Kekistan iz bad becaus I saw pictures of kids with acne who lik it

>Kekistan iz bad becaus I saw pictures of kids with acne who lik it
>No ugly people suport me ideology or worldview heha

Other urls found in this thread:

>I defend kekistan

I swear to god this guy has to be the janitor or something

another genius post as usual, leaf
be sure to reply with a mutt post or brainlet wojak

I guess that by that logic the leftypol cringe pictures are invalid too?

You seem lost friendo.

>I am not a kekistani

>the "alt-right" is just a fringe group, they will never gain real influence

But OP, no ugly people support my ideology

I'm skeptical of his claim.

Shut up
#Make FedorasGreatAgain

>I'll make fun of white nationalists by posting ugly mixed children, that will show sure white people

Sup r/t_d

Hey reddit

You sound very familiar with reddit. Maybe you should go back


Double cringe

Triple cringe


Really? After all we've done for you?

Ride would probably kill you if he knew you IRL, keep his lyrics out of your mouth.

These cretins don't have any self awareness unless it is all one big post-ironic shitshow.

>post ironic

I'm not even the Canadian you were posting to fag

>I like kekistan