So.....this happened

So.....this happened.

How much more effective than Stark's Hulkbuster do you think it will be?

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... ok does anyone see the head's "nose" as a little smiling mouth?

When you look at it that way he looks smug as hell. I love it.

>to be clawtinued

T'challa is confirmed smarter than Cho right?

Now I do you fucker.

He's black, so by default he's twice better than Stark at anything.
That won't last after Riri takes over, though.

I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with my hulkbusting.

- \/-

Yeah, so is (I think)


Cho is probably smarter than Banner seeing as he cured him of the Hulk. All of them are more wise experience though.

>Hulkbuster made of pure vibranium

how can it possibly job?

Its already at least 4x as adorable, T'challa can sure design a kawaii mech.

The ranking of intelligences in marvel comics is dumb. I know "smart" is a superpower" but it's still super dumb to try to put a number on it like they do with how much the Hulk can lift.

IIRC McCoy's mutation helps him use his brain more efficiently with super-photographic memory and Stark has an alien-altered mind. Those are the only ones I know have their minds changed in some way.

I don't mean that their brains were hit by lightning, or bitten by a larger, radioactive brain. I mean that their actual power is that they're smart.

But they need to stop ranking "smart" like they would weight a person can lift. Brains don't work like that.

Pick it up and throw it into the sun

Probably zero percent.
Did they really need the throne cockpit? Imagine getting hit in that thing.

Hell, just pick it up and shake it a bit. He's just sitting there, not even strapped into the damn thing. Pompous ass on a throne like that'll turn to mush or inadvertently blow the thing up himself as he's ricocheting around in his Plot Armor.

Anyone reminded of the movie "Ice Pirates?"

"Why'd you paint it black?"
"I wanted it to be perfect." (robot flexes)


Look, it's a kitty! It's so cute, he even gave it a little kitty head! For no reason!

Well. I do now.

>pure vibranium

What a fucking bad idea. What happens when Hulk slams it into the ground and starts pounding on it? He can't break anything, so he's just going to get super fucking mad and keep on hitting harder and harder.

I mean, it would be a good idea if you wanted to dig a hole to China

It's a hulkbuster it has to job


Is Del Mundo doing interiors for Totally Awesome? This beats Cho by a longshot.

Hulk's blows would just be adsorbed by the vibranium though, so no damage to the ground below.

I'd wonder if Hulk would think to try pulling and bending the metal instead. Does that work against it?


>How much more effective than Stark's Hulkbuster do you think it will be?

He's a poc in Marvel, I'm surprised he isn't Iron man already

He's black in 616 so obviously everything will go great for him in whatever he pursues. Only weakness is a black female.

>sitting down inside instead of wearing it
Somebody at Marvel was thinking about the human body for once when designing a robot. Not sure how Tony ever piloted the Hulkbuster when his tibia would snap in half when it moved its hips.

Did T'challa build that himself or did he use his amazing planning skills and money to get it made?

Wouldn't Vibranium have to be at least somewhat malleable for them to shape it?

It's Black Panther OP.

He can beat anyone & anything cuz he's a black Marvel character.


Is the movie Age of Ultron Hulkbuster armor the only Hulkbuster armor to actually win?

Adamantium is only malleable when it is white-hot right after being refined, so maybe vibranium is the same. Once it is cool and set, there isn't anything you can do with it without cosmic-tier powers.

Yeah, it's better classified by specialization, like Tony is a mechanical engineer, Pym controlling Pym particles, Reed is rocket/cosmic science, T'Challa an expert on Vibranium, etc.

Now it looks like a calarts character.

>bitten by a larger, radioactive brain.
I want to see this

I do now!

>What happens when Hulk slams it into the ground and starts pounding on it? He can't break anything, so he's just going to get super fucking mad and keep on hitting harder and harder.

>Hulk's blows would just be adsorbed by the vibranium though, so no damage to the ground below.

