Zed was the coolest guy from my childhood

Zed was the coolest guy from my childhood.

don't watch MiB3

You had a lame ass childhood then.

>mfw American translations renamed him "Zee"

He was pretty cool
also the reason I didn't pay to watch 3

STFU, MIB 3 was great. Way better than M2B



his replacement was hot

you mean "Zee"

hot garbage

> Rip Torn
might as well call himself Rend Shred

u prolly got him confuse with one of ur mums other clients, he do have that hobo look u kno?

It's more or less his real name, unlike most of hollyjew

wasn't saying it was shit, just that OP wouldn't like Zed's role in it


i was only meming. we all love Rip

my favorite

or Cut Tear

We will never get a MIB movie as good as the first one.

Why live I wonder?

Chop Gash

did he toched u?

Because he's an 80 year old alcoholic who couldn't get his shit together?

He's fucking Artie and he doesn't need to stop drinking for anyone.

Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.

3 was good, maybe even better. the guy who played young Kay was perfect. maybe I'm just a sucker for time paradoxes