Worth watching?

Worth watching?

Go to your local Goodwill. Get a working VCR for five dollars. Get a copy of Brendan Faser's Mummy movie for a dollar. Then you're set.

You'd best have a 4:3 television too.

He's talking about the current Mummy movie, not the one you were in Fraser.
Yes. Pic related.



giv mummy gf


>cruise control
>russell crowe
how bad can it really be though?
like is it at least worth watching? i watched the trailer and it looks a bit like those dumb superhero movies

like maybe 3 or 4 scenes

Yes it is. Don't listen to the faggots saying no, they're just bitter Fraser fans and in some cases Fraser himself, over the fact that a movie came out about a mummy that didn't have Brendan in it.

it couldn't be a more by the numbers and generic if it tried. even the score is just the same bland predictable "action music"

>predictable action movie
But is it worth enjoying?

No. I couldn't get past the first 20 minutes. Its trash.

5/10, it's kind of hard to get into.
the ending to the final fight surprised me though. maybe it was obvious but i never caught on until they explained it.

There's a bunch of dumb inaccuracies (Set being the god of death, the New Kingdom apparently being 5000 years ago) and I can't stand Tom Cruise's dumb face. But if neither of those bother you it's an okay film.

Russel Crowe's character is great and Ahmanet is a cute.

cool I'm gonna watch it for sure. Haven't really watched any movies in a couple weeks and have an empty to-watch list

Watched it for free and fell asleep several times.

Several parts of the movie were directly lifted from An American Werewolf in London. It even seemed they skirted around the idea of lifting more of the tavern scene but ended up just having a scene set in a random bar.

I'd say that the only redeeming thing about this movie were the CGI zombies. They actually looked like supernatural undead and not pudgy humans.

The things it does wrong are that it tries to do too much at once, and ends up doing nothing competently.

- The plot revolving around Dr Jekyll's organization killed any hope for actual suspense the movie had. You don't fucking subdue the mummy. That's the last thing you should do plot-wise.
- The plot revolving around Cruise become literal Satan is retarded as well.
- The entire plot is retarded.
- The mummy's powers are poorly conceived and defined. Right now she's just a super fast, super strong, all powerful magic wielder and that's boring. A mummy's main power is endurance/persistence. You can't stop it, you can't kill it. It never tires. That's more than enough to take on anything. Make it super strong, fine, but don't make it super fast as well. Furthermore a mummy relies largely on subterfuge and other people not believing that you are being stalked by it. Once you introduce a huge organization operating under a country's government with full knowledge of the mummy and specialized in imprisoning it, is when you depart from horror and venture into the realm of Doctor Who. You've just stripped the mummy of one of it's chief powers.
- All that stuff with Dr Jekyll and shit could have been better spent with more screen time of the mummy.
- Tom Cruise overpowers the movie to the point where it's about him and not the mummy itself. Poor casting choice if the actor playing as the villain is relatively unknown.



- Plot is shit. Backstory of the mummy was copy pasted from The Mummy (1999) but stripped of all nuance. With all the novel things the movie was going for why not come up with a unique origin for the mummy? Not that it committed some great act of sin and was cursed? The original actually goes above and beyond this by making the mummy an antihero because the only reason he kills the king is that the king discovers his wife's infidelity which is punishable by death. It's a twisted love story that we are invested in because they actually bothered to give a backstory to the mummy and Anck-Su-Namun. Compare that with this film's disposable 'chosen one'. What a piece of shit.
- Tries to do too many different things. Mummy was buried in Mesopotamia, really? Was that just to shoehorn in the entire ISIS plot? And then they even bring in the knights templar tomb which was found in LONDON of all places. This is Transformers-tier writing.

I'm just going to stop there. The more I think of this movie the more faults I'm discovering and the lower the score I think it deserves.

A lot of what you complain about is explained or implied in the movie. And you keep mistaking the mummy from Brendan's movie with Ahmanet from this movie.
And you keep claiming that it steals from An American Werewolf In London. I've watched that movie too, and there's really no similarities between the two.

The film had potential. Whoever was actually in charge wasted it.

The romance between Jenny and Nick felt nonexistence and thus essentially forced, because you don't really see a reason why Nick should ever give a shit about Jenny.

None of what I complain about is explained or implied. How do you explain or 'imply' a retarded plot?

>And you keep mistaking the mummy from Brendan's movie with Ahmanet
Nope. Reread it. I point out the differences between the two and even point out how the new one lacks the subtlety of the old.

>And you keep claiming that it steals from An American Werewolf In London
Undead mutilated ghost friend haunting protag. Tavern crawl/pub scene because it's 'oh so British'. Final showdown scene down London street. The plot shares no similarities, it's the style and choice of scenes/shots.

4-5/10 and I'm not usually a stickler.

There was just nothing enjoyable about this movie outside of my thirst for Sofia Boutella's boobies, and an introduction to a somewhat cool monster universe.