Vibranium's capacity for absorbing vibrations is not infinite. When it finally overloads - and let's face it, this is the Hulk - it releases the energy all at once. Like an explosive.

This might kill the Hulk, but it would most assuredly kill T'Challa.

Pretty much? The Hulkbusters ALWAYS job.

>How much more effective than Stark's Hulkbuster do you think it will be?
About as effective as any new pushed character is compared to old ones

About as effective as Miles was against Blackheart compared to Iron Man, She-Hulk, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Whor

Cap has peak human intelligence so he's at least Pym tier.

Richards and Stark both have beyond peak.

Stark, like the Hulkbusters, consistently jobs.

He was one of the smartest inventors on the planet when he started out, just creating insane stuff in any field, from medical applications to Jupiter landers.

And then he underwent the Extremis process, pushing him WELL beyond 'superhuman', but writers just pretend it doesn't exist.

please dont remind me of what has happened. it hurts

>to be clawtinued

Thanos is black.


>le penward face

Hulkbuster never (or if it did, it was rare) won a fight with the Hulk

Amadeus is probably smarter as Hulk than Bruce was, except maybe as Dr. Green. And he has no real reason to fight T'Challa (which was also the case when Bruce first fought the Hulkbuster).

So odds are he's going to clown on T'Challa, probably in a way that screams "Why is the king of some weirdo African nation hassling me?"

I thought it was 3/5s

What a smug little bastard.

Is there a reason why T'Challa is buried far up Carol's ass in this event? He's like to Carol what Carol was to Tony in the 1st Civil War, but with even less urgency.

It's weird as fuck

He's like one of the last characters that should be in that position

nothing personal kid


Fix that for you, sempai. :^)

It has a throne so it's 10000000x more effective and stylish

>Is the movie Age of Ultron Hulkbuster armor the only Hulkbuster armor to actually win?

Well, it's pretty obvious that hulk's sadness is what really did him in. He was looking around feeling guilty, or something, and that's like the hulk's kryptonite. Mad good, sad bad. I refuse to discuss that Kluh retardation.

>Is there a reason why T'Challa is buried far up Carol's ass in this event?

He's auditioning for Rhodey's position.

Cap's peak human abilities don't extend to mind capabilities. He is nowhere near Pym or Banner. He is intelligent, sure, but far from top ten smartest.


You forgot Moongirl in the number 1 spot

This, it's pretty obvious that T'Challa just wants to fuck Carol and this is just a bunch of white knight bullshit.

T'Challa always did strike me as someone who'd be into femdom.

Richards isn't in the universe right now so he doesn't count (The Maker would take his spot but by his own admission, the laws of physics are just slightly different enough in 616 than Ultimate that he isn't as smart as he once was as he needs to relearn so much of what he knew). Pym got ULTRON'd. Banner is dead.

Is magneto considered cosmic -tier? I would think he'd be able to manipulate vibranium or adamantium

If they're so smart, why haven't they cures cancer?

You forgot Valeria and Quiet man

After all the effort they went through to invent it?

Pym is the smartest

>I would think he'd
He de-grafted Wolverine's skeleton.

technically a "half-breed purple nigger," if you want to get down to the nitty-gritty. fucking Deviants

>Mar-Vell originally dies to cancer and goes to Marvel's D-Lister Valhalla
>greeted by the likes of Silver Surfer and Hercules, even though they're not dead

pretty bizarre end to what was a serious story

That bitch is below him

Why would anyone fuck Carol for something other than a femdom fetish?

He's not really a deviant though. He's basically an Eternal with their equivalent of Down's Syndrome.

Can you casuals fuck off
Carol has always been one of the most attractive women in the MU
>inb4 you post the Anka pages that you believe override 30+ years of her being a bombshell

Usually he's purple.

But in the pic he seems to look a darker shade of grey.

Amadeus probably has a lot of repressed anger right now. He'll snap hard if they give him something to fight.