Why is this country so boring? It's basically the same as the US but with a different language...

Why is this country so boring? It's basically the same as the US but with a different language, no porn and more suicides.

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Blame the South Korean counterpart of the alt-right movement that ransacked the whole country since 2008.

Korean guys are fun desu

American cultural imperialism

It is the best country in Asia. They are doing better than Spain.

better than s*Ngapore

It has lovely architecture and pretty decent movie industry though.

discount Japan with more suicides, no anime and no video games

I dunno, I'm going to Pyeongchang and it's not my first time here and I find Korea kinda interesting. Am I gay?

>South Korea
>no video games

also it's not really cheaper than Japan anymore

You know it's strange when I need to buy dried vegetables from Japan online because the price of vegetables here in Seoul is skyrocketing.

>South Korea
>no video games
They are literally the home of modern """"""""""esports"""""""""""

playing video games =/= making video games

>the same as the US

Esports aren't the same as videogames
They're the best at that meme but Japan is the one who actually, you know, MAKES the fucking things

It was not specified that it was the making of video games.
South Korea also makes games, just not good ones.

there's a whole market of Korean MMORPGs and they're quite successful, so...

Possibly literally hundreds of grindy MMOs. Some of them were even good.
This and LA2 holds a very special place in a lot of my countrymen's hearts.


To be honest, Korean are very irritating. :(


剣道 Kendo
剣術 Kenjutsu
侍 Samurai
武士道 Bushido
流鏑馬 Yabusame
切腹 Seppuku
日本刀 Nihonto
居合道 Iaido
抜刀術 Iaijutsu
柔道 Judo
合気道 Aikido
大東流合気柔術 Ditouryu-aiki-juujutsu
新羅三郎 Sinra Saburo
道の精神 Do-no-seishin
空手 Karate
相撲 Sumou
忍者 Ninja
忍術 Ninjutsu
伊賀流 Igaryu
服部氏 Hattori-si
ツツジ Tutsuji
茶道 Sado
千利休 Senno-Rikyu
華道 Kado
盆栽 Bonsi
和歌 Waka
演歌 Enka
折り紙 Origami
歌舞伎 Kabuki
花札 Hanahuda
扇子(摺扇) Sensu
日本庭園 Nihon-teien
法隆寺金堂壁画 Horyu-ji Kondo Wall Paintings
おかず Okazu
日本の大部分の食べ物 Mostly Japanese food
豆腐 Tofu
蕎麦 Soba
日本酒 Rice wine sake
寿司 Sushi
刺身 Sashimi
醤油 Soysorce
味噌 Bean paste
味噌汁 Miso soup
納豆 Natto
沢庵漬け Takuanzuke
沢庵宗彭 Takuan Sōhō
奈良漬 Vegetables pickled in sake lees
海苔 Laver, Seaweed
海苔巻き Vinegared rice rolled in dried laver
和牛 Wagyu beef
しゃぶしゃぶ Shabu‐shabu
うどん Udon
長崎ちゃんぽん Nagasaki chanpon noodles
イカ徳利 Ika tokkuri(Dried squid formed in the shape of tokkuri)
有田焼カレー Aritayaki-curry
飴・朝鮮飴 Candy, Shosen-ame

We make a shit ton of shitty vidyas all the time. We just don't market them in the West because they are too shitty.

still better than jap*n tho

I don't really have anything against Korea but their fan club is so insufferable it makes weebs look like charming people.

and don't forget the soy/faggy population (wait, actually same as the US lul) and plastic surgery to remove the "chink" out of their ugly yellow faces

Believe it or not American men are actually less soy than German men.

Doubt [X]
Americans degeneracy is on another level

t. zainichi

I hate gooks but I think they are better than Spain

Spain? what is that?

>One building = good architecture
It is a well known fact that Korea has basically no traditional architecture conpared to Japan or China

it's because you are just stupid

you forgot it's nicer, comfier weather, comfier people, cleanliness and no insecurity


>comfier weather, comfier people

I know a Korean who was raised in murrica from a young age who went back to Korea a couple years ago. He regretted it and wanted to move back because winters were cold as fuck and the people were apparently mentally retarded.


Living in America brainwashes and taints the very soul and dna of a person mutating them into the creature known as the "American". Doesnt matter if he was Korean, if he was raised in the US his opinion doesnt count for shit.


Korea is boring country.
Japan is always awesome

>It's basically the same as the US

South Korea is nothing like the US
>it is a well known fact
source: your rectum

Japan has been the leading light of east Asia for a millennia. Korea would literally have no “traditional culture” if it hadn’t been copied over from japan during the colonial era.

It was nothing more than a remarkably backwards Chinese province, where people starved on a regular basis and didn’t even have the wheel or a single school, until the Japanese lifted them up into civilization. South Korean achievements today, if you can call them that, all have their basis in the seeds of civilization japan planted in that country.

>say Takeshi

Everything I said is objectively true. Korea didn’t even have the wheel or carts until japan opened them up.

The architecture is a shitty remake, not that it was ever good in the first place. Koreans don’t have the same fine aesthetic sensibility that the Japanese do and it shows in their junky structure and their absolute lack of artistic tradition.

It goes for the same Jewpan Takeshi

stop and ask yourself where Japanese people and culture came from? it’s not a primordially ancient connection but in fact v recent. in the time of the Roman Empire it was still inhabited by hunter-gatherers related to the Andamanese

>since 2008


you really should go somewhere else

>Japan has been the leading light of east Asia for a millennia.
*for 200 years


No sane people in Korea would seriously believe those shit irl tho

Some Korean '''nationalist''' nutjob claiming dumb and retarded arguments doesn't mean anything lmao

>American education

Takeshi don't waste your native tier English for shitposting

I actually think Korean history is quite fascinating, specially during the three kingdoms.

>One building = good architecture

t. Nobita Smarrcincin

t. John Takamatsu

Japanese won't accept you as nothing more than gaijin even after shitposting on their behalf on Sup Forums Davido-kun