If diversity is so bad then why are the most diverse nations the most successful?

If diversity is so bad then why are the most diverse nations the most successful?

Murica is not successful. It is a vile disgusting nation of queers niggers kikes cucks mongrels and fags

stfu and pay your denbts olive nigger.

Also, Australians are the most powerful race in the universe.


America was the most powerfull nation when they were almost all White christians... Now China is getting ahead and they don't have diversity.

European countries were more powerful with less diversity as well.
LatinAmerica is a shithole and we are diverse as fuck since we are a mix of different peoples.

They're not. The majority of America's success comes from before "muh diversity"

If diversity is so good, then why do only monocultural nations that survive?

This to be honest.

Jesus christ.

What's going on with that hand?

We were successful before we got too diverse.
Now america is just riding the success of the white man

Lmao says you

Pretty spooky

fuck off leaf cunt

The US was like 90% white until the 60s and everything has gone to shit since then.

Yhea, Canada's been booming since we started importing hundreds of thousands of brown men and asians. Were going to become a superpower with the new 300k a year quota and 50k fugees Weedman wants now


You mean what countries are the most shabbos?

the most diverse nations are the whitest and they were successful before being diverse

What's going on with that low-level microcephaly?

because homogeneous societies are naturally more peaceful and less likely to develop the internal turmoils that ethnically diverse nations do

see: Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, The Ottoman Empire

>when they were almost all White christians
>were more powerful with less diversity
This gentleman and scholar nailed it.

America was the most successful country in the world when it was mostly white.

>Build successful nation
>Invite over tons of immigrants
>"It's the diversity that's making our countries so great."

What kind of mental hoops are these people performing?

>If diversity is so bad then why are the most diverse nations the most successful?

You mean, the ones that were created by white people for while people until immigrants started moving into them en mass?

You have the question backwards.

Why are the most successful nations now becoming diverse.

The Jews.



and for a moment there, I wondered how a colgate could ever make as much sense.

Carry on, Lux, carry on.

if usa removed all latinos blacks asians and arabs would it be even better off?

I wasn't aware that china is very diverse.

America is just that loud shouting boy everyone looks at and thus is on a lot of people's minds,
probably also because english became the world language.
And the ruling jews that think everything belongs to them.

Americas founders did good stuff (leaving the thing about the native americans aside)

It actually seems more like if a certain diversity threshold is broken a countries succes starts falling apart.

aren't we forgetting about someone?

We are getting our own enrichment right now. It's a rude awakening.

the native americans thing is all propaganda.
they were treated far better than they should have been.

Learn the difference

Like South Africa?

USA is a jew puppet state, nothing new here.

Japan is rank 3 in GDP

shill gtfo

>South Africa

Yep, all successful diverse countries.

Complete and utter nonsense. If Germany or the US didn't get the diversity serum injected we would be so rich and safe that we would basically be massive Monacos. We would also have very low taxes. So no, diversity is weakening to each country and it's social cohesion as well.

>If diversity is so bad then why are the most diverse nations the most successful?

Because shitskins prefer to move to successful countries.

The countries were successful BEFORE they became "diverse".

Diversity does work...if whites are in charge. See Rhodesia and South Africa. Also have many have already mentioned, the USA was at it's height during the 1950's-1960's, where whites were not only the majority, but exercised a disproportionate over non-whites.