Why is this happening now? Is this guy going to be 6 feet under in a few days?

Why is this happening now? Is this guy going to be 6 feet under in a few days?


It's on.

I fear for his safety.

a swede is going to suicide bomb assange

Ecuador is probably not amused that Assange is using their embassy to stage attacks on the American political process.

>inb4 it's a tan swede


Sounds about right

So a Suede?

hopefully the deadman isn't compromised.

I wonder what hellhole will be unleashed if that switch goes off.

A Swede with a Midwestern American accent.

man, I hope Assange has a dead man's switch

>Clinton caught rigging the elections.

I-I-It's that guys fault! Not our pure-as-the-driven-snow candidate!

How are your kids?

This is a step to getting him free

the interview will be procedural and allow Swedish law enforcement to uncuck itself with the accusers and say there is nothing to the allegations requiring criminal charges and Assange can go free and unleash the wrath of God on Killery

The Ecuadorians are actually worried about him though. His mental health is straining in his de facto prison

Why does he need to go to the Ecuadoran embassy in London to be interviewed by Sweden? That seems needless. Is there no Ecuadoran embassy in Sweden?

>tfw they'll also kill his dead switch guys

Think about what you say before you say something stupid

i want assange dead by US assisnation so much

he has fucked this election for the left so badly.


How many of these Swedes will be Americans? Shit is serious now, the world hangs in the balance.

Um, Ecuador is run by leftists.

The proof for him doing what he is accused for are thin but they still need to interview him in order to release him. However he can chose not to, if he's paranoid enough, and wait there until 2020, when the UK aren't enforced to send him to us due to the case against him will be statute-barred.

t.Working for MSB, you've probably never heard about it but it's basically Swedish FEMA.

Oh you know he does in case they pull something.

Hes dead the moment he walks out of that embassy. Unless some miracle happens and Russia can grab him and put him in a box like Snowden to fuck with the West.

aw poor guy

It would probably be a some sort of thing he has to type a password into to keep it going otherwise it dumps everything, i don't think it would be a person.

ideologues vs. utilitarians

they won't drop Julian now that he is proving his worth.

Sweden will drop the investigation after the interview.. They will by no means be allowed to arrest Assange and take him from the Embassy