We all know that Jews have been expelled out of Europe during the time span of thousands of years

We all know that Jews have been expelled out of Europe during the time span of thousands of years.
We are 100% certain about this and take it as a proven fact.

But what we are never being presented proven facts and documents about is the "why?".
I spent so much time in trying to find out why Jews have been expelled out of Europe for so many times over such a long timespan.

I barely found any information at all. In some cases people will even insult you for asking and ask you if youre an antisemite. Simply for asking "why were they expelled in first place?".

Look at the pic for an example of this. The Pale of Settlement was an area in the Russian Empire established in 1791 in which Jews from the were allowed to work and live. They were not allowed to live or work in the rest of the areas.
Once again this article fails to answer the "why".
It only got one sentence for this question that makes absolutely no sense and is based on absolutely no source:
>The reasons for its creation were primarily economic and nationalist.[citation needed]

Of course the Pale of Settlement is only one example out of many.

Where can I go to find more actual information about this, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:



Also curious about this.

What makes the search for this a huge pain in the ass is that if you just try to find some answers by the simple ways of using google etc. pretty much all of the information will be "because people were anti-semites" (which obviously is NOT an actual answer to the question)...


a number of sources, depending on which expulsions you're interested in. Try thetalmudunmasked.com, stsimonoftrent.com, look up various papal bulls that explained why the Jews are being expelled.
Also Luther's book "On the Jews and Their Lies" and the Yt video "What Great Men have Said About Jews." (if in germany, will need to use proxyflow to bypass filter).

They were expelled over 109 times, so this is just a short summary. In the case of their expulsion from the UK by Edward I, resentment had been building for their loan sharking, selling alcohol, and then the ritual murder of Hugh of Lincoln (mentioned by Chaucer) was the final straw.

Another popular reason for their expulsion was their domination of the slave trade, esp White Christian females. The leaders would tolerate them (bc the Jews would bribe them) and then eventually anger would bubble over over to where pogroms were taking place and it just wasn't worth it.

where can you find the most info? Try solargeneral.org and go through their reading sources.
They have a ton of stuff (assuming they are still up). This is the sort of thing that takes years to really learn about, and don't expect to be able to talk to assholes on /his/ (where they will ban you, even for asking genuinely earnest questions).

It's the sort og thing where one source will lead you to others which lead to still others and you could go on for the rest of your life studying it.
Once you get into it, you won't believe how much the media and academia hides it. And not conspiracy stuff, this is right there in sources no one disputes.

I honestly think it is just that Jewish people have a completely unique culture. There have never been another people quite like them, with the absolutely strict emphasis on insular marriage, matrilineal identity, intellectual achievement/literacy, propensity for dissent/argument.

The Canaanite nomads who wandered the Arab peninsula 3000 years ago came up with this kind of formula for society which is just bizarrely persistent. I mean think about it, what other culture that old even exists on earth today? You could say maybe Australian Aborigines and things like that, but in the Old world where there was a constant flux of empire, conquest, collapse, etc. there is no parallel to the longevity of the Jewish people.

Now as to why they are constantly being driven out- they refuse to assimilate, yet they succeed at high rates, at least in Europe, because of their culture, and I think since around 1000AD because of a natural selection pressure among the Ashkenazi that results in high intelligence, especially verbal. There is a lot of evidence for that.

Traditional cultures will always react negatively to this kind of people, they don't seem to respect the values of the majority, they seem to always be in positions of relative power/wealth, and sometimes they are just persecuted for being different.

I have never found a better explanation than this, and the majority of these are not my thoughts, just stuff I've cobbled together.

this is also available in written form. This is the video. if in germany, you will need a vpn or to use proxyflow. This video answers the exact question you are asking: WHY were the Jews always expelled?

>I have never found a better explanation than this
I just gave you the explanation. It's not hard. Jews were involved in usury, selling alcohol, the White slave trade, and Jewish ritual murder (which we know was real thanks to research of Israeli professor Dr. Ariel Toaff).

Why do you run your mouth when you haven't researched the subject? It's like a person in a crowd asking if there is a doctor and you step forward despite not being a doctor.
You can spend decades studying this, all the info is there. Europeans were not stupid. Our (at least mine, no idea if you are White) were not stupid.
109 different nations/cities/territories were not all wrong. I gave links. Use them.

