Are (((German males))) the most cucked group of people on earth?

Are (((German males))) the most cucked group of people on earth?

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All civilisations swing back and forth between cuckoldry and glory, give Germany some time.


I pee sitting down and im not a cuck

That implies there is still hope for sweden.

The Swedes exist. (For now.)

same, i dont have to wash my walls.


Yes you are.

I only pee when sitting down when I'm also shitting.

Sometimes I shit, wipe my ass, then stand up to piss.

Depends on how tired I am whether I do both at the same time.

I am master race.

>I pee sitting down and im not a cuck
If it helps you sleep at night...

>Implying sitzpinklers aren't the next step in human evolution

Jesus christ Canada get your shit together

cuck, make sure you wipe your pussy front to back before you stand up


If I have to, I shit and piss at the same time

Wtf, this is more degenerate than shitting on the streets.

Why don't you all poop while standing up like a real man?

Meanwhile in MURRIKA

When I go overseas for business I purposely piss all over the toilet .

Feels good knowing some foreigner is gonna clean up my American urine.

Sometimes I even use the girls bathroom and wipe shit on the seats.

>All civilisations swing back and forth

That's how I get the last drop off.

>mfw this leafs dick so small he try and pee but pisses all over his balls

Just accept it Hans. You're fucking cucks and the most cucked nation on earth.

Don't fight it.

>He doesn't shitpost on Sup Forums while taking a piss or taking a poop

Is this you?

there is a publication now that is actually called "the cuck" it has three articles so far and the second one is an advocation to pee sitting down

judging by that picture, yes

>too tall to gamble which side the stream will go
>dont want to sit and splash pisswater on my dick and balls
>get on my knees to pee

Try it out, fellow long-walkers.

That's Tim and Eric, right? I swear I saw this somewhere and was too baked to remember it.

>most cucked nation on earth

>literally cucked by the jew to mutilate their own dicks

>does matter
>because size

if we sat down to piss they wouldnt have to tell us to

i love it when an american is delusional


YEah it's Tim and Eric

>weigh less than 200 lbs.
>buy a Great John toilet
It'd be like a throne.

Only normies stand to pee, the most redpilled thing you could do is sit down to pee. SO comfy.

>using a toilet

Real men go shit behind a bush and wipe their asses with leaves

I pee sitting down because it doesn't splash on the seat that way.

Sometimes I’m frankly not in the mood to touch my penis and I like to pretend in its place is just a small hole put on my body for one reason and one reason alone: to void waste. It’s my right as a conscious man to regard my penis however I see fit, even if it means being willfully unconscious of said penis.

What penis? :)

Speaking of holes, sitting down to pee allows me to quietly bond with women, without ever burdening them with my maleness or need for validation as a result of how open-minded and cool I am about their condition and the world in general. I know their plight. I know what it’s like to be on the wrong side of toilet-seat privilege. Demanding that seats be put down and stay down isn’t just the job of gals these days, guys. Allyship means demanding fairness even when it doesn’t benefit you. (In my case, though, as a man who only sits down to pee, it does.)

I'm a good boy :3c


> Salty Germans who defend their anti-freespeech speech Orwellian nightmare

Top kek. You guys are an embarrassment

Everyone knows a real man shits while standing.

My dick sometimes touches the inside of the toilet bowl or dips in the shit water. Fucking gross.

>too tall to gamble which side the stream will go

Not being well hung enough to get dick down close to urinal.

How do they even wipe?

I always sit down when im visiting somebody

On my own toilet, which only I use, I sit the fuck down to take a piss. Why? Because I don't want to spray Urine all over my own fucking bathroom.

Don't think you're spraying Urine everywhere when you stand up? You might not see it visibly, but little micro-droplets of urine are flying all over the place, make no mistake.

In public places I do stand up, simply because I don't want to sit on toilets that are already sprayed with piss.

Our lord and saviour Kek though his avatar Pepe taught as you have to pee standing.


A German woman has pressed charges against the now famous man who insulted the Munich gunman from a rooftop; and the local prosecutor agrees with her.

>German confirmed for biggest cucks on the planet

>doesn't splash on the seat

Lift the seat. As an indication that you care for the females in the house, leave it up when you are done.

Are German shitters still equipped with that ridiculous shit inspecting shelf thing?

