Why people call Russians slavic? LMAO they are the original 56%

Why people call Russians slavic? LMAO they are the original 56%
>mixed with scandinavian faggots
>mixed with finno - ugrics before that
>mixed with Mongol Bulls
>now they have 20 ethnicities living in their country

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me and Poland


Like ten times of that

cuz they speak a Slavic language, share Slavic myths etc

Why people call Poles slavic? They are just a slavic-apeaking jews

>slavic-apeaking jews
aj waj, shut it down, they know

>Russia has Sminem
>Poland has ?????

Poland didn't see how North-Western Russians adopted Orthodoxy and prior to that they were Estonians.




this BASED defender of western civilization


he's Greek

my name ends with -ski, yes

Whatever it is, Russia has about 100 million of them.

If you lived next to me I'd snitch to the krauts and take your property for myself

I blame finns for their autistic and degenerate genes in russian population

Nah, things would go other way

Sminem clearly has finnic ancestry.

Putin is a typical Vepsian.

>swarthoid mongrel

I've heard that he is Udmurt.

I've heard that he is reptilian from Nibiru

the fact that he's a mongrel already indicates finnish ancestry

Ur tellin da truth
We all now it

> >mixed with scandinavian faggots
> >mixed with finno - ugrics before that

Usually I ignore such silly bating threads, but today I make exception and entered itt to urinate OP

Slavic is a linguistic term
West Slavs are german muttbabys
South Slavs are more similar to romanians than they are to russians

ok hitler

>>now they have 20 ethnicities living in their country
Wrong. We have more than 200 ethnicities. Check the real multiculti state, you mononational faggot.

Finns have lighter skin, hair and eyes than Slavs. Same for Finnics in Northern Russia.
You'd need a lot of ovens to make Poles as White as Finns.

could I pass as wh*toid?
just curious

My BASED defender of western civilization mutt brothers :)

You're saying russians are 56% when slavs are differentiated by language

I'm not saying this, I'm this guy

it's eastern germans who are slavic you retarded chimpanzee, literally germanized Wends



Dutch and Deutsch are Germanic because they speak Germanic languages, Jews and Arabs are Semitics because they speak Semitic languages, and Russians and Polish are Slavics because they speak Slavic languages. Simple as that.

I didn't know that
Do you have the charts?

>Why people call Russians slavic?
1. We still speak a Slavic language (Unfortunately)
2. Most of our genepool was inherited from the Slavic colonizers, not from the local population (Unfortunately).
3. There's no such thing as an unmixed nation. In order to achieve full purity you have to live on an isolated island (and even that is not a guarantee nowadays).

>mixed with scandinavian faggots
Not happened. The amount of scandi settlers was vanishingly small.

>mixed with finno - ugrics before that
That's truth, but some of them were Baltics, not Finno-Ugrics (not like they're that different from each other genetically though).

>mixed with Mongol Bulls
Not happened. The mongols were much more into slaughtering and burning rather than colonizing and racemixing. The Golden Horde (which wasn't populated by Mongols btw) wasn't really that active at spreading their culture and genes as well. Russians do probably have a certain amount of Volgan Turkic blood (which is actually mostly Finno-Ugric blood anyway), but the mixing happened after we had settled those territories, not during the yoke.

Are you satisfied with my serious answer to your obviously provocative post?

It's time to stop larping, Polacks

Reminder: Polish people aren't Slavic at all. Polish is indeed a pidgin of German, Latin and Slavic words. I think it must be the Slavic language with the least amount of vocabulary from Slavic root words.

>some people claim they are slavic
>they look like jews and speak gibberish instead of an actual language so other slavic people can barely understand them

to nie prawda

just look up Germania Slavica

a chto? kriwda?

I don't understand how the Polish language seems to have no human characteristics yet these people have lived next to us for all of our history. How do Poles even speak it? It's as if a linguistic prank was played on a whole nation to trick them into speaking a fake language specifically devised to sound like gibberish.


gadałem ze Słowakami, normalnie ot tak, ja po polsku, oni po słowacku

>Polish is indeed a pidgin of German, Latin and Slavic words.
It's not like we're that much better at it m8. Polacks might be the most active at infesting their language with loanwords, but you accusing them of it is the same as a prostitute bashing her colleague for having too many sexual partners.

it's your language that sounds fucked up to the point we call you Niemcy - mute ones

your language, especially when you are shouting like Orcs make our ears bleed so we made Polish look and sound this way to troll you
niemcy (mutes)

>east germans are wend muttbabys
>west slavs are german muttbabys
That is what I've found and is technically speaking more or less the same I thing said

a so slovencami smozhesh?

po prawdzie to nie

nah, you're 100% aryan kara boga


Poland >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Russia

Some of those statistics are fraudulent, abortion is illegal in Poland so they just go to czechia instead for them

t. polish diaspora


Just a prank bro

All true

Sup Forums has this belief that everyone in Russia is white and Slavic, which means even brown Tatars and Bashkirs are considered white and Slavic by Sup Forums.

We made it up just to piss you off