ITT: Interesting stories about ancestors of yourself, or people you know

ITT: Interesting stories about ancestors of yourself, or people you know.

One from American Civil War
>fighting for Dixie
>random battle
>oh shit Yankee's
>Yankee shoots him
>guy had a coin in his shirt pocket
>tfw coin stopped the bullet

I once caught a hummingbird with my bare hands

That's pretty cool, shame about the coin though.

>have a friend who said his grandpa fought in WW2
>said among from his gun collection he had a Luger from the war
>oh yeah. I remember hearing that soldiers would take them from the bodies of dead germans as trophies.
>"yeah but this wasn't a trophy"
>what do you mean

>granddad is a soldier in egypt
>locals offer to show him and his mates around the inside of the pyramids
>locals lead them to the middle of the pyramids, abandon them then return an hour later and offer to show them the way out if they pay them
>granddad and his mates agree
>locals lead them out
>once they're outside they beat the absolute fuck out of the locals and leave them for dead

>that feel when 100% white (trash)

My grandmother told me something about WWII, I can't remember, but she said something like her mother saved herself from some Nazis thanks to the smell of some shitty diapers she had in a basket.

grandpa was a bankrobber with 9 children

>grandpa fought the Japs on Iwo Jima
>drove a landing craft
>found a katana
>one of my cousins lost his katana?
>you'll never inherit grandpa's katana and sell it for crypto

>grandpa acquires luger and prefers it over his colt
>grandpa gives luger to friend as a momento afterwards
>friend shoots himself with it
>time goes by
>he sees a bunch of kids with it all disassembled and playing around with the parts in friend's yard

My great-great-great-great-grandfather's brother was kicked in the head by a mule at the age of 9 and died.

A Coin isn't gonna stop a bullet from killing you user. That story's bullshit.

depends how thicc the coin is desu

kinda depends on the coin and caliber, if it happened he still would've gotten fucked up and had a serious bruise/possible internal bleeding though

>Grampa was christian syrian inmgrant, back when it was a part of ottoman empire
>Worked his ass off his whole life, in the tailoring bussines he started with one machine and became the big rich ass in town, bought several propierties and even bought fields (once you own fields in arg you are pretty much instantly rich)
>even if he became rich, he lived his whole life as a poorfag, and so detached from his family than 2 of 4 of his son became schizophrenic. The other 2 barely managed to raise a family
>Me i'm just repeating the story, detached from my family, owning money but being a cheap ass and doing nothing with my time because I just don't care

>American Civil War
you (as well as me) don't know how was the quality of both, the coins and the bullets of those times

My grandfather was an alcoholic

>my country was once full of many interesting cultures
>my ancestors from britain came here and slaughtered everyone with culture
>now people accuse of not having culture

My dad sucked his best friend's cock. They were on a hitchhiking trip across the Eastern bloc countries and in Bulgaria they were invited by a family to join the festivities of what seemed to be a gypsy wedding. Naturally, a lot of alcohol was involved. My dad's bro had a crush on him and took advantage of my shitfaced father. My dad didn't know his bro was a flamboyant homosexual.

He dad told me this event made him realize that he wasn't gay himself since he hadn't had any experience with girls at that point in his life. He brushed his teeth for about half an hour the next morning. The two of them continued their hitchhiking trip together but didn't talk much after the events.

Eventually they parted ways in Budapest. They failed to hitch a car for eight hours, and it was raining cats and dogs. The fagbro decided to take a train back home to the GDR while my dad continued hitchhiking. They never met again after this.

your dad is gay

I’m surprised he didn’t die in any of the disarmed enemy forces concentration camps

>ancestor is a slave
>work in sugarcane plantation
Thanks Old Blighty.

und wie ist diese Geschichte an dich gegangen?

Mein Vater hat sie mir erzählt.

My great grandfather trod on Queen Elizabeth I's toes during a welcoming ceremony. He was head gardener at the Kirstenbosch botanical gardens when she visited.

Sadly I don't know of any stories, I just know they were vikings and romans

My great great grandfather was a lunatic who murdered over 40 innocent people. After killing a police colonel, he ran away into the amazons and was never heard of again.

My great grandma was the first white baby born in colonial Kenya apparently

>le truman had death camps for german POWs meme

I had an ancestor who fought in the revolutionary war
He lived to age 65, then he tripped while walking up a hill and his wagon rolled over his head
There's a whole book about his descendants, I'm even mentioned in it

One of my ancestors lead the peasant uprising called the Cudgel War. He got executed unfortunately.

My great grandfather was an Armenian named Shukru. He and his friend Hagop posed as Kurds during the Armenian genocide. At one point during their travels they were accompanied by another Kurdish man, but my grandfather suspected that this man was actually a Turk in disguise.
One day my grandfather and his friend wordlessly grabbed the supposed Kurdish man and shoved him against a well. They figured that if the man were a Turk, he would start begging for his life in Turkish. He did. So together they threw him down the well and shook hands before they continued on their way.

