What went wrong in Capitalism after 1970?

Graph related.

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>muh labor value theory



Reaganomics are at least partially to blame for this, sure, but I doubt that some tax cuts made so much of a difference.
After 1970? Still a point after the dotcom bubble.

kikes really had their hooks in at that point

Nixon took us off the gold standard

>people blaming Regan
You fucking idiots, his plans were increasing the median family income during his years. Demoshits ruin everything that Republicans help the country with.


Your graph is bullshit and doesn't account for inflation.

Modern capitalism is literally perfect.

Divorces skyrocketed.

Increased automation

Greater focus on productivity

you can make stuff cheaply nowadays, don't need 10,000 low grade employees.

Need fewer employees, cost per unit falls, remaining employees earn more, get rid of 10,000 employees no longer needed. Big factories have 10 employees now and some contractors who float between them.

example of meat processing 5 years ago

birth control
divorce rate
tons of women starting to work, lowering the price of labour, and forcing men to work for less wages.

It's fucking cunts, as usual.

Here's a nice graph of the divorce rate.

Single mothers and fathers are not going to earn as much.

Civil rights movement happend

Accounting both graphs for inflation (probably already done) would change nothing in their relative alignments, retard.

Oh here's an example from the US neighbors to the north.

Notice how the typical marriage structure results in much higher wages.

Can you say.... feminism!

Went off the gold standard

another great artifact of feminism.

>reaganomics meme

They failed even at what they intended to do: lowering taxes and cutting deficit. So there is no need to even talk about the negative secondary effects.

Gotta be nice to be able to print money indefinitely, I imagine. Getting to spend that trillion before it has come to circulate and dilute the value of the dollar at all... shiieet

>literally acting we arent living in THE TRICKLE DOWN ERA


Wtf why did this happen?

There's probably less divorces, because there's less marriages.

So if I'm a McDonald's cashier using a manual register and processing 30 customers an hour, and then McDonalds buys me an automatic register with a card reader that not only makes my job easier but allows me to now process say 60 customers an hour, can that extra productivity be attributed to a proportional increase in my effort and skills? Productivity comes from technology and has nothing to do with compensating extra labor of the worker.

Illusory booms producing gluts of durable goods are the wrong time, and easy credit/debt and insurance being used as medium of payment as opposed to out of pocket income.

You look at just one single fucking chart without having the tools and theory to interpret it, and you think you're ready to assert a conclusion. Fallacy of weak induction.


Yeah yeah keep posting this strawman.

Fucking this.

Also, notice how the divergence comes along right about when computers are starting to be used in corporate settings.


Monetary policy reform, the US dropped the last remnant of the gold standard and moved to a full fiat currency.

Now a fiat currency can be done correctly.
The US creates all money as debt owed to banks.
Do you think that is the correct method to allow all people to get wealthy or just (((bankers)))?

Came here to post this, the only correct answer

>Republicans care about me

>Widget Factory, 1970
>Workers press a button, one widget is made
>Workers press 120 buttons per minute for 8 hours
>Make ~60000 widgets a day

>Widget Factory, 2016
>Widget technology sufficiently advanced to the point where one button press make TWO widgets
>Workers still press buttons 120 times per minute, make ~120000 widgets a day.

Productivity doubled, value of the work did not. The guy who invented and implemented the productivity increasing technology pockets pretty much all the gains.

>literally believing you are

>What went wrong in Capitalism after 1970?

Large scale immigration started which pushes down the wages for working people but make the richer richer. Hilarious that it was done by the left wingers.

>wealth distribution
thats not even correct

secondly, the effective tax rate was much lower


Nevermind the filename.

Computers retard. Just because you press a button rather than a lever doesn't mean you are worth more

The third world catching up with first

Bretton woods happened

he is kinda right, regan was't the greatest president

-increased the deficit
-used protectionism even tho preached about the free market

he wasn't too bad as a person and I don't think those were intentional but he ain't no thatcher

Pretty much every respected economist agrees that Democrats are better than Republicans. Literally the only reason the GOP still exists is sub 100 IQ rednecks.

It's not a clash of ideas, its literally just correct vs incorrect


Immigration reform act of 1965 happened. More people willing to work for less, undercutting wages by increasing the pool of workers. Not to mention "free trade" agreements shipping out middle class jobs to third world countries, since they can't all come here freely yet.

I wonder why that is. You would think that two earners would make more. Is it because paying for childcare? Or is it because People with good jobs earn more, and that means their spouse can stay home?

finance replacing industry.

in other words judaism


Jewish tricks.

