Why is Russia still invading its neighbors in the 21st century?

Why is Russia still invading its neighbors in the 21st century?

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Seconding this question.

we're not overseas

but they arent. the CIA provoked the Ukraine thing.

>can't tell if meme or russian bot

Why neighbors penetrate Murrica so much that they need to build a wall?

russians live in a poor shithole so by adding more shitholes they can be deluded they gained something therefore questions like why dont we live better never come up

russian bots are meme

Why is America still invading countries overseas in the 21st century?

well you'd have to be Canadian to ask a question like that wouldn't you?

I wish I knew, I honestly lack any knowledge on the subject, I once read an article about stopping Talbah and opium trade. But, that probably some weird justification/ front for something else, oil maybe.

It's a fact though.

stop memeing him please, I can't tell if you're being serious

and the ukrainian airforce shot down flight MH17 :^)

because we can

>dindu nuffins

Because we're stupid to enough to think we can fix the miDdle East.

Because nobody is going to stop them

so here we comes too, because we can. Stop making a bad example for ours little boy Putin :c

Russia economy tanked so hard people want Putin gone even with massive propaganda and MUH Crimea.
On other hand retards want sanctions gone, economy restored but don't want to return Crimea.

it's just impossible to return Crimea now. And all this stupid talks from Ksucha Sobchak about this looking hilarious from a woman who wants to be a president (of course anyway there will be only Put, нo вce жe). It's a moment of power and sovereignty. What is done is done, so it's better to decide how build a normal country with normal economics in this conditions. And this is possible, but not with our shitty government

Assuming you're speaking of Crimea, Russia didn't invade it.

crimea, ukraine, georgia, and who can tell next

Semantics, polite people were russians soldiers from Crimean base.
It's like if USA soldiers conquered Baltics without wearing any identification.
And yes it's stopped being denied by Russia basically.

>It's like if USA soldiers
*from NATO bases

Comments are full of picrelated.

I wish we could all get along some day.
