Marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke and has the...

Marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke and has the potential to cause cancer of the lungs and respiratory tract. Marijuana smoke is commonly inhaled deeper and held longer than is tobacco smoke, increasing the lungs' exposure to carcinogens
It is common knowledge.. Is there an epidemic of 40 year old white libertarians that think they are still 18 years old?
50 year old marijuana advocates calling a regular marijuana user a Pussy because I don't think it needs to be regulated, but decriminalized..

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You smoke far less though. Not including stoner fucks who are stoned from the moment they wake up

Ive been getting messaged by 40-50 year old white men, all day today after saying Marijuana isn't healthy.

Whats with white men in 2016??

I am white myself, but after I posted my thoughts on legalized weed, i was blasted by so many white men

Man, I live in Washington State

i've been smoking weed for about 6 years, every day now. I don't think i've taken two days off, I just hate the idea of legalizing it.

Fuck the goddamn nanny state you cucks

The THC passes into the bloodstream thru the lining of the lungs. The THC also carries quite a good bit of the carcinogenic hydrocarbons as well which is very easily eliminated by the body instead of tobacco carcinogens which get trapped in the lungs by the tar residue and ultimately turn into cancerous lesions.

Nobody who has been just a marijuana smoker has ever died of lung cancer. Never. You can't even cite one case. Stop spreading around stupid shit you fucker.

I cant wait t͏bh. Pain in the ass trying to find contacts when you have no stoner friends.

You fucking what? Cannabis smoke has tar in it, too, you fucking moron.

It's the liberal agenda. They need some little bait to hook the white men too. Otherwise why would they go along with the SJW agenda. Just more degeneracy. Wish somebody would spike their weed so these degenerates would all die a painful death. Would also help deal with the overpopulation thing. And most potheads are fucking retarded anyways. Cull the herd.

Putting smoke inside your lungs is always a bad idea.

I'm sure somebody has.

I am not against marijuana use, even for fun.

I do not understand why people get so angry at my opinion on legalization

don't be ignorant though, marijuana isn't healthy to smoke.
Its so terrible, literally Walmart weed unless you spend $15-20 a gram.
I've grown plants with minimal effort and had more potent stuff, they also usually wait a year after harvest to sell it, so its pretty dry.

The fuck? Tar is just the byproduct from burning organic matter. How the fuck can burning marijuana not have fucking tar?

You are far more likely to cough up the tar with weed. Its gross as fuck but way better than it staying in your lungs.

Why? Haven't you seen how lazy it makes you?


I smoke atleast $50 of herb a day myself, kind of hard to judge because I smoke a ton of oil.

I just always thought decriminalization is much better approach to the marijuana issue than legalization
Its shitty sometimes, but when I smoke the immediate effects only last about 10 minutes on me, only the first smoke of the day actually gives me a good 30 min - 1 hour buzz.

I am pretty tolerant to its effects.

If you're that worried use a vaporizer doesn't get got enough for carcinogens so no smoke just pure clean thc

Its not the weed thats the issue, its the people smoking it.

Like I said fuckface you can't even cite one case. Smoking marijuana doesn't not cause cancer period.

It may not be a main cause, but it sure doesn't help your chances of avoiding it.

Sorry for being so rude I didn't mean to get you upset or anything.

Its hard to find cases due to the fact that many people dont just smoke weed, lots also smoke tobacco either separately as cigs or mixed in with the weed.

I'm sorry when I smoke cigs my spit is shit but when I smoke weed my spit is clear nigger

That's why you vape you nigger lipping faggot

Have you ever tried taking a hit of weed, getting a wet paper towel and blowing into it to see what it captures, its less than what a cigarette produces but it is still very clear to see.


>dad smoking cigarettes
>steadily puffs on one every half hour, sometimes more frequently
>me smoking weed
>one loosely packed bowl from a single-hitter pipe every 2 to 3 hours

It could be 10x as bad for you and i'd still be exposed to less bad shit than my dad. He's lived longer than I think I even want to.

I'm good.


I am 34,been smoking weed daily since I was 14. No idea what the big deal is, no one know I smoke weed even tough I dont hide it because I am just a normal guy, so are most potheads.
I hate pothead culture and loathe the grateful dead. I just like to smoke weed when I play Total War.

>every 2 to 3 hours WHEN I'M AT HOME

I should say. so this means twice in the evening after work and sometimes more on my days off (but i'm usually busy with other shit)

>You can't even cite one case!
>Let me link this organization with a vested interest in pretending Marijuana is 100% good

This is like linking DailyKos or MotherJones to make a political point.


I've been smoking weed 4-5 times a week since I was 13. Zero respitory problems.

I am sorry, I cut and pasted from this article

I didn't mean to make this topic about weed being worse than cigarettes

Its how legalization is just silly, and why 50 year old white libertarian men are so militant on marijuana issue, but nothing else.

They defend weed, in a more aggressive way than an addict defends his lifestyle.

If you are against pot then you think your2

I've been smoking weed 7 days a week, and cigarettes much more than weed.

zero respiratory issues, feels good to be young.

No way man, I love marijuana, I used to grow it for a living. Why do you think I am against it?

>I didn't mean to make this topic about weed being worse than cigarettes

two thirds of your OP post is doing exactly that though. Maybe read what you post with a fresh mind and think "how will someone who isn't me respond to this?"

He's right. Not in the history of man has there ever been one weed smoker who got lung cancer. It simply doesn't happen.

The rest of his post I don't give a fuck about. I also don't care that weed is illegal. Good riddance, faggots. Grow up.

But he is right that it's not linked to cancer.

