Doctor Strange Mystic Runes

Anyone else notice all these mystic runes in the Doctor Strange trailer? What do they mean?


My autism is exploding...fuck.

The top 2 are the Seal of Vishanti. Its pretty common with Doctor Strange

the one on Mads? Looks like the same. Other two? I dunno.

Upper left is definitely the Seal of the Vishanti from the comics. The one on the book looks like a stylized version of the Eye of Agamotto. I don't know about the others.

Look closer. The one on the top right is NOT the seal of the Vishanti. Similar, but different.

Aye, I noticed em.

Sorry, I should say the one on the book in the center. There are two different symbols on books here.

I'mma bump
just for you

Fuck off Scottsman, you're not helping. Go eat some fucking haggis.

FYI, Kaecilius isn't the only one with that symbol cut into his forehead. His followers look like they have it too, along with the disintegrating eyes. Sort of suggests they're all serving whatever entity that symbol represents.

Yep, the entity is a bit of a cult.

Kaecilius is apparently an amalgam of several characters. From what Mads has said he's got more than a bit of Modred the Mystic to him.

What did he say that gave you that impression?

That he's kind of idealistic and believes what he is doing is right. He also seems a bit arrogant in the preview comic.


So, I think we can safely assume the mark on Mads Mikkelsen's head represents Dormammu, right? And we've already go symbols for the Vishanti. So who do the others represent? Cytorrak? Ikonn? Raggadorr? Is this movie going to set up the whole system of Powers and Principalities? Because if so, that's a much bigger deal than all this reality warping shit.

>Hey, remember those Asgardian guys? Yeah, they're not gods. However there ARE numerous extradimensonal beings that are so powerful they are functionally gods and they have been secretly intervening in our reality for centuries.

Between that, Ego in GotG, and Surtur, Fenrir, and the rather mysterious reference to enormous "Eternals" in Thor: Ragnarok, the MCU is about to start filling up with weird cosmic powerhouses.

Might be Chthon given that Kaecilius wants to let the old gods in.

Maybe Chthon, who spied on Thanos, told and showed Kaecilius about Thanos destroying everything, Kaecilius shat himself and was told "but if you let me in I'll protect you from purple space man!"

Maybe Dormammu is influencing Mordo and does not want the likes of Chthon and Set hogging what he thinks is his.

Pretty sure Mordo kills Kaecilius at the behest of Dormammu.


I've seen this a few times but I'm wondering if whoever reported that just didn't recognize them as Celestials.

That or they're the other Elders of the universe maybe?

Would be odd to use the Eternals since they appear to contradict the Aesir without some heavy-handed explanation.

Damnit man, you need to let the idea that Thanos' spokesman had anything to do with Cthon go. It's purely your headcannon.

Yeah, I'm sure they were mistaken and used the wrong term. I've also seen it suggested that, since this is Ragnarok and all, it might have been Those Who Sit above in Shadow. But I think Celestials are a better guess.

Actually, given that the Asgardians in the MCU aren't really gods, I could see them going with the idea that they're the MCU equivalent of the Eternals, superhuman beings created by the Celestials meddling with genetics. That would explain why they might be in Thor: Ragnarok.

That's a good thought. If I was in charge and wanted to bring in the Eternals, that's probably what I'd do. Make the Aesir a lost tribe like the Titans or something and the Jotuns deviants.

I know a lot of people would disagree but I rather liked the Earth X explanation. Probably a bit 2deep4u to use for a blockbuster though.

It would also help them tie in the Inhumans, whenever they get to those guys. And it also provides an easy explanation for Ragnarok: the Celestials are unhappy with how the Asgardians turned out, and have returned to clean house.

>proper Celestials in MCU

kek, fucking never. That little piece with the Power Gem Scepter was the only chance we've got, mark my words

I dunno, man. Infinity Gauntlet is cosmic as shit, and they chose to make that the focus of their big finale. I think they're going to want to adapt that scene from the comic where Thanos fights the Cosmic Abstracts, and if you're going to do that, establishing the Cosmic Abstracts before hand is a good idea. They established Celestials exist in GotG with both Knowhere itself and that cameo by Eson, and they also teased Eternity, Death, Infinity, and Oblivion. Dr. Strange may introduce the Powers and Principalities. GotG2 will give us Ego and who knows what else. Thor 2 is giving us Surtur and Fenrir and a bunch of other crazy shit. Are more Celestials that crazy compared to all the rest?

Besides, if you're going to do Infinity Gauntlet, you have to at some point establish the Cosmic Abstracts just so you can have Death. She's Thanos' entire motivation.

Maybe I was thinking too much of the Avengers and Infinity War (which we don't even know if Strange is going to be in it yet) which Dormammu has nothing to do with and no history with at all.

But the Eternals are the cunts who made Thanos what he is.

And the Celestials are dead, as we saw in GotG they are just skeletons.

We saw A dead Celestial. Singular. And it's a Celestial that's dead in the comics too, it means nothing for their broader race.

That's true, but they're also missing a bunch of major characters from the comics version of the storyline. It's possible Dormammu could fill in for some of them.

Other than Dormammu, Shuma-Gorath, Cthon, and the Vishanti, which extra-dimensional power/principality would you guys most want to see cameo in the movie?

Regarding Dr. Strange's opening into the Multiverse. I actually think this is a way to bring back Quick Silver, just of a different timeline.

I've wondered Quicksilver was simply a casualty of an unspoken agreement with Fox to split usage of the twins, and thus avoid brand confusion. IIRC Marvel announced their intent to use him and Wanda first, but Fox was the first one to get a movie with Quicksilver out.

it's probably Loss.jpg.

>Would be odd to use the Eternals since they appear to contradict the Aesir without some heavy-handed explanation.
user the Aesir in the MCU are for all intents and purposes Eternals anyway.

I'm hoping this is the plan, because we could've gotten so much more out of QS as a character in the MCU.

However if you observe it, it seems they agreed to split the twins up. Like Fox gets QS and Marvel gets SW

Ikonn. Dude is a troll and a master of illusions. I'd love to see his domain of magic visualized on screen.

It's also a way to bring the X-Men into play.

Absolutely not. Only if Fox is okay with giving them the rights, but even still it'd be a cluster cuck.