What's his end game Sup Forums? It's time we talked about this

What's his end game Sup Forums? It's time we talked about this

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To make America great again

Crashing the Republican party, with no survivors.

Political purge.

Hello CTR faggot

Fix trade deals, kick illegals out, not import jihadists. Country recovers now that it's leader isn't trying to crash it. Trump becomes legend.

To quote Jack Donovan:

"to keep white men from feeling completely disenfranchised…until it is too late. Until the demographic change is complete. Until they are safely in the minority. Until their sons become even more passive and androgynous from estrogenic chemicals and additives and feminist indoctrination and being coddled by overzealous school administrators and overprotective parents. Until almost no one knows any useful skills anymore and everyone is completely helpless without a handheld computer. Until the distribution of wealth is so dramatic that public opinion really doesn’t matter anymore, and elites can simply dole out resources to their workers, whose lives they will manage from cradle to grave."

I took the hill pill and I'm a #clitoris now

To prepare for economic turmoil in the next 10-20 years

Making America Great Again


Wiping out both establishment. Crashing the political system with no survivors.

Will his brand get hurt by his campaign? When some people hear "Trump" they associate it with racism and sexism. But on the other hand he's gotten more famous than ever, and that might make his brand stronger.

Lose big, blame everyone but himself, sit around on his fat ass for about ten years and then die of a massive coronary.

Was dropping in the polls part of his plan?

So you will be happy that he killed GOP and now Hillary gets to appoint then Scotus judges?

Lucky the left are to stupid to see what he's doing. One by one he fund large blocks of voters, finds out what they care abut and promises to fix it. The cops, the military, and now the religious people are on his side. The speech he gave to the church leaders today was a call to action that I believe will mobilize churches all across the nation. The left isn't going to know what hit them on election day.

Considering that this like of thought (something good will come of ruining the Republican brand) is particularly friendly to the idea of a "reset," you can take from that that they're quite stupid indeed.

I know one of the chefs that works at the Trump tower here in Toronto

He swears business has been horribly slow and many people have explicitly told that they don't want to "support Trump" in any way

This too.


Enjoy it while it lasts. Them 6 hour wait lines for food are really going to suck with out a smartphone while usa pays the 20 trillion back.

>Delusions: The Post

obama has managed to do that already, with little effort

>trust me goyim

>To keep white men from feeling completely disenfranchise
>until it is too late.

But they're doing that as fast they can, well before whites become a minority of voters.

I'm honestly surprised how unaware they are.

We could end up like Texas with a white minority, but since the whites are so motivated and still make up a majority of legal voters, democrats lose every time.

He is panicking. He didn't expect to get so far and understands that he is not fit to be president. None of his promisses will be fulfilled, he can't build the wall, he can't "bring back jobs" from Tchyna and Mexico, he can't bomb the hell out of ISIS and take the oil.
He fucked you over.
This is the most important election ever, because the next time there won't be enough whites in USA to win at all.
Moreover it will be a signal to the entire population, that populism and implicit (white) nationalism are useless in the election and you can't win, when you run on this platform, so a politician with this message will never be able to get nominated by the Republicans.
How does it feel to support the man who single handedly (and these are really big hands, belive me) destroyed America's future?

Absolute bullshit, Trump's recognition throghout the world has sky-rocketted, along with his business sales. Stop talking bullshit, leaf.

Trump is only doing bad in the polls because he can't attract enough WHITE support.

Minnesota, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania... all whiter than the average state and yet always on lock for democrats. The biggest problem facing Republicans right now is getting whites to stop voting Democrat. That's it.


Given the last 2 weeks of media coverage, only 2 options make sense

1. Trump is using the media's hatred of him against them. He's rope-a-doping them into exhausting the public with dozens of irrelevant non-stories. He's making offensive jokes and ambiguously worded statements that the media can't help but pounce on, but every worthless "scandal" exhausts the public's belief in the media. Eventually people will begin to flip because he can't POSSIBLY be as bad as the breathless, screeching journalists claim.
2. It was never a serious candidacy to begin with, he never cared about the election, and he's fucking around at this point.

I'm hoping for 1 but rationally I believe in 2. Which is too bad, because he was a legitimately inspiring speaker. His RNC speech is actually the lynchpin of my scant faith in the "he's a secret genius" theory. It would be strange to make such a strong, inspiring speech then throw everything away a few weeks later.

>Slav faggot in charge of knowing fuck all about North American politics

Contrary to what this echo chamber has led you to believe, Drumpf is universally hated here in Canada, I mean, have you looked at our PM for fuck sakes?

