So what do you say to hill shills that claim he is a racist?

So what do you say to hill shills that claim he is a racist?

What is the best way to diffuse this argument?

I quote this. Always works.

Hilarious that you use the term hill shills, but are begging for arguments since you're too stupid to create them yourself. Classic Trump supporter

you should them an internet photoshop picture on the spot?

Ask them for quotes that are racist?

If they bring up mudslimes, tell them it's a religion, an ideology, any "race" can commit to pigslam; it's not racist if the mudslime ideology contradicts the Constitution.
Make them choose, call them un-American, traitors, if they don't choose the Constitution and freedoms they benefit from it.

If they bring up mexicans, just keep bringing up law, order, and the safety they benefit from it.
If they're so against borders, why won't they let the homeless into their home?
Bring up how cuckerberg bought the surrounding properties around his to create a border, a no-man's zone if you will. How despite his campaigns for open borders, he fucking knows there are shitty people who would want a piece of that fagbook money by any means necessary.

Also neither islam nor Mexico are races.

What has he said that is racist? Even if you know what they're going to say it opens up their argument and lets you pick it apart more easily.

He said ALL mexicans are rapists

He referred to black people as "the blacks"

Learn to read nigga

Actual racists are pissed at him for not being a racist.

Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked

who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous

Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband

who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical

who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations

who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical

who cares that she got a CHILD RAPIST out of jail time.

Who cares, Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media, so that is the story somehow

liberals (((people who accuse you of racism))) change their goalpost definition every time you strump them.
they usually don't watch videos (just regurgitate/parrot msm) so i like to ask them to show me the video of something they're criticizing.

is there a video of trump being raycis?

tell him its more racist to wipe out white people

in fact its genocide

then accuse them of supporting war crimes

"all mexicans" is hyperbole. learn what that word means. do you consider it raycis still?

"the blacks" lol sorry for not keeping up with your 99 gender pronouns. i bet if he said african americans that would be just as racist. what's the proper pronoun for the blacks these days?

>"the blacks"

if they are not blacks what are they?

D'awwww, babby's first shitpost.

hes made me less racist to be honest. ill stand with american nationalists whatever color they may be

It's not an argument, it's not getting defused short of redpilling them, but it's the straw on the camel's back of decades of dishonesty, censorship and crucifying the innocent.
"So he's racist. So fucking what. Trump's a racist and Hillary thought that overthrowing Qaddafi was a good idea."

by not replying to this CTR thread

oh my FUCK

jesus christ tell me what ISNT A CTR THREAD???

this ctr shit is getting out of hand man. Im not CTR im asking how i can fucking convert non-trump supporters in public by learning how to have a comeback for their most common criticism of him!!

you ignorant fuck - even tho youre probably just trolling, in that case congrats im triggered

as if the burden of proof isn't on them to prove or give examples that he's racist

Media: Trump is a racist!
Sup Forums: Not true! You can't prove it.

Trump: Obama founded ISIS.
Sup Forums: True. You can't prove that he didn't found it!

Ask for an example
>muh muslims
Awfully bigoted of you, not a race
>muh mexicans

>What is the best way to diffuse this argument?
spout more inane, senile, plebe-populist shit and continue to gob agape, awe-inspire to the play to your strengths

of course he is racist. He is white. Modern liberal theory states all whites are racist by birth. All of us are racist, so none of us are. The word means nothing.

Trump doesn't give a shit about people calling him racist because he figured it out. No one besides people who won't vote for him even care about that word anymore.