Have Panic Attack

>Have Panic Attack
>Go to hospital
>Receive bill
>Have Panic Attack

Don't have panic attacks, get off the Christfag stew and onto the Buddha Khan soup.

Part of the problem is people expecting their health is guaranteed in some way, we are living on a ball of fucking dirt hurtling through a space vacuum. We are all fucked in the end.

>get off the Christfag stew and onto the Buddha Khan soup.

What did you mean by this?

>have made up condition
>get charged real freedom bux
Wew lad

$16,000? Did they diagnose you with brain cancer, perform life-saving surgery and have 10 nurses worship your cock in the mean time?

Admitted for 3 days for panic attack?

happened to me too user, I owe the hospital about $10,000 less than that though plus they x-ray'd me for some reason

Don't pay it. Ignore the bills. Let your credit tank. Wait seven years. Credit washed.

There is no such real disease as "panic attack". Only women and faggots have this """"disease"""". Grow a pair and maybe you won't have to pay 16k$ again you pathetic weakling

>not having healthcare

jesus it's not that fucking difficult to get it. are Americans all retarded or are they just pretending?

btw, KYS OP

mfw I live in a civilized country with free healthcare paid for by my taxes

>going to the hospital for a panic attack

jesus christ, just wait it out in your room like a normal person with problems

Yeah it might work there but half of this country is either a minority or in poverty, system would never work here.

Why the fuck don't you have a job with health insurance, OP?

if you're using your spirituality to excersise your own imagined superiority over others whom aren't as "enlightened" as you are, chances are you have probably missed the point, you pretentious shitstain

Who in their right fucking mind would even go to the hospital for something so stupid??

Has a "panic attack" killed anyone?
Don't think so.

Enjoy your 5 figure mistake moron.

PS: Even with "free" healthcare, I'd never waste the hospitals time with such a stupid and selfish case

panic attack mimics heart attack symptoms

its perfectly reasonable to go to the ER for that

Yeah, but can you opt out? If not you're slave paying people to become trannies.

This is really your own fault. You are told a million times never to go to the emergency room unless you are dying. There are a ton of urgent care clinics or you could just get a fucking PCP. Seeing either one of them would of cost you less than $100 assuming they gave you a xanax and told you to stop being a pussy.

That being said our health care system really is shitty.

>have panic attack
>go to hospital

are you fucking dumb? you just lay on the floor and cry when you have a panic attack, you dont need to go to the fucking hospital, you fucking idiot

>Even with "free" healthcare, I'd never waste the hospitals time with such a stupid and selfish case

But so many people would -- which is why "free" health care drives prices up, as morons with a splinter head for the Emergency Room.

I bet he will next time.

>free healthcare paid for by my taxes

>free health care that I pay for....

What amazes me is that you unironically even write that.

He thinks earth is a "ball of fucking dirt hurtling through a space vacuum", how spiritual do you think he is? He's probably just some pretentious edgy osho faggot. His kind is really the type of human waste you wouldn't even want to breathe the same air with

No its not. If you think you are having a heart attack and do not belong to a high risk group (you aren't old) go to an urgent care clinic. It's that simple. Fuck I wouldn't go to an ER unless I was bleeding out.

I couldn't imagine living without the NHS.

Health services should be a right.

>Mfw your country is so fat that the weight will literally bankrupt your NHS.

>Has a "panic attack" killed anyone?

They can give you a heart attack if you fuck up really bad and hyperventilate for a long time

>everything blanked out
Sure thing bro.

>drives prices up
>16,000 dollars to get a doctor to tell you to relax and breathe.

This is why you can't have nice things


>have panic attack
>Drink a beer/have a shot
>Chill the fuck out on couch and relax
>Total charges: $3

Sex can also give you a heart attack. What's your point?

Dude I had a skin problem on my foot and went to the ER.

The ER couldn't tell me what it was and told me I had to be admitted for tests. I stayed in the hospital one day and got a bill for $21,000.

Fortunately the insurance got most of it, but it was still $1500 after insurance. And they couldn't even tell me what the problem was and just gave me some generic anti-inflammatory prescription.

Like $17000 of the bill was the private room they put me in for 12 hours, $2000 was for the like five blood tests they did, and then the remaining $2000 was for the ER.


he got held for 72 hours in the psych ward lol
this not just a Er visit

he just said the magic words to a doctor and got a hold not even crazy enough to get a week

>I couldn't imagine living without the NHS.


>Health services should be a right.


I support our national healthcare system purely because somehow it manages to be more efficient than the Americans'.

From an ethical standpoint I would only consider a right treatment for accidents that couldn't reasonably have been anticipated (e.g. get it by car or something).

If you eat 10pounds of sugar a day and then become diabetic it's your own fucking fault and problem, not mine.

