Why all americans i see in japan have brown eyes and are very short while europeans have blue eyes and are tall?

why all americans i see in japan have brown eyes and are very short while europeans have blue eyes and are tall?

they're japanese

brown is dominant trait

our chads don't travel to Japan. or travel anywhere outside the US really. you're mostly getting the weeb rejects

no they still have a white pig skin like

Americans are mostly descended from Italians, Spaniards, and Irish, while the Europeans you see are probably French, British, or Nordic.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong.
Amazing how ignorant you can be about your own country.

but tall is dominant trait

only weebs go to japan so you're seeing our worst

Americans are mostly British, Scottish, """"German"""", and Scandinavian. Although Irish and Italians are a large minority, along with Poles. Eastern and Southern Europe was always bullied hard though.

>Americans are mostly descended from Italians, Spaniards
Neither of those our right. We're (white ones at least) mostly British Isles and Germans

>Americans are mostly descended from Italians, Spaniards, and Irish

user must be from New Jersey or some shit

>Scandinavian. Although Irish and Italians are a large minority
More people have Irish than Scandinavian ancestry. Do you live in Minnesota or something?

Other than Spanish (because of Mexicans), all of those are relatively minor sources of ancestry in the US.

>user must be from New Jersey or some shit
I lived there and knew one guy with a Spanish father and his grandfather was actually Basque. Jersey like most of America doesn't have a large Spanish population. Unless he means Hispanic.

imagine going on a vacation to the US, I'd walk around giving each and everyone of you a pat on the head

>American or Unknown



so tall browns will be the future?

That usually means "My family has been in America for more than 250 years"

good boy

The cute cat which didn't wash his hands is touching a bread... :3

need a powerful swedoid to pat me on the head and give me treats

Irish is supposed to be the 2nd most common ethnicity in the US. We should have more territory than that

things that show all possible ancestries a person can claim are more informative. maps like these overestimate e.g. how dominant german vs irish ancestry are or how important uk ancestry is

and the midwest is genetically a very mixed bag, almost pan-european

American basically means they’re former Brits who have been here so long they’ve forgotten where they came from

Irish in the US tend to meld with the other ancestries, but rarely make up the largest percentage of a person’s makeup. So a lot of Americans have a bit of Irish in them, but have more of something else, in most cases German or British.

>american indian
This is fucking stupid. It literally means people from India that got American citizenship.


What did he mean by this

Those are native Injuns, not poos.

Not our fault Christopher Columbus was a dipshit who caIled them Indians. Blame Spain.

Poland strong

I thought white skin was a status symbol and Caucasian are disgusting because they are hairy smelly and unpleasant to look at.

In my trip to Southeast Asia, I can definitely tell you that they view fairer skin as the standard of beauty. At the hotel I was at in Thailand, there was a huge ad plastered on the side of the hotel advertising cosmetics to help you look whiter. Everywhere I went it culturally shocked me how comically obsessed the entire region was with the idea of pale skin.

You're thinking of Indian-American.

>didn't wash his hands
You are not funny Davido, off yourself.

>Wanting to be white THIS bad

What you need to realize is that these maps are always "self-identified". Things such as these are confusing to brainlets, because all those """"German""""" populations are absurdly small, and usually false, (i.e. not German) America has always been majority Anglo-Saxon Protestant. It's like whenever Hillary Clinton technically won the people's vote to become president, by over TWO MILLION votes- yet, the maps being plastered everywhere on the internet would make you think the entirety of America wants Trump in office


muricans here are so diverse like in the US

> New England
> Full of Italians

Mamma Mia, that's a jolly gooda show.