2000ad - Prog 1991 - Dredd Storytime

New Prog is out : Part 1 of Judge Dredd LadyKiller

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are you coming back?

Pretty sure that's the full storytime.

Next week for the prog 1992 with ladykiller part 2

Thank you, user.



why are you bumping, that's all there is

Anyone storytiming the new crossover?

Sure, let's do this!




Ouch. Bad day at the office.


Deerman over here kinda reminds me of the Alien Catcher General from the Cursed Earth.


Aw shet.



Interesting to see a helmet design so inspired by Cam Kennedy's narrower visor.






Still better than anything on the main series.


link to 1991 download?
I don't see it in win-o

Meanwhile, at Bad Decisions Inc.!

Bad decisions are afoot!



And that's about it.


Thx for the story time, didn't want to buy predator vs Dredd vs aliens because dark horse use a drm, same with comixology

I love you won't you tell me your name

bump for reading.