>Doesnt say on letter what treatment is for

Op confirmed for trannyfag regretting his sex change

can't you negotiate those prices with the hospital?
i thought hospitals generally left huge margins in usa so they have more advantage in negotiation?

>half the country is a minority or in poverty

Are you retarded? Disabled, old, and poor people already get free healthcare from the government in the US... Have you never heard of medicare and medicaid?

The only people getting shafted by insurance companies and hospitals are the people who actually buy their own insurance.

>have panic attack
Can somebody explain that to me? I've heard that term quite a lot of times when watching numerous American shows, and each time I always fall down laughing. I mean, I just can't imagine a guy so much broken on a... genetical (???) level that he actually has spontaneous fear outbrusts. Imagine such pussies trying to survive if natural selection was still in place.
So, is it something real? I suppose it is just another bullshit which takes the same line with "being gender-fluid" .

What would a turkroach know about human ailments?

>congo-tier health care at the price of an actual house

enjoy your freedumb

>fat/smoker/healthcare cost myth

People cost the system the most in their senior years. Unhealthy people have very short senior years. It Balances The Fuck Out.

You actually can. If you can prove you are poor they knock a lot off because they get huge tax breaks for it. When I was in college my appendix burst and I had a part time job at subway and was living off of student loans and grants. They wrote the entire hospital bill off. I only had to pay the surgeon 50% of his bill which came out to like $900.

Holy fuck your country sucks :D:D:D

i went to the hospital last year because i did actually have a panic attack and i didnt know what was happening and my family was worried so they took me.
they charged me $75 for an ER visit and my insurance i had before obummercare paid for the rest.
they gave me a xanax or something, a CAT scan for a head injury and i went home

You're lying, post ID proof. Going to need credit card, drivers license and birth certificate.

We get in to your body through your mouths and travel around while you sleep


Hmm health care is only about 15% of our budget. You keep your shitty country with "low taxes" :D

Next time go to a urgent care. I refuse to go to the hospital unless I'm fairly sure I'm dying.

>Panic attack
That's just the price for being a faggot

Is this real? I really sorry for you, mate. This would be free here.

Feels good not living in the United states of Dumbfuckistan.

Yeah i ask myself the same, is this some kind of hippie ass made up thing?

In any community worth their salt they would get prescribed a dose of man the fuck up

Yeah public health care is a good thing.

"giv me dats" for other things are not.

I agree that a panic attack doesn't lead to a 16K bill, but as someone who has had a panic attack before, I can tell you, you're a fucking idiot. It's not something that can be controlled, it just happen without warning. Kinda like a headache, or bad gas. You can't control it, you dont know when it's going to happen, but when it happens you know it's coming, and it's out of your control. Your heart starts racing, you start getting cold sweats, and you get really light headed or feint. All you can do is sit down and let it pass, but that's just me. Some people may have it worse, but it most certainly has nothing to do with will.

>Panic Attack
Also I had this a couple times since the leaks.

Fuck me how can be the same after knowing the TRUTH.

You know free has more than one definition, right?

Free healthcare means freely available. As in, everyone has access to it.

You're thinking of gratis, which healthcare most certainly is not.

Thats lots of burgerbucks for a made up illness!

So less than how much insurance costs?
Top kek

You and this weak excuse of a human being OP are really lucky to live in modern times. If it was 300 years or earlier, both of you would be put to sleep by your own family before you get past the age 5


I work in a pharmacy. The price of insulin should be reason enough for people to start eating healthier.

That shit ain't cheap


>going to the hospital for a panic attack
You deserve the bill for wasting the hospital's resources

That can't be real, a fucking whore costs only 30€ around here. That means you could have hundreds of sluts jumping on your cock for this money.

I pray for the day you get a panic attack and start balling like the little bitch you are. Literally spewing out your ass on a topic you know nothing about.

Insulin, and by extension other pharmaceuticals, are expensive in the US because of a perverse relationship between Medicare, Big Pharma and utterly massive insurance companies.

You would be paying 5 or even 10 times less for the same amount here.

Americans spend double on healthcare per capita than most other civilized countries

The amount we pay in taxes for the NHS is so small compared to what you muricans get charged for healthacre that it may as well be referred to as free. I personally pay no taxes since im a student and under the threshold for tax payment, and withing the past year I've had numerous checkup's and specialist appointments which would have cost a small fortune in murica but I ended up paying nothing.

I am not OP but I have health insurance and a job and the insurance has a $3000 deductible. What good is that? It is barely better than no insurance at all. Capitalism isn't doing its job when you go the hospital and a bandage is $50 and a basic check up is $400. That's fucked, man

That's the issue with the ER. They're where everyone with no money and no coverage goes, so they have to charge out the ass so they can stay afloat with just 20% of people they treat actually paying.

In the future, go to your GP for issues like that, unless you're actually bleeding seriously or in incredible pain. And even then, try to get into your GP first. Copay for covered visits is way lower than ER rates.