Your posts weren't there when I started writing, I'll look at the links

Do you disagree with what I said though I'm curious. Not as a primary causes for their expulsion but would you argue against anything I posted?

pretty sure merchant of venice and other literary works cover this quite well

other than being fiction so you could scream "it's just the artists interpretation"

>The reasons for its creation were primarily economic and nationalist.

This actually says a lot about the specific reasons, while hiding behind the popularized meanings of these words. Economically, jews often were involved in usury, or the lending of money at high interest rates. This is similar to what's going on today, but the difference throughout history was that usury specifically, and loaning money with interest in general, were illegal practices for Christians. This ban on money lending obviously prevented some types of business opportunities, so jewish immigrants were able to get a "pass" from authorities by saying that it is not religiously banned for them, and if they do it then the economic prospects of their host nation will be improved. Economic prospects were initially improved, as always happens when money becomes easily available, but the long term effects were disastrous, as always, when people that weren't used to and didn't understand interest rates became essentially debt slaves, as they are today. It was eventually understood by the ruling class that no amount of "improved business prospects" was worth the enslavement of their kin to a foreign guest in their nation, and things would always spiral into a hatred toward the lenders, the jews.

This hatred of debt combined with the jewish tendency to subvert host nations in areas of family, racial, and cultural unity--in an effort to make themselves appear not so foreign, which essentially makes them blend in better, something they practice in every host nation, especially today--led to an extremely hostile sentiment toward them, for as talented as they are at subversion and theft, they lack tact and tend to over-implement their tactics in an effort to secure immediate gain for themselves instead of securing long term gain for their progeny--this is the nationalistic reason stated in your OP.



You can't find information on this simply by trying to search or ask about why the jews were kicked out of places--you have to find an instance where they were kicked out and then start your research back far enough to where they first entered the host nation. If you look at the economic and social changes that took place during their stay, and particular the changes that took place immediately before their expulsion and immediately after, the reasons become very clear. It's almost comical that it has happened so many times throughout history in almost exactly the same way each time.

The most interesting point of ponder is how far they got and how dramatic the expulsion was when it came to be (think WWII, for example). Currently the entire world, all cultures and all people, are facing dramatic suppression in the face of this ages old song and dance, and it surely is the most successful attempt they have made, aided and abetted by the explosive improvement of information technology (which is always their primary tool in achieving their goals)--I just wonder how it's going to end this time.

because they were different.

when the wars of religion were going on in Europe, catholics and protestants would take over cities and expel each other all the time as well.

This is what I think too. To avoid repeating what you already said, I'll just mention that Jews are forced to wear certain accessories such as the threads hanging from their belt or whatever that identify them as a Jew, for everyone to see and target.

I feel like Jews are the scapegoat. Only a few at the top are bad, most are chill

You didn't read a damn post in this thread.

you are right in the sense that it is genetic at this point. Euros were farmers, craftsmen, etc.. and had kids to help with farm labour or to help with the work.

Jews evolved in a totally different way. For thousands of years, they were involved in selling underwater real estate, haggling over every transaction in the bazaar, loan sharking...so what sort of evolutionary pressure does that put on them?

That is, the Jews who were the best swindlers, the most verbal, the best con artists, had the most income to have the most kids.

Also, Jews never had the evolutionary pressure of wars, which is why they are so physically inept.

They were like gypsies but talented, which means they can inflict moreso

I have. They have above average intelligence but don't necessarily fit in. Scapegoated in christian Europe because Jesus was killed by Jews and they were easy targets.

Jews have prominent positions in areas such as finance or entertainment. So people want to connect possible dots and use it to blame all jews.

maybe because there is no such thing as jewish people

merely social planners that decide to adopt judaism like khazars or people without an identity who latch on to it because it has historically existed (and is very tempting to adopt, the whole playing the victime while at the same time being superior thing)

so basically it's just a creed groups of people through out time have picked up and continued while it has retained it's name like an ideology

good posts, gonna cap it

>They were like gypsies
Dr. Pierce talked a lot about this, and why the analogy does not work. Gypsies are parasites, but only exploit us externally. That is, they pick our pockets, rob our homes, etc.. They do not take over our media and infiltrate our governments.

the Jew is different. the Jew corrupts our souls. They make us supply their weapons, us fight their wars, our government express approval for their criminal wars.

The gypsies are like fleas. Jews, on the other hand, are like an especially insidious brain parasite that get inside us as a people and change the way we think and function as a people.