Man, I just wanna smoke weed and shoot guns legallly. Is that too much to ask the fucking gov't? Fuck

I am I think weed has some benefits, for instance I am 34 and have a full white guy afro like I was 15, fucking amazing, fast growing hair. Hariline hasnt moved in ever.
I have plans in place to commit suicide if I start balding, honestly all bald men should off themselves, as well as any man under 6 feet tall.

I remember when I started boxing, I had never smoken a single fag in my life and was as active as your average dude yet I was out of breath after two rounds of pounding the boxing bag.
Living in the city already affected me that much passively I cannot even imagine how dysfunctional are the bodies of the people ITT

Now Elton John got throat cancer attributed to weed but I mean I think we all know what was going down his throat in the 80s.

Sorry I just took a huge dab when I made this post. I guess I shouldn't limit the conversation since there really is no base to it, right..

Do you actually believe this?

>Marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke


It has considerably less.

Any source you have that says otherwise is likely taking it's cue from Nixon's scientists.

No other substance is subject to as much BIASED research.

But Cannabinoids do cause apoptosis in cancer cells, so even if SMOKING it does result in the release of carcinogens, you're still better off consuming cannabis.

And that's why I, as an RN, have never taken care of anyone suffering respiratory issues from marijuana use, even though I've taken care of thousands of smokers and even non-smokers with respiratory problems of all kinds.

Even cigarette smokers who also smoke pot tend to have significantly better lung function than those who smoke cigarettes alone.

I tell my patients to start vaping or using edibles or something that doesn't require combustion if they smoke weed.

12 years an RN. Anybody want to learn more? Check the Merck Manual.

That sucks dude, having your respitory system fucked because of the place you live in.

I honestly don't know why I posted that, it wasn't even what I wanted to talk about

i'll probably delete this thread since its hardly related to politics at this point my bad guys

>It is common knowledge
>Uses debunked studies from the late '80s to prove his point

As an RN, do you do anything lol?

I am a CNA and I feel like I do all your work, just kidding lol

Non smokers.
How do you feel about drug testing which checks for presence and not intoxication? ie roadside drug tests. Do you think it's fair to be done for smoking if it was 3 days prior and it returns positive

>my bad guys

Yeah I'll fuckin' say

>not just legalizing everything and making it easy to get
I just want to get more opiates

Its not wise to combust and inhale anything because its properties are cancerous, much like the opinions and bullshit posted here.
Cannabis can be consumed in a variety of methods. Some that don't require combustion.
So that argument is dismantled

As for Sup Forums's stance on weed. It's nonsense and its just for the sake of shitting on something just too shit on it.
Science is proving that cannabis is very beneficial to humans and anyone that tells you otherwise is a cock sucking faggot.
>the end

Steve Kenmir? that name should be a meme for douche bags like you lol

Is there an explanation for say, my dad who has smoked cigarettes for over 30 years, not coughing, but taking the tiniest hit of marijuana makes him hack up like crazy, does chronic coughing have bad effects?

There's nothing wrong with liking the Dead.

Jesus Christ, why are you so into your hair? I kinda have the same hair you describe but I can live knowing I can be bald. That shit is vain as fuck.

Checks for presence in order to tell the police what, if it's not for intoxication? Testing positive for illegal drugs isn't a crime in itself. Probable cause to search? That'd be fine, if the drug is illegal.

Also it would be good if there was a test that shows intoxication for weed, same as ABV but I'm not sure that exists.

Steve Kenmir? that name should be a meme for douche bags like you lol

Sorry, the steve kenmir message was not for you man

trips of truth

if i smoke too early in the day i will be a lazy piece of shit so i keep it to night time only after im done with actual important things

some people can wake and bake and be productive but not me

It does and it can also trigger serious mental health issues in those with a genetic predisposition. The fact that anyone advocates use of this drug to anyone under the age of 21 is beyond me. When combusted and inhaled it has ammonia levels something like 5x of that which is in tobacco smoke. But when you present this fact to stoners they jusr scream "muh biased studies" without substantiating this claim beyond an anecdote about their friend from highschool's sister. I'm fully in favor of legalization because what does it matter if someone wants to get cancer? I just want people to know the objective truths surrounding inhalation of combusted cannabis.

I just started listening to the Dead this year and I haven't smoked pot for years. I thought it would be one of those novel but ultimately trivial hippy things but I'm hooked, they're seriously great. Wish I could've lived during that era.

the only thing with being bald is if you try to hide it with a retarded combover

if you go bald just embrace it

>smoke contains
people don't lie on the Internet, do they?

I am a stoner, and I don't think i'm benefiting from its effects, especially health wise.

I don't understand the militant avocation of it though, you even notice it in this thread, some people are genuinely upset that I don't have 100% faith in the fact that marijuana is beneficial to my lungs.

More libertarians on the post.

>believing in federally funded pseudoscience bullshit

There is factually no solid proof that marijuana smoke or any kind of smoke brings serious or long term harm to the human body. Quit being a prohibition shill.

There is no solid evidence it doesn't either.

Why would you assume its beneficial to inhale a smoke multiple times a day?

Also the Mayo Clinic is a non profit, with more information on the pros of marijuana than the cons.

On another note, is the pot being a painkiller a meme? as a smoker i've never noticed its pain killing effects, if I had cancer and they offered me weed i'd be very, very upset.

>tfw my dad smoked pot for 30+ years until i was like 12
Shit dude. Hope nothing bad happens.

No man, marijuana isn't that unhealthy for you, but he would probably be better off if he didn't smoke, but some expert users will tell you otherwise.