European journalism

>european journalism

>Sup Forums, il forum dove è nato ANyonymous, responsabile della radicallizzazione di Pepe the Frog

holy fucking shit

In Russia, this infection(alt-right) already slowly penetrates into this country

Thanks amerimutt for this shit

>radicallizzazione di Pepe the Frog

Hey that's my photo :D

i have that newspaper. I will keep it and sell it in 10 years. I'm going to earn big money

Why are you paying for shit fake news?

to sell it in 10 years and earn big money, pay attention pekka

Why are you assuming he paid for that? Maybe it's a free newspaper.

Is it Repubblica?

>Non e un caso se il sitio che in nove anni ha fatto fortuna con il cospirazionismo, definiendo i migranti arabi e messicani

lmoa so that's how you say bad hombre in Italian.

European journalism is American journalism translated.


I'm keeping it as well. It will be gold
It's like 2€

corsera. gnurant

Nigga, your "president" enabled this shit by supporting Trump and undermining our election.

Yeah its kinda true, our capitals cucked up newspaper Helsingin sanomat. just made some deal with CNN.

No, it's schizophrenics that cosplay schizophrenics from the west (usa Alt Right)
Putin does not even know what Alt Wright is.

>Alt Wright
I mean Right
Fucking phone.

I would happily send everyone who posted neo-Pepe images straight to a Burmese labour camp.

>Sup Forums, il forum dove è nato Anonymus, responsabile della radicallizzazione di Pepe the Frog

È parzialmente vero

>Btw editor I'm writing about cartoon frogs on an imageboard that was supposed to be for anime but devolved into a hivebed of retards and fanatic Trump fans

We made history by posting a frog in a virgin website we should be proud of ourselves

Why is italian so cucked by english?


I had a journalist friend who couldent stop calling med during the days he won. Hes paper was constantly trying to figure out what Sup Forums was. He couldent keep a straight face for weeks.

Its still lovely, it ruined Sup Forums. But its still lovely. We should all leave anyhow.

lel, what is your national language again?

>Canadian journalism

Imagine how the original author/creator of the frog feels.

>the jewish frog

Cracks me up everytime


Heh, you need to work on your 'Wright'ing.