I only piss sitting down in the middle of the night or else I piss all over the fucking floor


>implying you couldn't press the most bogus charges in the US as well

Everybody knows this won't go trough. The DA might have already dropped the case

This gif has been around for years and i still die laughing every time

I pee standing over the sink, at home, in restaurant restrooms, and people's homes. Very comfy.

you're a fucking leaf so you're a cuck by default

See them once in a while. They're pretty comfy to take a shit

Then it will splash on the edge of the toilet or on the floor. I'm the only person using that toilet. What this guy said

It's not a good idea. Males are not built for that.



Yes my son but remember to poo in the toilet.

Explain this contraption and what it does

Muslims have circumcisions too though, cuck

>you guys are circumcised h3h3h3
>murrica so delusional

says the cowards who won't even defend themselves for appropriately insulting a mass killer. This stock of germans are cucked to the core. Not even banting at this point.

Isn't sitzpinkler an insult in German? Like softcock proofer or cuck?


you shit then stand up to piss? why the fuck? I mean if i only have to pee i stand, but if im already sitting to pee why the fuck would i stand up (for me it goes at the same time almost so whatever)

America is the most chucked nation on earth. All the other cucking around the world is a direct result of America's own cuckoldry

Not this bogus. Keep fishing though. For your sake Hans, I hope you're right. If not, have fun being the laughing stock of the world.

Just take a knee, don't cuck yourself for your friends.

They're already extinct. The man who doesn't piss standing up is no man at all.

Hey can you delete this post

We at least still have them, Hans.

Yea, you're right, we cucked the world. Now what are you going to do about it?

It just means your shit lands on a porcelain shelf for you to inspect before you flush
at which point it smears all over the shelf before reaching its rightful destination so you have to clean the toilet thoroughly every time you use it.

It also makes your piss fly everywhere if you try to urinate standing up

it's his large mass that pushes on his inner organs when sitting so nothing comes out

When I piss in a public bathroom I wave my benis everywhere while pissing
Also sometimes if someone is using a stall I will piss over the door hitting them

>splash on the edge of the toilet or on the floor

Learn to aim. This is why you Canucks can't have guns.

>Just accept it Hans.
But if they do, they'll be hating themselves and thus an act of cuckery. It's a catch-22.

I just researched. The DA already dropped the case, because it obviously was bullshit.

i only pee sitting down when im drunk because i don't want to clean pee when i wake up

Germans piss sitting down? Lol, they deserve rape just for this.

You didn't cuck the world, the world was chucked through osmosis. It would be more accurate to say that you were the first infected with Jewish aids, then you willingly spread your masters poz.

i sit down when i pee. there is nothing wrong with me

Also I shit in the sinks

Jews didn't originate in murica retard. They spread from europe, then came to america's shores.
>hurr durr me smart strayan look at me bant

I had hoped so, do you have a link? I'd like to read it

That's when I'd be the most hesitant to sit down. Don't want to sit where people's asses have been.

You're an embarrassment.

America is the true home of world jewry. No other nation cuck for Israel like amerigoys

I'm German and the only time I had to pee in a sitting position was on a squat toilet in Egypt.

>Der Münchner Oberstaatsanwalt Thomas Steinkraus-Koch sagte der "tz" am Donnerstag: "Der Anzeigenerstatter geht offensichtlich fehlerhaft davon aus, dass zu dem Zeitpunkt, als das Video entstanden ist, der Amoklauf erst noch bevorstünde." Das sei aber nicht richtig. "Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte der Amokschütze bereits neun Menschen getötet", so Steinkraus-Koch. Das Verfahren werde eingestellt.

That's nice abo. You seem like a right educated bloke. You still won't do shit except shitpost on japanese anime pictures forum though. VERY SAD.

1. Take off your pants. Completely. Feel free to do this at home.
2. Pee standing up.
3. Feel how much piss splashes on your legs
4. Realize all that piss is on your pants normally
5. Never stand again.

This is useful, thanks.

How is this post even relevant? Australia gives nothing to Israel and no leader would get elected after giving a speech about how hard they will cuck for the chosen people.

Actually, this doesn't happen if you aren't blocking the stream somehow.

I've had experiences like that, but adjust my dick so there's less pressure on it and it's in a better position.

The stream becomes more solid and it goes cleanly into the toilet.

My grandma has one of those and it's the best stuff ever. Your shit lands on that little platform and you don't have to put shittons of toilet paper into the loo to not splash yourself with shit water. Also, there is always a little water on that platform, so the shit doesn't stick to it.

This is designed for use in medical institutions so sample of shit could be taken for analysing conveniently. Problem is with shitty soviet economics planing that saw no need in manufactoring other versions of toilets so ones like that can be found everywhere in post-soviet space including eastern Germany.