This, the value growth potential of capital grew at a much faster rate than the unit cost of labour since 1979 as automation and industrial advances meant that fewer workers were required per "widget".

Yet another example as to why Marx is a completely economically illiterate hack.

Birthcontrol legalized

this is it in a nutshell.

>Yet another example as to why Marx is a completely economically illiterate hack.

Actually, Marx commented on exactly that in "das Kapital", pointing out that with increased productivity, wages for the same amount of productivity as before fall.

>not compensation

stop posting these shitty debunked graphs. Incomes have truly stagnated since the 2000s for obvious reasons

>muh economists

Most economists are Zionist Jews

>Literally the only reason the GOP still exists is sub 100 IQ rednecks.

Literally the only reason the Democrats still exist is sub 100 IQ niggers.

Fiat currency.

>Automated lamb boning system


Step your game up, your Sup Forums memes have no power in a thread about economics.

I think that is a factor. But not because the concept of central banking is inherently flawed. Its that the flow of money was invested, to a huge part, in real estate and stocks, which led to inflated, yet useless wealth.

>thinks all republicans are bad
>republican congress literally saved your country after 2008


hmm sounds almost like policies take time to be implemented and effect things.
keep telling me how Clinton was great for the economy when he caused the housing crisis even if Bush was in office at the time

The propping up of industry with middle class income money.

We strayed from the American School of Economics

Ended in 1970.

How does this work, anyway?

I mean it gives me the impression that it just implies "really rich men have spouses that don't work" and would suggest families where both spouses work both work low income jobs, thus the necessity.

If that's the case, it's less typical marriage structures result in higher wages and more higher wages result in typical marriage structures.

cut wages to increase proffits
cut wages to increase competitiveness
inflation + low growth to suppress wages
corporate welfare to increase competitiveness
outsourcing to increase competitiveness

>went off the gold standard and made a deal with OPEC in 72

"Free" trade and mass immigration from the 3rd world.

Like everything that half works, Jews got their talons in so they could exploit it and make more money. How can this possibly be news to a German? That's not to say capitalism can last indefinitely because it can't, it's a flawed system it's just the best one we had and the Jews accelerated the collapse of it.

Came to post this, not disappointed

immigration act of 1965

effects still being felt today

That graph is simply a leftist lie.

If you go to the source, the graph actually shows the growing line as major sector productivity and the stagnating one as real salary of GOODS PRODUCERS.

So, in short, the bottom line is the salary of people working in agriculture and miners while the top line is the productivity of all private sectors.

Also, salaries don't count with the ever growing benefits that US workers get, like, for example, the nowadays mandatory healthcare insurance. If I paid 700€ per home renting, and my company paid the home for me in exchange for a 400€ salary cut, this chart would display my salary decreasing, Totally mischievous.

This graph, also, uses different indexes to contrast real salaries and real productivity, salaries use inflation while productivity uses GDP as a contrast, if the price of imports grows, the Consumer price index grows more than the GDP deflator, and this shows that the value of their production becomes lower than their external consumption.

In short, if you build 5000 motherboards but their price goes down, you're just as productive, but you are actually becoming poorer.

I recommend reading this paper that debunks this bullshit graph: nber.org/feldstein/WAGESandPRODUCTIVITY.meetings2008.pdf

Our parents democraticly elected socialists and globalists who are actively trying to reestablish serfdom and a global slave class

This is a really ironic graph to post bc the big financial news in the states today is productivity diverging from obamas muh job growth


>Reagan presidential term reminder
>Presidential term: January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989
He is responsible for things that happened up until Clinton's era ('95).
From 1995 till now, blame whoever you want, but not Reagan.


fuck you, lithuanians arent even white

Crippling debt.



Technology grew productivity. Definition of capitalism

A combination of factors, but mostly it boils down to a surplus in labor. Thus, despite this leaf poster's bullshit , proves the supply side theory of economics.

Trigger alert

Bringing the bantz AND offering irrefutable evidence.

Women started to work


>The Nixon shock was a series of economic measures undertaken by United States President Richard Nixon in 1971
>the most significant of which was the unilateral cancellation of the direct international convertibility of the United States dollar to gold.

youre white the same way italy or spain is white





Changing the last name an argument is posted under doesn't change the content of the argument.

The opening up of the Chinese economy (and Southeast Asia in general) and the direct competition of their workforce with ours.

Spoiler alert: We lost the competition.

Increased third world immigration matched exactly to domestic demand.

honestly think these people are white?


Free trade

look how white these people are

That's when capitalism ended, and every western nation became a bankrupt welfare state.