Well, good luck, Suicide Squad

Well, good luck, Suicide Squad...

OP scared me for a second
Like I give a shit about another DC animated movie

Suicide Squad has awful Babs/Bruce too?

Wanna say that again, pussy?

Good job with those marvel cartoons, dronie

Oh wait lol

>implying Suicide Squad will do well critically

I don't think you can really compare a major release film that PG-13 to a limited-in-promotion direct to video R film.

Different markets.

Shouldn't Suicide Squad's reviews be out by now?

I remember Civil War reviews coming out almost a month before it's release

It will still make a lot of money probably. Shame it wasn't that good though when they had decades to plan this out.

confidence. DC also probably wants to wait as long as possible so it doesn't turn into BvS shitshow.

Embargo beaks next week
Civil War got early reviews because some theaters did advance screenings a few months ahead of time

Most of the movies in the line have not made that much recently. They're lucky if they break $5million.

Why can't we agree that both companies suck now?

It's already made 370,000 from the Australia and New Zealand. Not bad considering those countries only gave it one showing in each theater. Did this get a theatrical release anywhere else?

I honestly feel it's because critics are SJW and don't like Babs/Batman

Wanna say that again pussy?

Here in Brazil, as well.

I can't tell if you're retarded or a mouseketeer. Usually the 2 come in a package, but anyway...

Every little bit of news that leaked about the movie, like the R rating, or the refusal to change the Barbra & Joker scene that pissed off your disingenuous bloggers.& Don't forget all the #ChangeTheCover fiasco. Not to mention the shitty art direction compared to the comic, which was one of the only good things the comic had going for it. Doesn't help the OC in the movie was just shit, thanks to Azz & Timm putting their fetishes in the show that pissed off the remaining few that looked forward to this.

>direct to video R film.
It was shown in theaters in Argentina.
People paid in advance for the tickets.
Poor bastards.

It was just a bad movie, though. All the added story was incoherent and awful, and the killing joke portions were okay, but animated poorly.

It was completely unfocused and sloppy. It's two mediocre movies slapped together. One movie about how Batgirl acts like a child throwing a tantrum over not being allowed to punch a specific bad guy, then there's a movie where the Joker tries to turn Gordon insane. Oh, and with a bonus ending of the relationship between Batman and the Joker, a relationship which isn't ever addressed within the story. Yeah, we know the context from comics, but if you want to judge the movie as it's own story, that shit comes out of nowhere.

They included more scenes of Barbara to give her ordeal more impact, but in doing that they just spent time making her unsympathetic. And Batman and Gordon, for being so integral to the story are completely ignored.

It's just not very good.

everyone plays the beautiful game

because its not true
cry some more

Here in Upstate NY

I love that song user. Because I'm a faggot.

Wanna say that again, pussy?

I saw it at my local thearter today. Well, I saw it was playing. I saw Infiltrator. I can't be bothered with this animated movie with the fill in shit and cheap animation. And I have a Joker figure collection along with a promo card for Killing Joke.

Well this movie was pretty bad. I just got done watching it. Most of the DC animated movies are great I've seen them all but this was one of the worst.

Wanna say that again, pussy?

Wanna say that again, pussy?

>Why can't we agree that both companies suck now?

Because DC is objectively good right now

It's getting one here in Puerto Rico.