into space has talked at length about how she was inspired as a young girl by Uhura in the original series.

>implying that is actually true

>No, I disagree completely.
How can you disagree with my personal experiences?

>s much of a common sense statement on human nature it is, we don't always admire those who look like us or even those who act like us
Yeah and then we aspire to be what we admire. And when beauty is the most desired traits in females and plastered all over media, girls will want to look like the girls they admire.

And if you aren't white, odds are you're shit out of luck because all of the popular princess media mostly contains white characters. And if you're constantly told "white is beauty", you're going to feel ugly.

>but it's impossible and impractical to try to make it an exact fit. Peter Parker has the opportunity to share in teenage angst and shenanigans, but most Spiderman fans do not live in New York, work at a newspaper, or share in any of Parker's motivations and beliefs

No one said you have to be them to like them.

>Superheroes are instead an ideal, something to strive to be similar to even if it's impossible. Like war propaganda, or the ancient stories about heroes like Odysseus and Achilles. Nobody was ever like Odysseus or Achilles, they're ideals.

And when that ideal is blonde white Disney princess the black girl has no hope of striving to that ideal other than fucking their hair up or getting skin surgery and fucking their skin up.

The main problem is how much beauty is idealized in women. But when a little girl is black and realizes she's fundamentally different than the princesses she admires, she is going to blame her heritage and feel she is ugly because that is what she believes is beauty.

It sucks so much. I used to not care until my niece came up to me out of nowhere crying about how she's ugly because she isn't white.

It really breaks your heart.

Hispanic male from butt-fuck south Texas. Everyone around me looks like me. I don't see white people or black people. Not often. I am American. I am Texan. Cops here look like me.

I don't give a fuck about diversity for diversity's sake. I relate more with Peter Parker than with Miles Morales. Skin doesn't matter. Quality characters matter. God damn, people. This shit's simple.

Wew. I didn't know we were Sup Forums. Most of you faggot haven't even read her shit. Fuck off with this.

>Look at me I made a silly image strawmanning everyone's opinions
>Look how more rational I am I'm so above this nonsense

Please lose weight and seek sunlight

>And if you aren't white, odds are you're shit out of luck because all of the popular princess media mostly contains white characters. And if you're constantly told "white is beauty", you're going to feel ugly.

This wouldn't be an issue with Whites and Asians didn't create 95% of media worth shit in the world.

Maybe if blacks got off their fucking dumb lazy asses and did half as much work, they'd have their own collection of popular and respected characters.

>While we're speaking of Star Trek though, and to prove my point, the first female black astronaut to ever go into space has talked at length about how she was inspired as a young girl by Uhura in the original series.


Travesty, desu.

You're what liberals call an Uncle Tom.

Have sex kid

I've love to see them hanging out. Pity that would never happen because it'd be ironic racists drawing some edgy violent shit

I'm not an uncle though. I don't even have siblings.

>This wouldn't be an issue with Whites and Asians didn't create 95% of media worth shit in the world.
People act like they're entitled to characters of their own race doing shit, they're not. Majority of comic characters are white because (cape) comics were created by and mostly made by whites.
Same thing with Asians and anime/manga. They don't need to complain about lack of representation cause they fucking create the representation themselves.

This, and sadly the thread's going to conveniently ignore THIS post and focus on all the Sup Forums-tier posts because it's easier to yell at racists than it is to address points by those who are moderate. That being said, part is fucked up. No kid should ever be told that they're ugly because of factors they cannot control, like the colour of your skin. But from what I've seen, blame is often thrown at the wrong people for this, instead of trying to fix the problem, they end up making it worse by going the other way.

>Being that triggered

>Skin doesn't matter. Quality characters matter. God damn, people. This shit's simple
I 100% agreed with you until a few months ago. This is purely anecdotal evidence, but I work in a grocery store bakery, and after Star Wars episode 7 came out, I actually had a bunch of families come in and order Star Wars cakes for their daughter's birthday. A few of them even mentioned specifically that it was because their daughter liked Rey. I know there have always been girls in star wars but I think Rey resonated with young girls in a way that Leia never could, and I think that's a good thing.


>Bill Cospay making a PSA


>Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Anyone who seriously believes this must not use nay other board. Sup Forums is the least Sup Forums hobby board and even swings the other way.

>blandness: the character
>resonating with someone

The loudest people are the ones who get attention, being moderate doesn't get you anything anymore.