>I just wonder how it's going to end this time.
It will end as it has always ended. History does not suddenly change. the only difference is that this time, due to improvements in communication, when the anti-Jewish revolt begins, it will be worldwide and won't end until they have been dealt with once and for all-- either through removal or complete expulsion to somewhere like Madagascar (as was the German plan) where they cannot infect the external world.
Remember, Jewish behavior is pathological. Jews do what they do BECAUSE THEY ARE JEWS. Why do leaf cutter ants cut leaves? It's in their nature. The same is true for why Jews act the way they do.

Even a casual look at their history as a tribe will reveal this.

Thanks m8. Please put me in the screencap.


The final straw in most cases was ritual murder

>It will end as it has always ended.

I think this is the only rational expectation. They of course know this, so as expected they will take every effort, up to and including an "I'll take you with me" type of (((nuclear))) response as the final solution approaches will make things dangerous for the global population. Our main advantage is that they universally oppress the world population which dwarfs them in size many thousands of times over, and if there is a sudden enough shift in sentiment toward them from a wide enough population, they will immediately be prevented from taking such measures.

Hilarious how this whole article only talks about how blood libel was only a "rumor" while there are actually cases where Jews admitted having done them.
In fact, the German article about "blood libel" is called "ritual-murderer-legends". Literally calling the whole thing a "legend" in general.

Wikipedia is really ridiculous regarding this topic. It feels extremely biased. Expulsion articles mention "anti-semitism" as a "cause" in every other sentence and shit like that while leaving blood libel cases which actually happened out completely.
Also they imply that the Jews didn't give loans for their own profit because they had to pay all their profit as taxes anyways.
Obviously this doesn't make sense since if they didn't do it for their own profit they wouldn't have done it at all. Even less does this explain the expulsion since expelling them would mean there wouldve been much less taxes for the Kings and the profit through the jew-taxes would be gone. So that can't be the reason for the expulsion.

In that case the only thing left is the blood libel cases.
I feel like these are being played down. Wikipedia supports this feeling by treating it like blood libel is a "legend" while in reality there are proven cases and probably a lot more undocumented ones.

My guess is probably because jewish businessmen pulled the same fraudulent nonesense they pull to this day. Why else would the West's extremely left-wing media try so hard to blatantly cover something up? It just sucks that there may never be formal research on such a topic ever again.

This is a great thread, OP. I have to go to work, but I'm saving it for later reading. Thank you.

>but the long term effects were disastrous, as always, when people that weren't used to and didn't understand interest rates became essentially debt slaves, as they are today.

How exactly did it end up so disastrous?
In the example of England the King took taxes from the Jews as they got money from their credits.
This means the King of England made lots of earnings thanks to the Jews.
And from my general knowledge about the middle-age the Kings did not really care about their poor-folk at all. So I can't imagine they ended it because they "felt bad" for the people who did not understand the consequences of falling into debt. I feel like they wouldn't have cared about them.

Jewish ritual murder is now an established fact:

>Dr. Ariel Toaff
From his Wikipedia article:

>A second edition of the book appeared in February, 2008. In an afterword to this edition in defense of his book, Toaff responded to his critics. To forestall possible misinterpretations, he said that the idea that Jews practiced ritual murder is a slanderous stereotype, and that ritual homicide or infanticide was a myth. That said, the possibility existed that: certain criminal acts, disguised as crude rituals, were indeed committed by extremist groups or by individuals demented by religious mania and blinded by desire for revenge against those considered responsible for their people’s sorrows and tragedies.[4]

This got me laughing.

I will probably check out the original version of his book some time.

If you are really interested in Jewish history in Russia and what the Jews did there, see Solzhenitsyn's book "Two Hundred Years Together."

For some (((mysterious reason))), this 2002 book by a Nobel Prize winner has no official English translation, but Dr. Kevin Macdonald's site has translated almost all of it.

read the link above. Essentially, after the original book came out, he was basically threatened with murder.
See the link to the Israel Shamir article on him:

>Jewish people have a completely unique culture.

Yeah exactly this. White men got tired of getting conned and was like Gas the Jews race war now. So the Jews left and acted like victims,

This is a good thread. it would have had 300 replies before Sup Forums became nu-pol

I am not an anti-semite. A lot of the people I admire most are Jewish.

But I do wonder, also, why they were systematically expelled, hated, etc.

