"Nacht und Nebel for the trash bag" Comment on muslim woman


This is too fucking good. My sides have reached geostationary orbit.

Posting about a photo of a veiled woman on FB, a representative from the main right-wing party in France made this comment :
>"Nacht und Nebel pour le sac poubelle"
>Nacht und Nebel for the trash bag

This is equivalent to political suicide in France on a scale you can't even imagine. He went from 0 to 100 in under 1sec.

Good that it normalises right-wing comments though.

Other urls found in this thread:


shameless self-bump

Had to look up Nacht und Nebel

He's working on a lot of levels there

I don't get it

Also who is he

>Nacht und Nebel was a directive from Adolf Hitler on 7 December 1941 targeting political activists and resistance "helpers" that was originally intended to winnow out "anyone endangering German security"

Basically a threat to security in a trash bag

It's hard to understand you mate.

He said she looked like a trash bag??

>From Wikipedia:

>Nacht und Nebel [ˈnaχt ʊnt ˈneːbəl] (German for "Night and Fog") was a directive (German: Erlass) from Adolf Hitler on 7 December 1941 targeting political activists and resistance "helpers" that was originally intended to winnow out "anyone endangering German security"

Holy shit this guys is a gonner

Because OP is a straight-up autistic faggot, I'll explain:

Per wiki, as stated by ,
>Nacht und Nebel [ˈnaχt ʊnt ˈneːbəl] (German for "Night and Fog") was a directive (German: Erlass) from Adolf Hitler on 7 December 1941 targeting political activists and resistance "helpers" that was originally intended to winnow out "anyone endangering German security" (die deutsche Sicherheit gefährden) throughout Nazi Germany's occupied territories. Its name was a direct reference to a Tarnhelm spell, from Wagner's Das Rheingold.

The politician, Jean-Pierre Arbey, is "Representative of the 2nd district of Meurthe & Moselle Republicans" per Twitter.

So he basically said 'Remove Kebab' in a faggot French way??


It means that he has some level of culture on nazi history too. It's not usually referred to as 'Nacht und Nebel' but as 'Nuit et Brouillard', which is the title of a propaganda film on the jewish genocide.

Basically he implies that the 'trash bag' should be deported. Nacht und Nebel is the name of the nazi directive pertaining to deportation of various people threatening the Reich. He is a representative from the mainstream right party (LR which means Les Républicains, the former UMP the party of Sarkozy). Seeing this kind of comments NEVER happens, this is going to hit the fan hard.


The politician is suggesting that burqa-wearing Muslims are a threat to national security and deserve the night and fog treatment.


What a fucking madman, actually mentioning "Nacht und Nebel" and muslims in the same sentence. Balls of steel desu.

>Frogs speaking their mind
1789 2.0 when?

make em "disapear"

Wow he just came up with the faggiest way possible to say 'remove'

I want to see the comments below his. Or did his comment get deleted already?

He wants to send them to Germany where they can "vanish"?

Will anything happen to this guy or is the way he phrased it obscure enough no one will notice? Over here I don't think he'd last long.

He's politically dead. 100% certainty of that. He will probably go in jail too. But maybe it'll spark some generalisation of this kind of comments, or people sort of defending him and saying he shouldn't go in prison.

His comment might have been way too extreme to be efficient though. But still, keks are had.

This comment is too good to be true for establishment media. An islamophobe willingly associating himself publicly with a nazi reference, in France. They couldn't ask for a better validation of their narrative.

> it normalises right-wing comments
yeah, and Polish nationalists are pro-Nazi too.


What's gonna happen to him? I hope they don't kill him, that's some grade A banter.

>Implying we have to tolerate that shit in the West
Sorry but no, if you want to have sex with a goat go to Africa, and if you want to see ninjas go to Japan.

The French will throw him in jail after sending him to a kangaroo court. Le Pen got put on trial for less.

He's most likely refering to the ban on burkas that Germany is considering.

>comment used to demonize the right
Yes, I'm afraid of that too. But I can see that the media will maybe want to try and hide this, seeing that they've been on full damage control for the few last months. They don't want people to see a 'serious' representative, in a party that isn't even the FN, making comments like these.
But it might go the other way, idk what will happen.

