Russians are huma-

>russians are huma-

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It's one of those things I don't get. Why use a snow shovel? Is it some kind of a end-of-winter celebration thing?

You have to keep distance, to make sure russians won't bite your fingers off. They are also behind the fence for a reason.

Better than a fucking newspaper.

>it's obviously butchers paper with a print in the picture

Don't worry, I'm sure they cleaned it first with radiation.

I've seen that pic a lot, what's the story behind it?

Celebration of russian holiday called Maslennica(i.e. saying farewell to the winter) that involves eating lots of blini, where russians were fed like animals from a shovel that is used for shoveling pigshit.

But user, you're supposed to use a pitchfork to clean pigshit, not a shovel.

After reading the article it's actually not as terrible as the pic implies

>Maslennica(i.e. saying farewell to the winter)
Well, we just drown an effigy of either Marzanna in a lake or a river or burn an effigy of a Jew.

Isn't that what Putin uses to feed Vatniks?

pancakes in a shovel
why not? monsanto use worse shit on our food

how do you feed lots of pigs?



Why? Because they are not eating burger?

Блинчики co cмeтaнoй збc вeщь

>Why? Because they are not eating burger?
if you knew the answer, why did you ask the question

what is "збc" ?

That's short for "зaeбиcь" which means "fucking good"

A cлoвo "зaeбaл" cyщecтвyeт ?
To жe caмoe ?