Tfw Romanian

>tfw Romanian
>Move to a little city in near Berlin when I was a kid
>I'm one of the few shitskin in a 99% white school
>My only friend is Croatian
>There's a guy called Klaus who racially bully me every day for being Black
>I never got laid
>Go back to Romania because we stayed 15 years ilegally in Germany

I hate white people now

I saved that rare wojak

>tfw someone saved my OC

Gypsy gypsy gypsy

Not a gypsy. I am literally black

I don't know that feel because I'm actually white

Wow. Romanian's are so fucking shameless and classless they bootleg Chicano memes and dont even try to edit the lingo.

Ooga booga where da mamaliga at

Its not like you could do something against an original vampire.


I'll bite your dick

>painting shirt with 3 colours

It's my oc you fake pussy

Well memed. You know both of us look like pic related

Ce fir de cacat


Ba muie daca mai faci shitpost ma pis pe capu tau tuz rasa ta de taran prost nici nu stii cum se face poponarule


Stop replying to shills and slide threads retards, and get on threads like Sage, report and hide shill/slide/bait threads

No one will make you great again

Stii macar sa vorbesti romana sau esti doar tigan ungur/polonez cu proxy si Google Translate?

Când spiritele sunt încinse la maximum, tu ai impresia că prestezi scandal de calitate, în fața unui public numeros, interesat de ce epitete inovatoare vă aruncați voi acolo. Dar adevărul e că nimănui nu-i pasă.


Ua, ce pula mea? Credeam ca OP e ala retrograd.

Bozgor gypsy with proxy it is.


Practic, e exact ca la o bătaie iscată-n stradă, unde nimeni nu se bagă să-i despartă pe combatanți. Majoritatea oamenilor trec liniștiți mai departe, fără să-ntoarcă privirea, mai sunt doar câțiva triști care-și scot telefoanele și filmează, după care urcă videoclipul pe canalul lor.
Nici măcar nu e cineva curios să afle de la ce a pornit conflictul. Sunt doar doi fraieri care-și aruncă vorbe grele, mai contează din ce motiv o fac? Tot fraieri rămân.

Gandesti prea mult.


>See multiple Romanians posting
>Reach back to make sure I still have my wallet.

AND just to make sure to wipe it in their disgusting THIEF faces we just beat them yet again in fencing
>I-I can't seem to betray my way to victory this time mr. nigger referee
stay mad gypsies our reckoning is coming

Idioților! Nu ați înțeles chiar nimic din toată postarea? Voi chiar nu aveți pic de compasiune, îmi pare rău că fac parte din aceeasi generație ca și voi. Îmi doresc ca tinerii să fi fost diferiți, mai voluptoși, mai rafinați, gânditori. Nu mai suport să traiesc printre voi, vreau să mă sinucid.

Already stole your shit
magyar bro spank my gyppo ass

bye bye

Klaus here.

Those Romanians look cleaner than those poo in the loos.

>Bottom panel he has something to wipe with. Other has nothing just going to pull pants up and go on.

But by no means am I saying Romania isn't a shit hole. Just less of one than India.

Gyppo diaspora detected

Only post while you're naked and they can't steal anything out of your pockets.
This can also be applied to any other shit tier country.

Depends where you go. Cluj, for example, is cleaner than most european cities.

Nah. I'm a child of chief firewater.


Come home black man

He was not just a bully
He tried to murder me one time by setting my clothes on fire

He was a physicho asshole, he used to trow stones at my house and paint swastikas on my door

In my sewer sorry

>atatea memeuri intr-o singura propozitie
asta inseamna sa fii troll.

How exactly are you a black Romanian, I don't get it, you mean mulatto? Did mommy sleep with a literal nigger, are you Cabral???

Your fault for being a gypsy.

Punch dat m'fucka in da face.That s what we niggaz do nigger

Have you thought of emigrating to Africa? I heard that everyone in Zimbabwe is a millionaire.

Natives here are closer related to chinks than nogs.

I look just like you guys, black, manlet and smelly.

I also heard that Botswana is popular with black Romanians. The currency is an attraction, apparently.