Why is every single Russian poster on Sup Forums so fucking weird?

Why is every single Russian poster on Sup Forums so fucking weird?

Give an example

I like them tho

*Why is every single Russian so fucking weird?

Russia is the Jannetty of the Soviet Union. They're probably a bit embarrassed of their country.

We are of a deeper culture than you all.

Ceci n'est pas une argument

There are a large amount of ruskies and at least 3 of them are normal.

>Russian Spies Pooped On U.S. Diplomat’s Carpet

The mysterious Russian soul

Excuse yourself, or I will throw a poop at your door.

Mentally healthy individuals wouldn't be posting on korean porn picture forums anyway

Un* argument


That's right.

Posts are weird and shitty.
Thus : that is shitposting.

Well, at least there are normal russkies, unlike australians.


There's also at least 3 non-mutt Americans and 3-non shitposter Australians

I thought that there no pure blooded Indians left in the world.

There are a few, I believe they mostly live in Nunavut, the western tribal reservations, and in the Yucatan peninsula


When are we going to ban the use of Russian characters on this board? My god, they look like total fucking shit. Like some retard is just putting random lines together and calling it an alphabet

фaк y

none ever have been
infact they are among the few good posters

if any
they wud be you and your pussy grabbers degenerate burger
burgers are degenerating at an alarming rate
gotta elect Oprah to save you now

Just look at the difference between the a and y compared to whatever the fuck that first character is. The a and y are simple, yet graceful. The ф is "kek, let me draw a circle with a line through it XD". Fucking disgusting


there's no denying that they are an odd bunch but on the whole they are not only nicer, but better quality than the majority of American posters. I'd rather Russians than Americans here

Hahahaahaha that's korean.

Eжeли Baшeй Bыcoкoкaлopийнocти дaнныe литepы нe нpaвятcя, тo пpoшy Bac пpocлeдoвaть oтcюдa нaхep

йцyк eнг шщз х ъ фывaпpo лджэ ячcмитьбю ё

my eyes

Now that I actually think about it, that would work better.

>insulting Clement
Cyrillic might not be as cool as Glagolitic but it's definitely cooler looking than L*tin

Unironically, Russian posters are the decentest on Sup Forums tho.