Grandpa killed commies in the argie vietnam called known as operativo independencia, pretty based

musket balls were shit at penetration, and the coin was made of pure gold and was like 2 cm thick

>My great great grandpa and great great grandma (married) on my mom's side of the family were both Albino's
>He was named Boda, she was named Zona
>My grandpa didn't have to fight in the Vietnam war because he had flat feet and didn't have to be conscripted as a result


My grandfather kicked Lukashenko's (president of Belarus) ass
He didn't beat him up, but he actually kicked him in the ass when they were in the army

>fighting in Gallipoli
>take a hill, one of very few survivors of the attack
>word reaches command that the attack has failed and the hill has Turks on it
>killed by British shelling

>Grandpa killed commies in the argie vietnam called known as operativo independencia, pretty based

was he punished?

this but it's still probably bullshit tb.h

Yeah, I was about to write "called operativo independencia" but I got distracted and forgot where I was going.

>Be grandpa
>Go as an illegal to the ''United States'' with the visa of a dead relative
>End up fucking fighting in WW2

Really weird, he ended up coming back to Mexico though

>Grandad was a korean war veteran
>Knocked up and married some German women that grew up in Nazi Germany (most likely part of League of German Girls)

My great-great grandfather fought and died in the Cristero War in Mexico

Great-grandpa was on the Maginot line, taken by the germans to work in a farm when the line was encircled and when the first french army came to liberate the camp he took the guards weapon and followed the army until he took a minor wound to the leg at Ulm. By the time he healed the war was over. Then he came back home. He died in 1997, I was 6.

I also have a great-great-...-uncle who did missionary work in south america and is nicknamed "apostle of the incas" in church registries.

>pure gold

that's supposed to be a good thing? gold is a soft metal, you retard.

>Great Grampa (from father's side) owned lands and lost it all and went insane when my great grandmom died young from tuberculosis
>Great Grampa (from mother's side) became an explorer so he could improve his family's socioeconomic position and went in search of diamonds in Africa but found nothing in the end
>Both grampas fought in the Spanish Civil War each on both sides because they were forced to

Grandpa bought a woman in Indochina during th war and some guys came 2 months after to take her because she was a noble from Laos iirc who fled
He didn't get reimbursed

Which is why it would absorb the impact you fuckwit.

It's soft but not so soft it'll go through it like butter (at least not with the projectiles and weapons available at that time period).

>be my greatgrandfather in 1933
>be mayor of small town in eastern germany
>dont get drafted for the war because you work in r&d
>at he end of the war town gets captured by soviets
>they want his rescearch
>americans want it too
>get freed by american spy from soviet prison
>flee through half the world to get to the us
>work for the us goverment for a few years
>come back to germany with enough money to restart your live

>hurr durr a coin in a pocket stopped a bullet thats totally a real story and not complete bs

>great great grandfather is a russian noble family's intendant
>russian civil war breaks out
>has to travel on foot from St Petersburg to Sebastopol
>then takes a boat to Alexandria
>since its during the end of WW1/just after it, the naval routes are limited
>has to take one that will lead him to Buenos Aires to then take another one that goes to Bordeaux
>from start to finish the trip took around 2 years to do
>he died 4 months after getting home

I swear I have heard that same exact story from someone else. Are you sure it isn't just some generic southern folklore?

>Civil war breaks out
>Great grandfather happens to live in the city it started
>GTFO to Algeria
>Two algerians harass his wife
>Kills both and dumps them into a well
>ohshit.jpg, now he has to GTFO Algeria
>Return back to Spain
>Abandons his seven children
>I, for destiny's fate somehow have the exact name and surname as him


>be Sámit
>neighbor tribe in heavy argument over land
>each tribe send their shaman to solve problems, very important thing
>they go into tent
>tribes wait for 2 days and nights outside
>small fights happen
>people are angry
>someone has enough and opens tent
>the two shamans are drunk beyond reason, laughing and singing
>the two tribes see this and get even more angry
>a solution is made up
>the tribes swap shamans
>suddenly both tribes are happy
>become one big clan
>it get's a name
>Ehúukahétha (the people of drunken old men)
>one of the biggest tribes in Sàmit life today

>Warsaw 1940-something
>grandma walks to school
>see Jewish children hanging from the trees

>family leaves Devon, England in 1640
>Arrive in Virginia
>have dozens of slaves and 400 acre plantation
>American scum rebel
>family flee to Canada as loyalists

My grandfather lost three of his fingers in a torture session in WW2. He was part of the French resistance.

>fathers father built schools and churches in interwar Lithuania
>visiting family graves last fall
>driving by some of those buildings
>most of them decrepit
Such sad.

Also after we regained independence he got taken to court for, literally, building a kolkhoz. Sometimes butthurt has no bounds.

>great great grandfather on mothers side is a rich freeman
>has a substantial estate
>dies in his 40s
>oldest son gets everything
>drinks away literally everything
>my grandmother grows up poor as shit
Gee, thanks great uncle.

I spent some time looking into my family tree. It's full of misery.

Both grandfathers fought in the Great Patriotic War. One came home as a captain and the other as a major. One of my grandfathers's uncle fought in the White movement during the Civil war and fled to France from Crimea. His descendants still live somwhere in Brittany and I'd love to visit them to find out more about the man's life but I don't speak French.

>great great uncle c. Ww2 era
>becomes a fly boy
>becomes the tail gunner in a handley page halifax
>pic related
>on base, in his crew position and a fire breaks out
>unclear on the cause of said fire, I suspect expert Bavarian sabateours disguising themselves as his rugged Anglo brethren
>fellow crew members escape but due to his position and the spread of the flames he isn’t quick to escape
>burns up in the back of the bomber
>as far as I know he hadn’t even flown a mission