Just some thoughts

I am starting to think the Trump campaign was created in order to win Hillary the election.

Coming out of a democratic presidency, the Republicans should've had the upper hand. And I believe almost any one of the Republicans running could have beat Hillary simply considering the controversy/scandals surrounding her... But Trump keeps saying stupid shit and people are starting to look passed her controversy/scandals simply because Trump it's coming across as more and more rash and irresponsible...

I bet you if Bernie didn't feel so much this taste for Trump, he would have been much more reluctant to support Hillary... Once again, something the would have given the Republicans a huge edge.

Looking back at Trump, the guy was a registered Democrat from 2001 to 2009, extremely close to the Clinton family, especially considering she worked in the same exact state he is from. It would seem Hillary has been mapping out a path to victory since the 2008 loss.

Tim Kaine was replaced by Debbie W, a woman who is proven to have a clear bias towards Hillary, and Kaine would go on to become her VP... Likely to get him to step down (promising him the position she gave) and subsequently set up the system for herself...

I am a bit flustered over the whole situation, but I'm beginning to feel that the Trump campaign is a sham... Considering the Clinton camp's corruption and dirt finding skills, it wouldn't surprise me.


and what would trump get out of throwing the campaign? for him to give up his shot at the presidency, shillary would have to offer him something better than being the most powerful man in the world. even IF the campaign started as a shill, there's no way it still is now

I guess I don't understand. There is a lot of information here with what ever rule I broke seemingly vague to me.

Do you honestly think I am fake or a troll or something? I though the point of Sup Forums was to be able to talk about what is politically incorrect. I dare say my point certainly falls into that in the context that I am bringing to like a potential conspiracy.

Can you specifically tell me what I did wrong so it doesn't happen again, or maybe I can rework my post?

Who's to say there isn't a lot going on that isn't in the public eye. We all know the level of corruption and sneaking that Clinton is willing to partake in. Just because we don't know what is being offered doesn't mean there isn't something going on under the table that none of us can see.

Maybe it's a favor, a very intense favor. Maybe there are some huge benefits that Trump could potentially receive for doing this.

He's an old man, getting ready to pass on his business to his children, if there's a good enough incentive I have no doubts he wouldn't be willing to take a fall. He is a businessman after all.

I kind of suspected this and played with the idea after hearing others talk about it, I'm gonna laugh my ass off at all the dummys who were dooped by the Trump meme, and then be sad I was right because Hillary will be president

All the more reason to vote Trump.

you have to go back >>>/plebbit/

The chance to be the nominee and get billions of dollars in free publicity, face it, he would not have got where he is without the media talking about him 24/7 and they would not do that if Bilderberg didn't plan it and Bilderberg would not have planned it if they were not paid and manipulated.

If you're not a troll fantastic, welcome to Sup Forums we have a wide variety of views and will love to talk to you as long as you back it up.

That post is just a little information for people who might need it. If you're arguing in good faith it's useful to you!

If you're not arguing in good faith, then, well there should be one in the thread.

Have a good afternoon user!

Trump is exposing her corruption and her connection to ISIS. A plant would not do that.

I used to hear people say this a long time ago, but I didn't believe it. Now that the general has started it starts to seem more and more likely.

Ivanka and Chelsea are best friends ffs.

You're underestimating a liberal's ability to deny reality. They believe races don't exist.

We'll have to wait until the debates to see what he's willing to say in front of the country.

I don't think so. He's having a rough week, and the clinton camp is getting used to his tricks. Combine that with his predictability and it's gonna be a little rough. I still feel he can win (and win easily), but he's gotta be more careful and watch what he gets baited into.

>Be Trump
>Rich AF and bored once again
>Decide to meme once again and run as a Republican
>Last time was short lived but really try to see how far this can go
>Maybe riding the Romney "I'm a business man" meme train will work
Couple of months go by
>People fucking love me despite having no real plan that isn't a sentence or two long
>Decide to start with even bigger memes
>Bump up my rhetoric to make me sound like a sociopathic loony
>Totes should get people to hate me
>They love me more
Couple of more months
>Joke is getting stale
>Really try my fucking hardest to lose
>Nothing I do works
>Could literally rape someone infront of them and they'd cheer
>Some imageboard full of neckbeard weebs have memed me into full power
>Party members are shitting all over me but endorsing me out of some retarded loyalty to a party I've constantly made into a joke
>MFW I'll be stuck as the fucking president because an entire party went full retard

In the words of a fukkin' flower.

If everyone around you is going full retard, you can't go half-retard. You'll lose.

Gotta go full retard too.

It's been obvious for a while. Sorry dude.

It's possible that it was... and Trump is pulling a George Washington and going completely off-script.

I mean, one also has to consider he eradicated any real threat to Hillary in the context of plowing through all the Republican nominees, and then couldn't get the support of many of them subsequently making it even harder for him to win... It's got to be a sham.

This scenario doesn't make sense.

>Promoted Hillary's America
>Consistantly called out Clinton scandals
>Other things on twitter a plant would never say that exposes democratic party

you know what else would benefit trump? being president and getting to give himself unlimited favors. nothing the clintons can promise him could possibly be even close to as good as the presidency

This. How hilarious would it be if this all backfired and Hillary couldn't even beat her own fake meme candidate?

Assuming this guy's not just a faggot


Holy shit, point 16 right down near the bottom. Its OP's idea.

The whole part of him being a plant is for him to say whatever is necessary to play the part.
He's getting endless promotion and his campaign is good for his brand, no matter what liberals say. He has a lot to gain by faking it.