Captain America

>Captain America
>Ruins the character by giving him a magnetic shield
>Literally why Whedon?

Other urls found in this thread:

>captain america's character is solely based on his ability to bounce around a shield

>>Captain America
>>Ruins the character by casting Chris Evans

whatever happened to that thing anyway?

I honestly forgot about that scene as soon as it happened

>Ruins the character by casting Chris Evans
Kill yourself.


Why not? I see literally nothing wrong with putting magnets on his shield. If it's more convenient than to just pick it up off the ground, then that's good.

>ITT: Op's bitching about some fucking gadget that brings no detriment to the character or story.

Literally nothing wrong with that

Would Will Smith have been the better choice?

>use magnet to pick up shield
>get stabbed by nearby metal debris
>iron man gets stuck to your wrist.

I swear, that whole third act with soldiers trying to join cap in the fight and the tech support guy refusing to follow orders because he knows its wrong is so damn good.

It's like spidey "growing" webshooters instead of building them. Doesn't change shit about the narrative but a whole lotta somebodies are gonna get a stick up their asses about it.

this is literally how the shield worked for years

>Doesn't change shit about the narrative
Except that in Spidey's case it does?

Spider-Man having organic webshooters is a big enough departure that I understand why some people would be upset. A more appropriate comparison would be the webshoots from "The Amazing Spider-Man" that lit up when the web was fired. Sup Forums blew a gasket over them.

>It's like Iron Man "growing" armors instead of building them. Doesn't change shit about the narrative but a whole lotta somebodies are gonna get a stick up their asses about it.

I always get the feeling that Whedon feels like technology will solve everything.



It's a Sup Forums doesn't read comics thread

>samuel L jackson as nick fury
>will smith as cap
>eddy murphy as ironman
>zoe saldaƱa as black widow
>terry crews as thor
>denzel washington as hulk
>tyler perry as hackeye
>avengers: diversity wars

Will Smith actually was offered Captain America, though. And Superman as well.

You know who else was approached about Superman? Muhammad Ali.

i found hilarious that he got his fucking shield but all those military gear and tanks just refused to follow the magnetic call of nature and grave him under steel mountain.

It's obvious that it's not on all the time

It's built by Stark, it's probably not a regular magnet. It works by science energy something repulsor something arc reactor magic.

Or maybe just a specific magnetic frequency?

>Implying the magnetic shield doesn't detract from Cap's tactical expertise

>magnetic frequency


The implication was that by replacing the part of Spidey's backstory where he builds his webshooters you are, in fact, changing the narrative. If he builds webshooters then later develops organic ones, you haven't taken away that he built his webshooters he just replaced them.

Complaining that Cap is a different character because he upgraded his shield clip is like saying they ruined him because he changed shoes.

Don't you have summer reading to do or something?

>Will Smith as cap

I guess every black team needs the token white guy.

well. i guess owen wilson could do falcon


he's had those since the 60s tho


i'm samefaggin here and won't say what he said is pretty dumb but take this in consideration.

maybe tony created two electromagnets that are syncronized to be activated at the same time (each with the opposite pole) at a frequency high enough to not be perceptible to humans but to make them work as magnets only when cap wants. of course there are problems like that it would still get atracted to other magnetic stuff but a lower strength because of a lower duty and that if it's too fast, there will probably be some kind of magnetic capacitance that does not let it work as a square wave perfectly but it's tony who we are talking about

Dude all I could think about for the entire movie was how much the magnetic shield ruined his character.

Building webshooters himself is quick and effective tool to establish Peter as above average intelligence.

If anything, Cap using whatever is available to enhance his combat capabilities highlights his tactical mindset and skills, as well reinforcing his image as the ultimate soldier.

>all black

Thread over. Back to the JL threads anons.

>we sum kinna avengers

The magnetic shield is from the comics.
A magnetic shield wouldn't ruin the character, it doesn't change anything significant to Captain America, just a nice little enhancement to his shield. Not sure if troll or just stupid.

Cap knowing how to throw and pick up his shield at mid-air show his tactical mindset and skills. It also show his connection and expertise in handling the shield, making him and the shield all that more special.

Any smuck can use magnets to handle Cap's shield. That's a short-cut. Only THE REAL Cap know how to throw it just right to have it back at his hands. It's something that he trained and only he can do.

What this movie showed is that Cap doesn't know how to use his own shield and need outside help for it. This is akin to Tony needing constant auto-pilot to use his armor or else he isn't able to fly and fight.

>What this movie showed is that Cap doesn't know how to use his own shield and need outside help for it.

No it didn't. He literally uses electromagnets that he can turn on and off to pick his shield off the ground and onto his arm. That's it. That's all it's for. It's the only time we saw him using it.

Iron man isn't magnetic

I don't think anybody has a problem with Tony being able to build a system of magnets that grab Cap's shield specifically.

But that user literally just said magnetic frequency like that's a thing that exists.

Wow you are dumb.

If it's magnetic then he'll be Magneto's bitch when Disney gets the rights to him back.


>Forgetting his Seoul fight with Ultron
>Forgetting him using the magnets and shield to throw that one Ultron drone off Sokovia

Hey dingus, there's 3 movies before this that feature Cap slinging his shield like a champ without the magnets. I feel like it's pretty clear that he doesn't need them, but they could come in handy sometimes. Like when you're fighting a giant robot on top of a truck & you loose your shield after flinging it into his chest.

user, that's crazy. Just like everyone know you can't swim if you've ever been in a boat.

Jack and Stan gave Cap a magnetic shield recall within a few issues of reintroducing the character back in the fucking 60s.
Read a comic!

So you're saying that Cap is a highly tactical, skilled fighter who is capable of utilizing an otherwise merely flashy tool to great effect in combat? Yes, I agree.



I love Kirby

>Logan Marshal-Green as Black Panther

>How much more I might have been able to accomplish!
>Like saving Buck-

Then why wasn't it ignored like everything else in early Avengers.

Because Cap being so damn good at using the shield that he calculates the best way to throw it so it bounces back to him is more impressive than it just being drawn back magnetically

this guy speaks the truth

Why not both

Muhammad Ali Superman could have been cool. Will Smith Superman would have been shit.

This was a thing way back in Cap's earliest Avengers appearances. He received the magnetic gauntlet as a gift from Stark and later ditched it because he claimed it affected his groove with the shield.

Yep. Pretty that much nails it, friend.

Is vibranium magnetic


I like that for prototype web-shooters made out of watches, along with the puff of smoke, and the 'PFT' sound.

For the real web-shooters when he gets the money to make them, they should just be the classics with the THWIP