Fuck you, Serbia. Yeah, that's right. You're getting called out

Fuck you, Serbia. Yeah, that's right. You're getting called out.

Other urls found in this thread:


That woman could have gone to literally any other ex-Yugoslavian capital and be safely ignored by everybody, including the authorities. But she just had to come to the one country that America bombed within living memory. And I'm sure she had no clue that had ever happened due to >American education.

Americans should be shot.

Brits should be knife attacked

We never bombed the saviour of the Balkans.

you've done a lot worse lol

You bombed the only people who were willing to kill the Muslims. And then you wonder why 9/11 happend.

what happened


Autist American preacher starts screaming about Jesus, Serbs call ambulance thinking that she's insane

We're all pussies now. Noway that we could butcher muzzies like we did back then.

>willing to the kill muslims


yeah and you fucked with the middle east for way longer than anyone else has that lead to all these problems. so shut your dumb mouth. most of us acknowledge the war on terror was a lie and a mistake but brits act all high and mighty like you're not responsible at all

>conquer middle east
>end to all Muslim attacks
>leave middle east
>terrorist attacks everyday
Yeah we totes fucked up by staying too long.

>coming from a Bong

You people are responsible for defaming Serbs for committing some kind of Muslim Holocaust


>The British people showed more humanity than their rulers. In April 1993, more than two out of three people in a Mori poll supported the dispatch of British troops, while in February 1994 over half wanted air strikes against the Bosnian Serbs. But the foreign secretary, Douglas Hurd, defended the arms embargo since lifting it would create a "level killing field", a remark that drew from a retired Margaret Thatcher the stinging retort that there already was a "killing field the like of which I thought we would never see in Europe again [...] It is in Europe's sphere of influence. It should be in Europe's sphere of conscience".

>In April 1999 Blair defended his foreign policy in an important speech in Chicago. "We need," he declared, "to enter a new millennium where dictators know that they cannot get away with ethnic cleansing or repress their people with impunity." In Kosovo, Britain was "fighting not for territory, but for values". The "principle of non-interference must be qualified in important respects". We needed "a new doctrine of international community" to give "explicit recognition that today more than ever before, we are mutually dependent". In consequence, we had a right, if not a duty, to intervene to prevent genocide, to deal with "massive flows of refugees" that become "threats to international peace and security", and to combat rogue states.

>muslim holocaust

hello Albanian diaspora #123123123
goodbye Albanian diaspora #123123123

>use enemy to defend self from another enemy

*autistic shrieking*

Slomi smo slomili smo americi krila pa klintonu i natu nema vise mira

Allah, Soriya, Bashar Ou Bas

Hello good sir, my name is Stefan Deric from the ministry of foreign affairs of Serbia,
I would like to inform you that Serbia is atleast 2nd world and that is fully safe to visit
Also Serbia enjoys real democratic elections unlike Belarus,America,Russia,Ukraine,Turkey etc and the government gives millions of Euros for the Srebrnica massacre (Clearly not a genocide.)

-Snope Doge



t. Western imperialist


Stupid american fuck


>Also Serbia enjoys real democratic elections unlike Belarus,America,Russia,Ukraine,Turkey