Shill here. Riddle me this, how can Trump cut taxes and invest heavily in US military at the same time...

Shill here. Riddle me this, how can Trump cut taxes and invest heavily in US military at the same time? Even he knows that USA knee deep in debt.

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Cut the wasteful spending the military does and use the funds at hand 600+ billion to do what needs to be done?

Won't they kill him if he tries to take away their money and power?

Stop footing the bill for NATO and UN,
Spend saved money on tax cuts and military upgrades.

Too spend more in our military could mean spending better.

They'll prob kill him anyways, if Cunton looses, the Globalist Cabal loses its power.

Borrow and spend, it's becoming a Republican tradition.

I'll believe it when I see a specific plan of what to cut and not before.

Nobody gives a fuck about Clinton. She will die next year and puppet Kaine will replace her. That's why she can say whatever the fuck she wants. Nobody asks Tim about his policies.

>I'll believe it when I see a specific plan of what to cut and not before.
I believe kicking women out of military is a good start.

He can't his plan should certainly raise the deficit.

However the DNCs emails said that Hillaries promises so far would make the deficit like 10% bigger. That was before she went fucking crazy with insanely expensive healthcare promises. Based on what we know about her tax hikes and spending decreases so far, Hillary's plan if she didn't completely lie about it will lead to more deficit than Trumps.

Please repost at 2 a.m. Most Americans are sleeping now.

In debt to who, user?

It's almost 8 am in Washington DC, Ja?

He intends to deregulate the US's industries (which historically leads to economic booms) at the same time as crippling the import market with tariffs.

This could improve the US's total tax take realistically.

In reality though the US is too far in debt for paying it back ever to be an option.

Why would he specify them? If he does during the campaign all those groups and plans he'll cut will go and shill in the media saying trump can't be prez.

This is what is happening with cucked military groups etc. He said we will buy weapons our soldiers need not the one our special interests are hand picking, after he said that several arms manufacturers said "Trump can't be president"

Many countries.
Mainly China.

I looked at how much growth he would need for this plan to not create more deficit than the current one, he would need to outperform reagen or bushes boost in economic performance significantly to not increase the debt.

Probably the least agreeable part of Trumps plan is his tax plan. I was more against it than Hillary's plan until Hillary went absolutely lefttarded on healthcare and commited to an absurdly expensive healthcare program but didn't commit to any way to pay for it.

Because our weapons are one of the few things we actually manufacture anymore.

Putting people to work with their own tax money compounds the value of the dollars spent.

But having never actually created a job, I can see how liberal arts shits like you cannot comprehend basic economics.



>In reality though the US is too far in debt for paying it back ever to be an option.

The debt was higher in WWII and bottomed out at just over 30% before getting back to its current levels again.

Sounds like you have far more info at your disposal than me.
What are the spending obligations he has that will grow the deficit so much?

Keep in mind, I am of the opinion America's debt along with Europes is unpayable at this point. I just want to know how his system of managing it will be worse than the democrats.

Because US won the war. Are you saying that US needs to start w war and rob another country of its wealth in order to pay the debt?

Yea, if they'd paid it back at some point you'd have a point, but they haven't and they won't and please keep in mind the WW2 payments are all drying up now.

Our debt is about equal to the cost of a new home, in relation to our GDP.

It would be as if an average American bought a $150k home. That's a lot of money, but it can be paid back in 20 years. And that's not counting any jewry we can perpetrate against China and other creditors.

he can do it because the US is the sovereign issuer of the US dollar not a fucking household, you're thinking on a pleb level.

in addition, investing in the military doesn't have a lot to do with money but with real resources (and their alternative cost), money is an afterthought, an accounting entity

This actually looks like the best option for them at this point.
Their biggest creditors are China/Russia through various international institutions. If they could cripple them both, write off their debt at the same time as putting Russia and China into their debt they'd be over the top rich.
The nigs would just consume those riches but it would reset things.

Easiest assassination to fake ever. No one will doubt that is wasn't a "crazy gunman"

he can't

its called empty promises aka horseshit

its republican politics 101

He has promised very little in spending, just the VA. He also promised to cut obamacare, which should reduce his spending.

However, and it's hard to really find a neutral source, but Trumps tax plan is expected to according to tax policy center accounting for what they estimate will be increased tax revenue, cause over 10 trillion in reduced tax revenues over 10 years. I did the math on how fast the economy would have to grow to make up for that, like twice as fast as it did under Reagan and he spiked the shit out of the debt.

I actually realized he recently revised that tax plan because it was retarded which makes him even BETTER compared to Hillary. Which TPC now puts at $5.57 trillion. He'd still need to outperform reagan, but not as much as with his OG tax plan.

Yeah but I'm at work, if I wasn't I'd be asleep

>>Source from some dude's estimates

No, we are a first world country where shit like that doesn't just happen.

Your 2.5 trillion shillbux have been deposited into your account.

>except in dallas

>Tax plan promising 1.1 tril surprus
>Clinton already promised more than that months ago.
>Since then, looming promise to cut taxes for lower class
>Promising single payer healthcare
>300 billion in spending over ten years



By cutting the 3.2 trillion dollars we spend on wellfare

Was this an attempt at 4d chess?

i'll just leave this here on stopping all this thinking about MONEY instead of REAL RESOURCES, should be simple enough for even Sup Forums to understand

They will kill him and use his body double

>over 1 trillion for the F-35
By spending that money on shit that's cheaper and more effective.