Healthcare is broken and insurence is corrupt, but this is mainly an issue of poor people with no coverage still getting treated. Medical supplies aren't free, and our country is already in debt. The money has to come from somewhere.

On the flip side of the coin, I had cancer and about $340,000 in medical bills, and ended up paying exactly $35 for the copay on my first visit when I started feeling pain. So sometimes the system works really fucking well. We should try to make it work like that for everyone, rather than tear it all down so it's "fair".

I had a panic attack somewhat recently and went to the ER due to insanely high blood pressure. Total bill was $220 for the saline, medication and bloodwork.

Nothing short of surgery or extended admission results in a $16,000 bill. What exactly happened, OP? "Panic attack" is pretty vague and who knows what they talked you into having done.

I pray for the day you stop taking Sup Forums seriously you stupid amerifat

Maybe that's the reason why you had a panic attack, taking life too seriously? Think about it and take it easy

even cuba and the soviets had free and good healthcare, i just don't understand why nowadays the western world has such a problem with it

contact the local indigent healthcare office and put in a claim. fucking idiot, get health insurance and stop having "panic attacks"

Probably got a full body cardio examination, x rays, a spectrum blood test, an allergy board, spent a full night, got another full body cardio the next day, got some rX painkillers, then didn't pay it and let it go to collections before asking the hospital to audit his files, which wasted more time.

I had a roomate who did something similar, the last bill that came to the house (a year after he moved out) was $35,000

There is a fine line between laid back, and degenerate.

You have reached the latter.

>On the flip side of the coin, I had cancer and about $340,000 in medical bills,

I'm assuming you ended up making it.

Congrats user

Whenever something doesn't work in the US, or seems perverse, one must look no further than who is lobbying Congress.

Serious question, why are Americans happy to pay taxes for the police, fire brigade, military, lifeguard etc but not healthcare?

You pay a 20% tax on everything you buy, dumb nigger. Also the NHS is rubbish. It's not uncommon for a GP to open Google in front of the patient to try to figure out what the symptoms mean, and I'm not even joking.

The "specialist" appointments you got was likely with equipment and techniques that haven't been used in the US since the 70s.

Oh but nevermind, the NHS is fab because it gives free antivirals to homosexuals so they can have safe buttsex without a condom.

>having panic attacks

sack up you dork

>his actual answer is "don't get sick"
The retardation of your country is astounding

because anything even remotely logical scares them and causes them to enter full rage mode

If you can't afford health insurance then you actually deserve to die. That's not a joke.

Capitalism can't do its job when the government intervenes shit nugget. If there was more competition your rates and plan wouldn't be shit.

It's that from ORMC?

I fucking hate living in Australia sometimes because we are slowly becoming a PC country.
But holy fuck I feel so much better about it when I see shit like this.

panic attack isn't "getting sick"

enjoy your taxes cuckboi

I wish you were right. I'd probably write the same shit a year ago but after experiencing the first panic attacks it's a terrible condition that really fucks up your normal routine.

Going to the hospital or ER is unnecessary but it's definitely not made up and doctors are hesistant to give you any medicaments. I'll probably kill myself about it sooner or later.

Enjoy being 60% and broke from hospital debt, genius

because literally 60+% of Americans are in poverty, despite what sources might tell you, thus cant afford more taxes, and believe they will pay more even though they might actually not.

If you're living paycheck to paycheck, you're in poverty.

what triggers your panic attacks?

1st point) True but americans also pay tax on items they buy.
2nd point) From my experience, the NHS is fantastic and it has helped me enormously
3rd point) Mate you probably live in some northern shithole by the way you are describing your experience
4th point) with regards to the equipment, not really. I saw a specialist gastro-enterologist who was perfectly good and diagnosed me correctly and gave me adequate treatment.

you are a colossally sized floppy pussy, dude.

this thread is literally

>started crying
>went to ER
>got charged $16k for hissy fit
>cry some more
>still crying

300,000,000 poor unhealthy people living awful lifestyles with a government that's pretty much single handedly paying for your country, and many others, defense

How much would it cost your army to perform the defense the US carries out? How long would you last if we stopped?

I don't know, probably no reason. But they're nearly constant and I only have a few hours to sleep between the attacks.

This was escalating out of control when government was interfering even less. When insurance companies had their druthers we had shit like people getting dumped left and right for pre-existing conditions. Was that good? I don't know why you idiots think big companies function better than government when it is all the same type of shit show

>Gave them your real name.

I've been to the hospital before and gave them a fake name and a neighbors address.

This was years ago and I've never heard about it since.

>If you can't afford health insurance then you actually deserve to die. That's not a joke.

I'm guessing early 20's and has never been laid off before. Perhaps still living with mommy and daddy?

You're ignorant as fuck

usa does not have free market healthcare.

the free market can provide the best and lowest cost healthcare possible to the majority of people.