why is this the best sci fi of our time again?

a long time ago I read a post on this very board where I guy made a very succinct observation about this movie, he described it perfectly using only one word, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was

I still don't understand why Matt Damon started killing everybody


space madness

>why is this the best sci fi of our time again?
Basically for the reasons you just enumerated. Sounds like a batshit awesome movie concept even in your attempt to ridicule it.

Because it was supposed to be the only hard s info to come out in a long time. There's a fucking huge book on just the science behind the CG of light and wormholes in space. Then they fucked it up with that rushed nonsense ending and a fight with Matt Damon for some reason.

He knew about the tesseract and wanted to prevent Cooper from reaching it

Hard sci-fi* fuck my face

I don't get why people don't like Matt Damon's part in the movie, I personally liked all of that.

It's about incest


>you brought a gun into space?

The part about him tricking people into coming to his doomed planet is good. The bad fight scene is dumb

but matt damon going insane from isolation was the only interesting sci fi aspect. it shows what a person will do if stuck on a planet for so long knowing it's either kill or be killed

it made me feel smart, with out actually being smart

Did you guys even watch the movie?

Matt Damon says very clearly he wants to return home to Earth. He knows the rest of the crew won't let him because they're trying to find a better planet. His only solution is to kill them, then pilot the main ship back through the portal and return to Earth.

Can this annoying DUDE meme end soon please, it's gay.

Love isn't quantifiable - the only thing love has to do with the movie is that McConaughey chooses his daughter's room because he loves his daughter.

Why does think trigger autists so hard?

Didn't Matt have to stay even longer because they fucked around on the water world? He was still an asshole for sending the beacon though.

potato madness

>"My name is Mann
>"Hugh Mann"
>betrays them
What did Nolan mean by this?

It's amazing. Nolan found a way to use love saves the universe as an entirely reasonable and logical component in a larger more complex sci-fi plot and nihilistic bitter retards still screech REEE about it.

they hear love in a sci fi and get triggered because they thought they would escape any reminders that they are in fact not loved

Are there people who really love this movie who actually justify the asinine message about love?

I think your a little too young to be watching PG-13

He has faults, like humans do.

>Love isn't quantifiable
I made this thread cause Cooper LITERALLY says "love is quantifiable" in the movie, near the end of the tesseract scene. Also Cooper didn't choose his daughter's bedroom, the 5D humans who made the tesseract did, and they chose it cause they knew cooper and his daughter loved each other so much that they would have a strong connection through space time because DUDE LOVE CAN TRANSCEND LOVE TIME AND SPACE LMAO

unless you're saying the 5D human who made the tesseract is somehow a descendant of Cooper which is possible but equally dumb

I laughed and then I realized you are absolutely right.

This might be the most absolutely, factually, on all levels correct thing I've read today.

Thank you for that moment of clarity.

Wow, unironically gr8 b8.

Well since she was his one true love and they where in a incest relationship it makes sense.

To explain all the strange idiosyncrasies of Interstellar’s plot, let’s look at it as if it were not really about “saving humanity” but Cooper’s own interpersonal romantic problems— here an incestuous desire to sleep with his own daughter. (Zizek argues this is also the theme of the space epic Deep Impact [1998]). The desire is symbolically introduced in the first few moments in a strange scene that is otherwise unrelated to the rest of the plot. While in the midst of changing a tire with his daughter and son, an enormous phallic symbol in the form of an ancient drone flies over Cooper, interrupting an ordinary day of family routine with the fantastic. Cooper is seized with a wild desire to chase the object through vast swathes of fresh corn, ramming his battered and broken truck through the green crop in a raucous euphoric action sequence that reads if anything like an absurd wet dream.

The adventure ends when the truck careens to tilt over the edge of a cliff— his sexual desire, threatening to destroy himself and his family. But here, literally teetering on the edge of the void, he gains control of the phallic object and through the technological medium of his laptop, invites his daughter to manipulate and control the phallus on the mousepad, allowing her to bring it in for a safe landing on green verdure.
After this, through various supernatural efforts expressed through the “ghost”, Cooper and his daughter try and separate from one another. The ghost (who we later learn is Cooper himself) commands Cooper to go away, but his daughter surreptitiously follows him and he is unable to escape her.

yeah but at the same time if you aren't a nihilist you really aren't cut out for anything other than being a wage slave, intellectually speaking that is

Soon, Cooper decides to flee as far away as possible, to fling himself into the remote regions of space, insisting that his daughter cannot accompany him. While his son is more or less indifferent to this idea, his daughter is deeply disturbed, leading to an emotionally intense scene in her bedroom in which Cooper promises that one day he will return and when he returns, because of relativity, they “might be the same age”.
Likewise, his journey through space is filled with agony. He is torn between the immoral desire to return to his daughter and risk reproductive disaster (what the NASA scientists call “Plan A”) and a normal relationship with the fellow astronaut Amelia Brand (Anne Hathaway) and her pods of viable reproductive hexagons (“Plan B”). The “destruction of the human race” is here code for Cooper’s inner struggle between the two women.

