What is the official religion of Sup Forums and why is it the Church of DC? Is the Church of Marvel a heresy...

What is the official religion of Sup Forums and why is it the Church of DC? Is the Church of Marvel a heresy? Is the Church of Darkhorse a satanist cult? Is the Church of Image nothing but radical extremists?

Other urls found in this thread:

libgen.io/comics0/_DC/Superman - Peace on Earth v1 (1999) [1]/Superman - Peace on Earth 01.cbz
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/Batman - War on Crime v1 (1999) [1]/Alex Ross - Batman - War On Crime.cbr
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/Shazam - Power of Hope v1 (2001) [1]/Shazam! Power Of Hope.cbr
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/Wonder Woman - Spirit of Truth v1 TPB (2001)/Wonder Woman - Spirit of Truth (2001) (Pelican).cbr
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/JLA - Secret Origins v1 (2002) [1]/JLA - Secret Origins.cbr
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/JLA - Liberty and Justice v1 (2004) [1]/JLA - Liberty and Justice (2003) (Bunny).cbr

I'm an Stonecutter tho.

I just like comics, man.

What if I like and read all of them?

You smug over-enlightened hipster. Only insert company here is the one true way and all other will lead to cancellation damnation!


Why are DCfags so immature and autiatic?

Captain Marvel is our One True Savior.

What about the more interesting strife between cultists of great old franco belgians with particular mention of abominable cult of Soleil and uncomprehendable Spirou

These are so heartwarming.

Marvel embraces death.

DC embraces life.

I'm a part of the Church of Humanoids :^)

Is that why DC writers are handsome and fit while Marvel's are fat and hideous?

Everyone at marvel is trying to commit suicide, user

House of Ultron or bust. Machines are the future, we are but their stepping stones

Jodo is an idiot. He basically told a woman to think of his rapist when having sex with his husband because she had some problems in bed

That's true. The guy is a fucking moron that believes you can heal shit with the power of your mind.

Fucking scammer.

the church of quality work!

we demand only the best books, anything less than the very best works is heresy.
reading a shitty book because there is a black/asian/transgender/whatever character is heresy.
reading a shitty book because the creator is a woman/black/transgender/whatever is heresy.
reading event books that are not self contained IS HERESY!
buying a book just because you've collected every issue since 19XX and just because it's a bad run doesn't mean i'm going to stop buying it IS DOUBLE DO-DECKER HERESY!

also we have pizza and do MST3K type shit to anime and action movies on friday.

funny, just today I was searching for DC one-shots and stumbelled upon this. is it worth a read?

He basically told a woman to think of his rapist when having sex with his husband because she had some problems in bed

so...that would make him...hmm...so his rapist...sex with his husband....carry the 4.......HA, THEIR TWINS and they BOTH ordered ice cream cones!...no...

Yes, it's great.

Really all of those one-shots with the Alex Ross art are worth reading. (I forget the names of all of them though, I know Superman's is "Peace on Earth" but I don't remember Wonder Woman's or Batman's)

>Superman: Peace on Earth
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/Superman - Peace on Earth v1 (1999) [1]/Superman - Peace on Earth 01.cbz

>Batman: War on Crime
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/Batman - War on Crime v1 (1999) [1]/Alex Ross - Batman - War On Crime.cbr

>Shazam!: Power of Hope
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/Shazam - Power of Hope v1 (2001) [1]/Shazam! Power Of Hope.cbr

>Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/Wonder Woman - Spirit of Truth v1 TPB (2001)/Wonder Woman - Spirit of Truth (2001) (Pelican).cbr

>JLA: Secret Origins
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/JLA - Secret Origins v1 (2002) [1]/JLA - Secret Origins.cbr

>JLA: Liberty and Justice
libgen.io/comics0/_DC/JLA - Liberty and Justice v1 (2004) [1]/JLA - Liberty and Justice (2003) (Bunny).cbr

These might not work if you're in the US, in which case try using a proxy or VPN.