How in the ever loving FUCK did this get made?

How in the ever loving FUCK did this get made?

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I assume blackmail.

Less blackmail, more endless badgering.

Hollywood degenerates have no standards or sense of dignity, at least when they can rationalize it as a raunchy comedy or "work."

I liked it. Then again, I didn't watch it.

Emily Jean was amazing in it

It's what happens when you sign up for a movie before seeing the script.

some jew owed a favor

trying to appeal to brain dead normies

Is that Sean William Scott?

probably some money laundering thing

kek'd twice

I unironically enjoyed it.

Horrendous photo in the bottom right.

Lots of celebs were suckered into appearing in it by being told "ahh we have Bruce Willis in it" or Johnny Depp or whoever.

They filmed their acenes and when they found out they'd been played most of the brighter celebs actually sued to get their performances cut.

A lot didn't though, which is why there's so many famous people in it. They all presumably thought it'd be a Pulp Fiction style ensemble cast but it wasn't.

Is there any source for this?

Also, the film apparently took 4 years to make, so a lot of the people had even forgotten their little 2 minute scene had even been shot.

Jobbing actors do a lot of shit throughout the years so it's really easy to forget you spent an hour or two filming a scene 3 or 4 years ago.

Fuck me, most actors film commercials, tv spots or interstitials regularly too. Not to mention the constant press junkets.

Busy busy busy.

Underrated. Good job, bro/chick/whatever.

The huge jacked man with balls on his face was funny

How in the ever loving fuck did this get made?

It counted towards a film as per the big names' contracts. So they agreed for a 10 minute shit fest cameo to satisfy a contract condition as opposed to spending a year in filming an actual moviem