Picking up after Chinatown

Picking up after Chinatown.

It's been an eventful week. I got a new, higher paying job, so I'm taking next week off to vacation. Prob will post a good bit too, just randomly during the day if I'm up to it.

In the meantime, let's continue on with the fucking awesome that is The Goon.


Yeah...this opening is weird as shit...just stick with it folks...




Aaand back to our story in progress.


Dinglepiper thievery is serious bid'ness.





That's a lotta annoyance he's filled with it seems.





Makin' Romantic With a Sewer Rat is the name of my new neo-punk metal band, coincidentally.
















Sorry for the delay, food was burning. Will be back momentarily.










I like the filthy version better!

>Picking up after Chinatown
Can you link to the thread where that was storytimed? I had been following this up until right before that.

>Goon storytime on page 9

Not on my watch!