>>Nacht und Nebel for the trash bag

At least she's wearing more than less than a normal pair of underwear.

>the ban on burkas that Germany is considering.
This show how autistic is the politically correct west, they need to consider banning burkas.

Based East already did.

>probably go in jail too
for saying people who are a threat to national security should be deported?

how can you go to jail for that? I thought you frogs had actual free speech

It's a ruse guys, this guy isn't even a true frenchman because he's white

>how can you go to jail for that? I thought you frogs had actual free speech

No. Might not be as bad as Germany though.

Hate speech law (super vague definition just so you walk on eggs constantly) : fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incitation_à_la_haine_raciale

Psh everyone knows that rocket launchers and AKs go over the burka while homemade explosives go under.


The fuck does that mean retard

>my sides
We definitely need more politicians as based as this. Too bad he done fucked up with that comment though.

That feel when you'll be deported before your plan to slaughter hundreds of kaffirs is ready.

>going to prison for saying mean things

Holy shit, does this actually happen? What the fuck is wrong with your country?

Are there any recent examples of this?

>a fucking leaf

>security threat in a trash bag

i think a dude that threw bacon on a mosque door got 6 months jail. in france

Not only for security reasons, you can't expect to integrate in western societies people that literally lives in the middle ages.
Even letting them build Mosques here is a big mistake.

How new can you be?

You Frenchies are so brainwashed that you lose your mind when you see a non-degenerate woman.

Get over it man. Live on.

>Holy shit, does this actually happen?
Remember this guy? He was distracting the mall shooter with insults, buying time for police to arrive and civilians to run away.

He was charged with Islamophobic hate speech.

One day, our country is going to mass murder you and your family.


Farsil lmao

Adopted autistic little brother, please shut the fuck up

To be fair, it was only that some leftist cuck made a complaint, the prosecutor looked into it and dropped the charges.
10 years from now I doubt he'd get away with it though.

Mate I've been to your country and no one wears shit like that. Don't bait the stay at homes.
It's all lightly coloured headscarves or western clothes if you live in one of the modern parts of your cities.

Even in pic related there weren't any ultra 'modest' clothing.

>"Pour le sac poubelle"
I'm fucking dead

>headscarves are ok

kys ahkmed

>Man gets 6 month in prison (he won't actually go to jail but still) for depositing (not throwing or anything) ham in front of a mosque (or in the mail, it's not clear).

>Le Pen fined countless times huge sums of money for declaring verbatim that 'Gas chambers were a detail in the History of the Second World War'.

+countless historians having to answer to judges on works on the Second World War.
Vincent Reynouard (look it up) ACTUALLY went to prison for working on the theme of gas chambers.

>Hervé Ryssen, nationalist essayist, was charged 2 and 3 months in jail for saying that communist jews killed 20 million christians on twitter.

Yeah, in the Sand lands they wear western clothes not like here, where they go full shinobi.
t. Ahmed Al Londonistan

At least he is not from FN

>Not knowing Westerners sometimes wore headscarves until modern fashion took over.
Morocco is basically Spain 200 years ago outside of the modern bits of cities.

dont post total ass cancer on Sup Forums again you fucking spacker.

Depends on the country. Personally I've never seen a full shinobi woman outside of the internet which is likely because Pakis don't wear that shit. (And luckily they are toilet trained in the UK so they don't wear literal shit like back home).

Do it now fag.

>you will never have a qt french sassy french wife
>you will never wake up in each others arms, then immediately make love to each other
>you will never wake up to her making you crepes, her wearing nothing but a loose robe
>you will never impress her and be her number one by practicing french and making her favorite french food, and having romantic dinner dates
>you will never go out for a night on the town, her wearing her best lipstick and 20s era dress
>you will never take her home to bed after a night on the town, her being tsundere, and mocking you in her sexy french accent
>you will never pin her against the bed frame, and eat her out, her calling you a dirty American as she moans and shutters
>she will never dig her nails into your back as you make her cum, shouting out your name, and curse words in french
>tfw this will never happen because native french women mostly date blacks and are lefties
When even live Sup Forums?

