Why are Germanics and Nordics hailed a the "master race"? They had some good scientists but thats pretty much it...

Why are Germanics and Nordics hailed a the "master race"? They had some good scientists but thats pretty much it. The two most impactful empires in the world were made by Romans and Anglos, both non germanic people.

Shit even the most successful Germanic empire, the "Holy Roman Empire" was founded by a god damn frenchman

pic semi related

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Anglos are part Nordic

>part nordic

>Karl der Große
Consider suiciding yourself

>Not basically French

right back at ya

Nobody fucking calls Charlemagne by your shitty kraut name

Anglos are the true master race

Well the Holy Roman Empire was not founded by Charlemagne but it's another story.

I just tink it's a protestant way of thinking. In catholic church the truth is held by the priest. It's give countries with a great respect of the institutions. However, for the protestants, anybody have to find the truth himself by reading the bible. So it gives you selfish individual scum who thinks they're are superior master race. It works for the anglo too. An "empire" so good at fighting in Europe that they decide to rules the seas and colonize deserts.

They mixed with natives and created frenchies. Karl was pure-blooded 100% german

I just did

>be catholic
>ignore second and maybe even first commandment

Don't breed.

"""bad guys"""" who did nothing wrong thread?

Holy Roman Empire is a joke completely lacking when compared to earlier Roman times. Especially pre Julius Caesar

>not Germanic

>be Protestant
>ignore Matthew 16:18


You're literally descended from 3 sons of that one fucking man. You are a frankish and the french are germanic, because neither term is mutually exclusive at all

I know all goyim look the same to you, but you don't have to make it so obvious.

>And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

I know it's a joke and the protestant with his selfish philosophy give us the fucking modern world with the industrialization. But as all philosophy it has his bad and good sides. I just try to connecting it with the "master race" feeling found in nordic societies.

Yeah, a not holy, not roman, not empire. I'm proud of my ancestors. They get out of this Hasburg's mess.


What "what"?

it has nothing to do with goyim or jews
come to think about it, angles were also germanized (or frenchified) by the saxons and then normans
hell even the sicilians were originally french-viking normans. nearly all of western europe and associated western nations originally come from the exact same fucking stock

Go back and read it again, you'll figure it out if you aren't retarded.

Well hell hasn't exactly overrun the church yet, but you Catholishits are sure trying.

I love the smell of buttroasted Jerries in the morning

Anglo superiority spans the globe

>non germanic

About 12% Danish since 1000 AD

Anglos are Germanic.

English is a Germanic language.

The days of the week are named after pagan gods.

Where did you go to school?

We are the church. You are a sect. Stay woke.

Why is this facial type assumed to be germanic? It legit looks Mediterranean to me.

Stay sinful. I hope you like hell.

>what part of "no graven images" wasn't clear enough

>asking questions based on butchered Jewish propaganda memes
The "master race" didn't refer to any specific genetic lineage, it didn't refer to nordics, or any "aesthetic" racial phenotype. It was a reference to nietzsche's concept of "master and slave morality":
>some races had been subverted by destructive Jewish movements like Marxism
>they are subverted by being turned into "slave morality" cultures
>the Soviet union was often cited as an example of a culture turned into a "slave culture"
This line of thinking if often twisted by allied propaganda into "Aryans/Nordics were the master race", and "Hitler wanted to shoah/enslave all non-Germans". In reality, Hitler thought "Germanism" was an example of "master morality", and cosmopolitan, multi-kulti decadent Liberal Jewish culture was "slave morality" degeneracy. It's right there for everyone to read in Mein Kampf, but no one actually reads it.



The dutch are the real master race.

I mean I get the scripture, I don't understand how Protestants are supposedly ignoring it

They also supplied some of the greatest composers, artists, poets, generals and inventors in history

Germany controls the EU. Hitler got his third reich. It's just a third reich that includes shitskins and retards.

>he doesn't know who St. Peter was

>what part of "no graven images" wasn't clear enough
None. For us at least. We only use allowed images.

>Stay sinful. I hope you like hell.
>thinks he's not sinful
>believes in Sola Fide but condemns catholics to hell
>judges on behalf of God
wew lad. That's a lot of time in purgatory. And you don't even have confession. I will ask Mary to pray for you

Yes. Because they are Germans

The church is built on Peter. The first Pope. He has the keys to heaven.