Just like a girl that tells you she has been raped by 6 different guys... it's possible, plausible, that something in her personality type is attracting or placing her in similarly rapey situations.

>Kings did not really care about their poor-folk at all.

It's not that they necessarily cared about the well-being of their poor-volk, it's more that the those people became, for lack or a better word, loyal, to their debtors. The royalty only hold their power through their ability to control the people, and high tax revenue never outweighs the risk of losing control of what give you the power to collect taxes in the first place.

It's also important to note that the people that became the debt slaves were the upper middle class business men and the like, who were actually responsible for commanding and making the peasants productive. By causing relatively few of these people to become in debt to them, jews were able to control relatively large amounts of the population.

That, and I believe the royalty cared more about their people than you may think. The middle ages was a time when national identities were formed based on shared culture, language, and productive efforts. The construction of cities, control of borders, and ease of communication that didn't exist previously brought on a period of relative peace that unified people and fostered a sense of wanting to preserve what they had created.

>Kings did not really care about their poor-folk at all

It's not necessarily that they didn't care about their poor-volk, it's that these people became, for lack of a better word, loyal to their debtors instead of the royalty. No amount of high tax revenue is worth losing the authority that gives you the ability to collect taxes in the first place.

It's also important to note that the people that became in debt were the upper middle class businessmen types that were responsible for making the peasants productive at all. By causing a relatively few number of these people to be in debt, jews were able to control relatively large amounts of the population for their gain.

That, and I think the kings cared more about their people than you think. The middle ages were a time when national identities were formed in Europe. The construction of cities, control of borders, and ease of communication that hadn't existed in previous generations fostered a relative sense of safety, and a desire to protect what had been created. It's no wonder that many of those nations that formed at that time still exist in one way or another today.

something to add on to this.

jews were kicked out of the middle east by the muslims who hated them.

they moved on to europe after that and the muslims chased after them which lead to their attacks on rome.

Lol I refreshed so many times I was sure that my original post was not going to appear, so I retyped it.

Retyped it pretty good from memory.

Poland was one of not mamy countries that didnt expel them, and around the Time when we started taking them in and have them rights our empire started to fall apart from the Inside, i Wonder if its just a coincidence

You're welcome. That's what good friends are for.

His book is actually available in German.
However I couldn't find a PDF and the copies are like 80Euros for the cheapest offer.
I am extremely interested in the "Jews in the Soviet Union" one though.
The connection between the Jews and the USSR was always a thing that interested me like crazy as there obviously was some kind of a connection but people didn't want to talk about it and put it off as german antisemitic propaganda to say there was a "jewish-bolshevism".

Maybe im gonna pay the 80euros.

>they moved on to europe after that and the muslims chased after them which lead to their attacks on rome.
- burger, phd in medieval history

>By causing a relatively few number of these people to be in debt, jews were able to control relatively large amounts of the population for their gain.
>Be medieval lord
>Have an incredibly inefficient tax/revenue system
>I want the neighbour lord's clay though.
>Start unnecessary war and ask the jews and other rich merchants for money to pay for it.
>Agree to pay interests
>Use peasants as canon fodder
>Some lords are captured and must borrow money to pay their ransom because they are shitty with finances too.
>I started the war..
>Nevertheless somehow the jews are to blame.
Back to stormfront with you.

Are you retarded, or just mexican?

>Ad hominem
Great argument, user.

A baseless "argument" deserves such treatment.

>Baseless argument
Please, be kind and tell me which part of this was a lie? I would enjoy to learn medieval history from someone like you.

Same thing

It's like modern bank hate.

White people were too retarded to run banks so the Jews did it.

I was waiting for someone to say that.

>running a bank is particularly hard and only the superior intellect of jews could figure it out

the liberal brainwash is in full effect with you

I'm not sure you understand what the word lie means.

>white people were too retarded to not trust people that have screwed them over countless times.

I'll give you that.

>why did the hyper tribalistic european culture perscute non europeans holy god xdxd i just not knows sir

Uh.. Are you guys retarded?

>borrow money from Jews
>can't or won't pay it back
>expel them
>make them forgive debt to get back in

Everyone needed their own Court Jew or Sheckler, but it was pretty easy to squeeze them for bribes or gifts. If the nobility had listened to what the common people actually wanted there wouldn't be a Jew in Europe.

you say "stormfront" like it would be an insult. I don't like having to use a name and the points shit and the other stuff there, wouldn't use it, but back in the 90s when the idea of "White Genocide" and "Whites as a minority" was a literal joke, all the information, all the cartoons, all the shit used here was kept alive there.
The Jews history in the 20th century alone in the USSR is enough for anyone to answer the OP's question.
fuck sake, look in their Talmud. That alone was cause for one of their expulsions from France.