No, it's okay for westerners to wear whatever they want. Shitskins are not allowed because they abuse it. Spain wasn't a muzzie shithole 200 years ago. Fucking akhmed motherfucker.

>Morocco is basically Spain
Good try subhuman filth, spanish women never used shinobi clothes.

Now if only other French fries hard balls and supported the man... But that's too much to except from you guys

why she is soo hot ;__;

I've seen some. Like maybe 20 in my whole life. I live near Paris.

Sorry mate. You've even seen it before.

I see it here everyday, and they're mostly morrocans.True that most of them only use long robes and the headscarf, but there are full ninjas too.
A morrocan told me that the Ninja uniform is somehow optional for their women.

I actually like colored headscarves, specially Turkish ones.

The black dress is called Abaya, it's a Middle Eastern thing. We North Africa have Jalabba and it comes in whatever color you want.

Islam specify cloths to not be transparent and not to be tight. Anything else is your choice.

Still if my wife made me choose between gone full Matrix ninja mode vs Western women mode. I will choose Matrix ninja mode everything.


As you can see it's mostly centered around antisemitism. This is because they wield considerably more political power than the north-africans. But the hate speech laws are not well defined at all and basically anything (I mean it, anything) you say can be prosecuted under the pretense of convoluted racism accusation (and racism IS made illegal).

But there are now definitely a lot of ppl in the police and universities/schools that have lost their job due to comments on islamism.

>tfw this will never happen because native french women mostly date blacks and are lefties

It's wrong nigger stop being a pussy, french women loves white foreigners, come and get them.

Nacht und Nebel j'hallucine!!! Le taré.
As OP said this is a glorious political suicide. This kind of reference is taboo.
Punks not dead! Respect.

That was used by widows or in religious events only, not on daily basics.

Western woman mode doesn't mean going around half naked. It means wearing trousers occasionally.

This is too good of an oportunity for the fucking trash that is journalists. For once they have some basis for calling someone a nazi. Fuck them all.

He'll just have to say that he has been hacked, they all do this shit.

Spain, 1852

Fucking hell JP you madman.

Also this.
Our women are fucking in love with American/British accent, you have no idea how fast the panties drop when you talk to a french girl in english. But be careful who you chose to approach, if she doesn't wear girly thing but Nike sportswear, don't fucking talk to her, because she's probably a white trash.


youre just as incoherent

>Western woman mode doesn't mean going around half naked. It means wearing trousers occasionally.
It's actually none of my business. I just prefer modesty. Let's try to live with what each prefer.

Putain et en plus ça rime.

>Let's try to live with what each prefer.

Yes and most of all in our respective countries. Stay in your desert plz.

i see burkhas sometimes.

All the french people I met had a chip on their shoulder when I didn't even bother to attempt french in an interaction.

That was in Paris though. Where are you frogs from?

>Let's try to live with what each prefer.
Exactly. I won't bother with what your women are wearing in Morocco, or even what you do to them.

Let's keep to our own kind. French in France, North Africans in North Africa.

>Nacht und Nebel for the trash bag
>I've been hacked
>Nobody believes it
>Gets off scot-free
I love it.

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if this is true, Germany after being so progressive for so long cannot be wanting something so blatantly xenophobic! Sad!

>Stay in your desert plz.
Stop sending working contract to my country. It's not our problem that you stopped function as a human beings and procreating.

It's literally you begging for people to come to your country.

what is clothing for widows and modesty for unmarried women in Romantic countries?

what about muh liberte?


top bantz!!!!!

I'd say rural region are the best when it comes to people, they are usually really nice, the old ones really don't like foreigners tho, but yea, France as a whole isn't really good in English.

Never had it. We live in North Korea, both politically and economically.

>intricate but modest dress meant to be fashionable without covering face
>the same as a matte-black potato sack with slits for eyes

Pic related UK 1849
Spain 1852
Are you blind or high on hashis?

implying she would be allowed a job once it got to this point.