>allowed images

kek. Those statues of Mary you love so much look pretty graven to me.

Germans are cucks who seem to enjoy trying to ruin Europe with their incessant faggotry.

You know the bible wasn't written in english?
The hebrew word means idol.
And no the Mary statues aren't idols.

>All these jellybellies
Feels good to be a blonde haired blue eyed demigod. Must feel bad for you guys to know that you are all beneath me.

That isn't his Third Reich then. It has shitskins and degeneracy runs rampant.

Yeah, but they have the whole of europe under their control. Sort of. Let them dream.

>this tired argument again

It looks like an idol
You get on your knees in front of it, like an idol
You ask it for things, like an idol

>hurr but we don't technically think Mary and the saints are gods
Even if I believed you, which I don't, you've made the distinction so subtle as to be nonexistent.

>Anglo-Saxons aren't Germanic



>You get on your knees in front of it, like an idol
>You ask it for things, like an idol
No you don't. It's just a picture. It doesn't contain Mary. She's in heaven.

>Even if I believed you, which I don't, you've made the distinction so subtle as to be nonexistent.
They're humans. Not Gods. Pretty clear. You seem to be a little biased on this though.
I'll ask St. John to pray for your enlightenment :^)

Greeks are the master race.

I think these fuckers prove how fucking amazing Germanics can be.
>Began small and irrelevant
>Became strong as fuck under Frederick the Great
>First country to have a General Staff
>A culture of diligence and efficiency
>Many famous generals and strategists such as Frederick the Great, Clausewitz, Bismark and Hindenberg were all Prussian
>Won the Seven Years' War with Britain alone as an ally, who was more interested in North America
>BTFO'd Austria
>BTFO'd France
>Was the backbone of German military power during the First World War and the German Empire as a whole
>Was so based that it was abolished in 1947 by the allies because they blamed Prussia as the root cause of German militarism

The only time they really got their asses kicked was by Napoleon of course, and even then the Prussians were crucial to the final defeat of Napoleon - namely at Waterloo. And that's not even mentioning the accomplishments of the Austrian (until later on) and Swedish Empires.

And Anglo-Saxons are Germanic you faggot. They literally came from Denmark.



So then, given that people in heaven can hear you...

a) Why not just pray to God directly?
b) Why do you have such a statue fetish? (fetish fetish?) Seems like it would get pretty distracting having to remind yourself every time you look at it that it isn't really Mary. Seems like you would be able to concentrate on your prayers more if you just spoke to her without the almost-idol in front of you.

I call bullshit. You don't need the statue and you invite sin by having it there. The only reason you people defend it so vehemently is because you're secretly idolators.

Because Germany has had arguably the best military doctrine from medieval times to Nazis. They had arguably the best engineers.

Was August 1st the aftermath of the Warsaw Uprising? Or did that happen after the Soviets steamrolled Eastern europe and artillery barraged everything in sight?

Don't you have your summer reading project to be working on, child?

>a) Why not just pray to God directly?
I do

>b) Why do you have such a statue fetish? (fetish fetish?)
I don't

>Seems like it would get pretty distracting having to remind yourself every time you look at it that it isn't really Mary
>It's distracting to remember a statue is a statue and not a person
No actually... what?

>Seems like you would be able to concentrate on your prayers more if you just spoke to her without the almost-idol in front of you.
If you think that that's fine. I see it as a fixation of thought.

>You don't need the statue
No. Glad we agree

>you invite sin by having it there

>The only reason you people defend it so vehemently is because you're secretly idolators
Idk man. Maybe it's because we actually read the bible and understand the difference between religious images and idolatry

Some good scientists? Try excellent scientists, inventors, doctors, philosophers, authors, artists, composers, musicians, statesmen, etc. Plus even more if you count most of Western, Central, and Northern Europe as being "Nordic", which they are at least in part. Nordics are responsible for Western Civilization after the fall of Greece and Rome.

Even the huns cuck the germans


It's mostly their inferiority complex

Even Fredrick the Great acknowledged Poland was more advanced than his little garrison state.

All in all Germanics are a pretty pathetic race and their coming replacement by Slavs is something everybody should welcome with open arms

Who is better of the two, Germanics or Nords?

Anglos, Franks and Nordics are all "Germanic" you idiot. Stop using Germanic like you know what it means and just say Germans instead.