>i-its not bullshit cuz my Sup Forums hugbox told me he is da greatest! that's why he's also losing by 7 points in the US

Dismantle the mainstream media, destroy the Republican and Democratic parties and ruin the reputations of all the phony politicians,

By doing this, he profits, strengthens his name/brand, and helps root out the ailments, the diseases, that plague this nation and the world. If anything, this "loud mouthed, acist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, misogynistic ASS HOLE" has given the people a voice. A voice to stand up for whatever they believe in and not be afraid about the PC culture or whatever the alleged "majority" think.

His trolling and baiting is top notch. Someone that shakes things up is always a good thing. If/when he wins, I expect even more of this.

He is purging all the shit from the Republican party right now. Toying with the parasites and exposing the enemy. He'll crash them and win on his terms come November.

Didn't I hear this all before during the primaries? Like he said today, nobody ever got rich betting against Trump.

>le drumpf may may

Marc Cuban has mentioned his end game was to lose and increase his net worth.

Sometimes I wonder.

no one cares what your faggot country hates

he'll win, and fall in line like the rest of them.

However, he will of accomplished two things
taking the presidency from Hilldog, and proving that politics is so bad a literal non politician business man could sweep an election.

He isn't getting in to change the country, he's getting in to make us aware how much the country needs changing. We will MAGA

he's playing from behind on purpose.

He's positioning himself to be against the establishment on both sides, in all forms.

He'll be able to successfully claim the media is against them because he isn't bought, and people will believe it.

>Trump's recognition throghout the world has sky-rocketted
This is unarguably true but I wouldn't be so sure about the second. For example Trumps hotels have taken a colossal pounding. Some have bookings down as much as 70%.

I believe you.
Trump can forget about investments in Mexico and the Muslim world too. Maybe he might do business in Russia?

>Trump is only doing bad in the polls because he can't attract enough WHITE support.
The party was plum stupid to have ever tried through nominating Trump. But you can thank Obama for that >The biggest problem facing Republicans right now is getting whites to stop voting Democrat. That's it.
Pants on head retarded approach towards politics for the "white nationalist" viewpoint (which is unsurprising, considering that white nationalism is swimming in retardation), for the way to retain your political importance is to have both parties currying favor with you.

What you want to emulate is how America n blacks vote. You'd have whites mimic black voting patterns, with the expectation that they somehow won't turn into niggers captured by plantation politics.

This is a copy pasta that a leaf made. I figured it was when I first saw it, thanks for the confirmation.

If you're a Trump fan, don't let these guys demoralize you. We're all anonymous here. If you like Trump, stick with him. Don't let these brainless faggots get to you. Worst case, he loses in November and we all go back to our IT'S HAPPENING threads.

Mr. Trump has always been Sup Forums's candidate. Remember brothers, we experienced this same "he'll never make it, it's a joke, he won't get that far" sentiment this time LAST YEAR and this madman beat out 17 politicians and became their nominee. If he could rip those assholes to shreds with everything stacked against him, what's stopping him from taking out ONE more fuck up? (Pic related)

She's the fucking final boss in this game. The last boss is never fucking easy. It eats up all your $$$, time and credits. It's been a long battle, it'd be silly to drop Trump at this point. If he doesn't win, he doesn't win . . . but if he does? HOLY SHIT Just the thought puts a shit eating grin on my face. You know that smile I'm talking about anons, that madman smirk Trump is always cracking.

Believe bros. Have a little faith.

>Crashing the Republican party, with no survivors.



>I believe American politics is a top down arrangement, that we need to have a great leader to show us the error of our ways
Fug off, "alt-rightist."

Bringing america back to the golden years.
When America had USS and GE at their peaks.
you could work in the trades and retire at 55, with no problems.
Today its not like that.


>1. Trump is using the media's hatred of him against them. He's rope-a-doping them into exhausting the public with dozens of irrelevant non-stories. He's making offensive jokes and ambiguously worded statements that the media can't help but pounce on, but every worthless "scandal" exhausts the public's belief in the media. Eventually people will begin to flip because he can't POSSIBLY be as bad as the breathless, screeching journalists claim.
This "media master" meme really needs to die (it should have months ago, well before the convention, but what's done is done). What you don't realize is how adroitly the media selected the Republican candidate, the most friendly towards their view on a number of topics, giving him tons more media coverage than his opponents (to savage his primary republican opponents, particularly the conservative wing, which also suits them), even those who were highly competitive in the primary, all the while poisoning the well against him for the general by locking in his negatives. Now the only thing they have to do to seal the deal is not give him nearly as much attention as before

Have you noticed that they don't cover his rallies any longer from beginning to end, to equalize the coverage given to Hillary? Yeah, just like that.

His negatives are already baked into the cake, and if what coverage he does receive becomes the national referendum the primary was meant to be on whether or not people like or trust him (rather than the person who represents the in power administration), it's a foregone conclusion that he'll lose.

You should have been a cruz missile, for real.

>and Trump supporters have it in their heads that when he stakes out non-traditional ground that he owns the media, and that this is pan-dimensional chess