1.An intentionally false statement:

2.Used with reference to a situation involving deception or founded on a mistaken impression:

By saying my argument was baseless, you implied my claims are lies.

>Patronizing me instead of explaining why my claims are, supposedly, baseless.
I will wait.


>non europeans
so then you are admitting Jews are a race, i.e.
"they are non-Europeans?"
But then your kind also says "race doesn't exist." Which is it?
you also fail to account for the Gypsies, who are from Bangladesh. And while no one wants gypos around, they never inspired the type of hatred Jews did to where a word had to be invented for dejudiazing an area ("pogrom.")

I've done quite a bit of reading on this subject lately and it's amazing that the information is so readily available to anyone that takes the time to look.

It's a tough subject to breach but I've managed to have a few conversations with people who turned out to be surprisingly knowledgeable.

The people who take the most offense to the subject are hardcore Christians. They follow what their pastor says without a second guess.

I think there are more people than we know who are aware. They just keep quiet about it. Which presents a problem for the Jews. They can't ridicule someone for thought crime if they don't advertise it. And the worse things get the more people will will turn hostile but only internally until something happens and it blows up seemingly out of nowhere.

>national identities
>middle ages

Pick one. The nobility in every European country spoke French, not English. They were a different ethnic, cultural, and social class than the commoners until the rise of capitalism allowed wealthy merchants to buy their way in. Even the poor associated more with their own town or village than a "nation."

Short, readable, widely available, your first book on Jews:
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years by ISRAEL SHAHAK
Somewhere on the Internet:
Jews Must Eat by Saul something
Voice of Reason Radio, especially the lectures of Father Matthew Raphael Johnson, on Youtube and Archive Dot Org
Later, longer, more detailed books:
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E.M. JONES
A People That Shall Dwell Alone and Separation And Its Discontents by KEVIN MCDONALD
Judaism's Strange Gods by MICHAEL HOFFMAN

2 things I think you're missing.

First, that once the king is in a bad spot, he doesn't just throw his hands in the air and say "My fault, guess I have to suffer the consequences." He takes action. That might mean throwing out the jews and blaming them.

The second point is why that blame may not be misplaced. Usurious loans are insidious. You see it with payday loans and title loans today. Free money up front and you can chase that big payday you've been hoping for. Bad enough when you're a poor black buying a big TV on credit; it's much worse when you're a king funding, say, a dowry for a political marriage that ends up not paying off. You can blame the poor black for his poor decisions, but that doesn't make the payday lender any less of a predator.

Our entire modern economy is built on imaginary money, and real wages haven't grown in almost fifty years. We've financed wars and domestic spending with no way to pay for them. Does it surprise you that the old kings would do the same, given the option? Are they really that much more gullible than our enlightened modern democracy which falls for the same trick?

Dude, this is not a "gotcha" post. Not to mention, the idea of race wasn't always same as you understand today. As well as, not being European doesn't imply that they're from a different race.

My kind? What, a half black half white hispanic? Dominicans say that races don't exist? (Actually, the concept of race is not existent in the DR so you could make an argument.. but it's not like they argue about it they simply literally don't make it part of their culture)'

You make a whole lot of assumptions, Cletus.

Different social realities require different measures. Due to shenanigans the jews have always been a threat to the ruling class. (If it wasn't religious based lending ruless, it was also religious based lending rules)

Life is simple, jews were actually competitive and Europeans couldn't just dismiss them as a lower class for them to feel smug about it.
There is no fucking conspiracy.

>Jews are competitive
>Semitic tribalism
>Artificial resentment learned in childhood and ritually cultivated to ensure separation from inferior races
>Depend totally on establishing connections with the government and securing special arrangements (see also Wall Street today)

Read "On Jews And Their Lies" by Protestant Reformation Founder, Martin Luther. He published it in 1543 and it's still SPOT ON today in 2016and just as applicable!