This reading explains the strangest element of the film— the fact that the mysterious center of black hole (in a film that prides itself on scientific fidelity) turns out to be peephole into Cooper’s daughter’s bedroom, allowing him to watch her at every moment for all time. (Why not, for example, her laboratory instead?) The very limits of space itself cannot separate Cooper from his desire. His effort’s to get away from his daughter (to deny it) eventually find him trapped, confronting his obscene fantasy.
Finally, this interpretation explains an even more perplexing scene at the end of the film, in which Cooper, ejected from the literally perverted space of his daughter’s bedroom, finds her dying in bed, a decrepit old lady. Lacking any purpose, he asks his daughter what he should do with his life now that he has finally returned to her. Strangely his daughter tells him to go to a remote planet and pursue Amelia, the female astronaut, and enjoy a normal relationship with her— this, despite the fact that Murphy knows that her father and Amelia have just spent decades together in a spaceship. Somehow she assumes (or knows) that the two have not already entered into a sexual relationship.

Draw of the movie for me was the sci-fi elements and the strength of the human species (at large) in the face of insurmountable odds and what keeps us going. The dynamic of that being explored on a small scale in the character of Coop and his relationship with his children. As well as Anne Hatheway's character with her father and boyfriend. It felt strange to have a different character introduced half way through the movie and ignore all logic and get himself killed while risking the survival of humanity.

>Hey X and Y aspects of this film are kinda silly don't you think?

people went in wanting sci fi kino not saturday morning love saves the world deus ex machina bullshit. The idea that love is quantifiable and that you can make a machine that can give you a number of how much "love" there is between two people is pretty silly

This movie says we don't have free will and presents love as a motivating force.

But that literally has no effect on the main plot. It's like a 20 minute diversion that doesn't matter and the fist fight in space felt like it was added by studio execs for normie audiences



>why is this the best sci fi of our time again?

it isnt

it was close to being great but nolan overshot this one and slammed into the wall

Narf. Zoid.

The fact that this movie is so highly rated shows how low the SF standards have fallen. Kids that voted 10/10 on imdb for this probably voted 8/10 for all of the 5 Spiderman reboot that came out in the last 10 years.

Hollywood is telling us about how evolved the elites are and how the illuminated few will someday be. Same thing with Stargate's "ascended beings".

Yeah bill gates, what a nihilist

so nolan is a zionist?

>why is this the best sci fi of our time again?
bu- but op....

In infinite time and space, all iteration have occurred, will and are simultaneously. So...the timeline which you just stated as being a meme...would actually be a legitimate timeline...

So what is the distinction between the meme and cunni timeline you say? Nothing, every eventually is the same.

This thread is bait meme

There's actually a timeline where op reads my post and takes the red pill, before living a happy life in the company of his alcoholic mother, who just came out rehab, and together, after a long incestuous relationship...Op will wake up one night, give a gentle kiss to his mamafu before going outside, before realizing that he is in fact a phaggot of the highest order.

He will apologize to my in the year 2067 on virtual reality 4chin, after he spots my avatar in the Sup Forums tavern I just walked out of, drunkenly boasted about that one time I told Op, to his face, how much of a phaggot he is, and how much interstellar changed my life...marginally.

the giant plot hole is that humans were extinct without wormhole
and wormhole was made by future humans that didnt exist due to extinction

its a paradox, and a bad one at that, completely glossed over

Well, he is making a "remember the Nazis?" movie but that's not the main thing I was getting at. Nolan probably belongs to the elite who have a greater understanding of human evolution, have some capacity of it, and are striving towards more so they normalize the concept for the masses.


twin peaks general is that way --->

Can't argue with those digits

op is sort of right, all the elements are great its just the way they've been arranged seems to be that the parts are fundamentally placed not intrinsically, but just with the faintest emotional draw

Ding ding ding

>has no effect on the main plot
Mann fucked up the Endurance, so they had to dock and after that Cooper had no choice but to fall in a black hole

It was alright alright alright.

Why is there three Interstellar threads up?