Why does my government keep on importing migrants when there aren't enough jobs for the people here before them...

Why does my government keep on importing migrants when there aren't enough jobs for the people here before them? What's up with that?

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We have 10% of unemployment and we're still importing illiterate third worlders by the million.
And don't you dare question the validity of this policy, that'd make you a racist and a fascist.

>we're still importing illiterate third worlders by the million.
are you, tho?

We're overspilling with people yet we keep importing.

Asians are more pliable than the hotblooded cantankerous Aussie stock, more docile, will work hard and submit to public authority at a greater rate

Yes Jorge, we are.

drive down wages

Don't worry, job creators will make jobs, it always trickles down

Because its about putting pressure on wages. If you have just enough workers to do the jobs, they will be in position to ask better working conditions. But the more you have unemployed desperate people, the less they will bargain. Immigration is good for the CEOs not for the workers, the less qualified you are the more fucked by immigration you get. Communists used to be very anti immigration to defend the workers, but it got lost with time.

there are enough jobs, they're just what you'd consider shit

>Asians are driving down wages
>Asians are buying up all the property
heated my hippocampus

> CEOs are communists who want to fuck the workers
Lmao i thought 1st worl country people were smart

That's not what I said Lula, but it's ok I know that thoughts of 1st worlders are too complexes for you

>Communists used to be very anti immigration to defend the workers, but it got lost with time.
>and now they are faggot and muslim enablers
Isnt that what you were going to say next snail eater?

What where the french even came close to call the CEOs commies he was just explaining the basics of reserve army of labour

>t. retard

>Asia is one country and socio-economic stratum

more demand for jobs than supply brings down wages, If I was a rich cunt with 1,000 employees I would want as much immigration as possible

aren't wages sticky? don't you have minimum wages law?

Do you wanna work in a farm or cleaning bathrooms getting shit for a salary? I´d say thats the closest we´d have for an answer

Basically the 457 visas enables backpackers to come into Australia and get a job that pays, most times, less than minimum wage or a job with no hourly wage at all, like fruit picking at $2 a bin or something. It's overall shit work with shit working conditions that no Australian would do in the first place, but its jobs and why some states are getting rid of the 457's.

If the pay was higher I would

To surpress wages and to weaken worker's cohesion. Immigrant workers accept lower pay, worse conditions and are less likely to unionize.

That's right. There is no multicultural conspiracy going on by evil lizard people going.It's mere economical and materialist self-interest by the capitalist class that supports immigration.

Everything else is just artificially constructed on top of this.


Posts like these always make me think of this

Yep. The upper class is sacrificing the middle class to the lower one.

It's complicated. It's in the interests of the native working class to keep out immigrants who drive down wages. But immigrants are (mostly) proletarians too and communists are pledged to support the proletariat as a whole, not just the workers of a particular country. There's no real fix.

The only real solution is the abolition of capitalism which creates this antagonism between workers. Until then, sadly, I have no choice but to support my own self-interest and oppose immigration, as much comradeship as I feel for my brother workers in other nations.

>mfw our government lets companies bring in temporary foreign workers to work for dirt cheap
>when their time is up the TFWs just stay since there's no enforcement and have children who are granted automatic citizenship


at what age did you realise corporations run the west

Yes but only the lowest of low jobs that are only for teenagers are minimum wage. Literally MacDonalds tier, anything else is above minimum because you couldn't feasibly survive by yourself on minimum wage in this country.

The corporations are shit for sure, but it's the incompetent government that is the catalyst for these fuck ups. And it's only going to get worse.

its Jose abdul al pierre.

> my ideology doesnt work and is full of contradictions
thats what i read

larger market and an excuse to build useless buildings. inflate housing and job markets too. It only benefits capitalists/rich cunts, i.e, those in power.