Link: biblebelievers.org.au/luther.htm

"They exalt themselves and praise God for separating them from the heathen. . . In order that their raving, frantic and foolish nonsense might be perfect, they praise and thank God, first, that they are human beings and not animals; secondly, that they are Israelites and not Goyim; thirdly, that they were created as Men and not as Women. Such foolishness they do not have from Israel, but from Goyim."
"For thus the historians write that the Greek PLATO daily gave such praise and thanks to God, if such blasphemy and haughtiness could be called the praise of God. For that man (Plato) also praised his gods for these three things, that he was a man and not an animal, a man and not a woman. a Greek and not a non-Greek or barbarian. Such is the praying of a fool and the praise of a blasphemous barbarian: just as the Mals imagine that they alone are human beings and all the rest of the world nothing but inhuman beings, ducks, or mice." - Martin Luther "On Jews and Their Lies - 1543"

I dislike Jew nepotism as much as the next guy.

My point is that they're not fucking magical. You're acting the exact same way black people act with White people. Thinking they're some sort of demi-god that somehow controls everything.

And jews are competitive, they don't have nationalistic pride and they stick to service jobs. (Aka, non production based shit) So they naturally pander to everyone as oppose to whatever idea you have for the nation. So when White people try to endorse an specific idea, Jews with no tribe but their own sale themselves to a bigger part of the populace in the most generics and polarizing of ways. (Hence the inclusiveness meme)

Blame them for what exactly?

>non polarizing way

it's important to note that religious jews were kicked out, not the racial ones that people always talk about here. if you look up the primary sources, only jews who didn't want to convert to Christianity were kicked out of many places of europe. also, Jews are historically the best businessmen, they'd do shit like open a business, sell shit at such low prices that all surrounding business in the same category go bankrupt, and then raise the prices exponentially. bottom line, they were smarter than everyone else when it came to economics. still are.

To think their fate could be avoided if jews would speak out about the problems in their own communities. But they refuse for a variety of reasons. If they wish to be used as human shields for the more powerful and nefarious members of their race then so be it.

Jews were constantly jewing the goyim throughout history.

Then, just like today, the people hurt the most by this were the poor. This tradition goes back to the Roman Empire and most of the poor were Christians. At first the Jews would stone them and persecute them, but they turned the tables on them after Constantine. They continued this in Europe in ways large and small, when Jews weren't peddlers ripping off poor, dumb villagers who stupidly bought from Jews, they were "court Jews" responsible for dreaming up oppressive tax schemes and slavery/surfdom (exclusively a Jewish invention in Europe). Ofc the aristocrats just loved the Jews... except when they grew tired of their scheming and hand-rubbing. Then they would kick them out and receive a huge popularity boost among the peasantry for expelling the Jews.

Today it's much the same, except that we "vote" for our bad kings and nobody is allowed to expel the Jews because of "human rights". More like Jewish Rights. Tell me how can there be human rights when we have homelessness in every Western country? What bullshit is this?

I have "heard" rumors that the jewish faith "used" to kidnap non-jewish children and torture them for their blood rites and when they were caught they were executed and all other jews were permabanned

Unfortunately, the memes just aren't there.
It'd be a great story ,each 109. Make a new thread if you find the stories.
Search for specific questions and you'll receive what you desire.
Ask and you shall receive.

i heard this too. but that's coming from the same people who spread rumors throughout medievial Europe that Africa is full of goblins, giants, monsters, etc.


Rabbi openly admits everything you've heard.

I'm on my phone so I'm not sure if it embeds. But this is definitely worth a listen.

Here's the whole interview.


Someone in this thread Have already posted that there are indeed recorded incidentes of this. Personally, I wouldnt put too much importance about it in this age. But heh, one never knows.

Here's a brief history of jewish ritual murder. Comment way too long for 4/pol/, so I pastebin'd it for you.


if you get invaded, usurped or murdered

>you will find they have been in conspiracy with the enemy

if you catch them before this happens

they will say they are loyal to you and have been working in your interest

cause they are cunts

Absolutely tumblr.

>You make a whole lot of assumptions, Cletus.
this is your default insult for Whites. But I don't see you taking your nigger ass back to your island ( Haiti or your native nation would both work).
why is that do you think, Sambo?

>using wikipedia for serious research
are you retarded?

Well, this is the stupidest thing i have read today, congrats.

Forget it, this discourse has no point and i need to sleep. Feel free to believe that you won though, ciao.

I was wrong, this is the stupidest thing i have read this year. Good god, please, take them back to the tumblr for neonazis where they came from.