Why are the fight scenes in this show such shit? They aren't exciting to watch

Why are the fight scenes in this show such shit? They aren't exciting to watch

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Because fight scenes are inherently boring, as a concept.

because those cost money.

Are you fucking gay?


The show isnt about fighting

It's getting excited whenever Steven, the underdog, does some good shit

same goes with others, like Lapis punching Jasper through the fucking boat

and Greg getting the video transmission to work

hello? SJW? Come on now

>The show isn't about fighting
>Show starts out as monster-of-the-week where gems have to fight
>All crystal gems have backstories about being soldiers
>The Gem War is an integral part of the backstory of the show
>Not about the fights

What's the fucking point of including so much fighting-based shit if the fights are going to be shit?

Why is god damn EVERYTHING for this show such shit? Give me one thing this show does right not including background music and background art.

It's not about the fights. It's about peaceful resolution to conflicts in contrast to violent ones.

Why are the villains such shit?

>Show stars a character who is very specifically not a fighter and has support powers only
>The war for all those warriors is over for the most part, dealing more with the aftermath
>Monster of the week was just a thing, the stories themselves were almost never about the monsters
>The main cast works pretty hard to avoid fights at any cost because they would lose another war being only 4 (now 6) gems

Not to mention how horrifically grossly you understate the quality of the fights. It's not great, but they're not shit.

what fight scenes

do you mean the ones where the main characters get into arguments and cry?

cause I honestly don't remember any other kinds of fights

Fuck off.

Great job showing the only fight that was halfway decent in the entire 2 first seasons.

You only proved his point you fucking retard.


>Connie and Steven shown to be sparring in latest promo
>Stevonnie is going to fight off Jasper
>Probably going to be a shit fight

The "it's about peace" or "Steven is about defense" argument can only hold so much weight when characters actively fight a conflict and it looks like shit. Being close to 100 episodes in and having two or three decent fights is nothing to brag about.

>Characters stand in place with a static camera at a flat angle
What an amazing fight.

You know you remind me of pearl, not Pearl. the character in this show, pearl the material. You share a certain property with this material, something to do with the saline nature of the sea

It's because they're so quick to subvert the premise of the character instead of giving them time to be intimidating. Peridot disintegrated from a semi intimidating character with a unique design to a literal meme and lost her enhancers, the most interesting aspect of her design. Jasper went from a powerful fighter who thinks fusion is disgraceful to a groveling fusion slut within her first few appearances. They pull the same shit with other characters too. Tall stoic gem is actually two emotionally unstable weaklings with no individuality. Male lead uses emotional manipulation instead of force of will. Cute skinny gem in a dress is literally the most powerful gem we know of. It seems like they don't play very many of the archetypes straight, which, while not inherently bad, kind of knocks the wind out of the antagonists before they catch their stride.

>Very short clip from a fight scene uses this specific shot for 3 seconds, SHIT FIGHT SHIT FIGHT SHIT FIGHT SHIT FIGHT! IT SHOULDA CHANGED CAMERA ANGLES AT LEAST 5 TIMES IN THOSE 3 SECONDS!

>that comeback
I'm not even mad.

Why do ten year old boys keep coming onto Sup Forums and complaining about a lack of good fight scenes in a SoL comedy drama about love and relationships?

It is a mystery.

Action doesn't have to be mindless, but I guess some tumblr-fag would think that.

>Using that clip as an example of a good fight
>Gets mad when it's actually fuels how bad the fights are

But please keep telling me that SU isn't about the fights to justify how shitty the fights are.

Why does SU even include fights if it wants to be a SoL comedy drama about love and relationships?

>if someone disagrees with me they're tumblr

Shitty CN budget weighted more heavily toward musical numbers because that's what brings in the emmies

gotta hit dat young male demo

I wish that just once we had an episode where it felt like all these characters we've been introduced to felt like they existed in the same universe, instead of like, Here's steven and lapis, or here's steven and the gems (oh wait, only the three from the opening) or here's a peridot episode.

The episode with lapis on the boat pissed me off. She stresses out about fusioning and it's like wow if only there was a house full of gems that could talk to her but instead she randomly ends up with steven and his dad on a boat (also fuck that millionaire plotline what the fuck) and has apparently never interacted with the other gems at all?

The whole show just feels like writers come on and want to showcase specific characters and it never feels like a world or a show with any great connection. It just seems like a bunch of one offs that are barely related. I've never once felt like beach city was a place only ever a backdrop for one off stories. The whole show feels more like the animation equivalent of an anthology using the same characters.

also the fights suck.

Anyone have the animatic for this fight? I remember it actually looking better than the final product.

Does Steven ever get repercussions for going full retard every episode?

Because they are used as a representation for how characters relate to each other rather than a literal contest of strength? It's all Kabuki theater.

There's only so much you can do in 11 minutes.

Which is why that timeframe is SU's biggest crutch.

Lapis is a loner, it makes sense that she wouldn't talk to anyone about her problems (except Steven because Steven is a nosy prick).

I get what you mean on the whole, but like said, with 11 minutes there's only so many characters you can use and still have room for plot.

Nope, everything he gets wrong is excused and everything he does right is praised because the gems are afraid to punish him because tumblr will spam their inboxes for being hating a beautiful fat "reborn in a male body" transgender woman.

It's because Lapis is a shitty character. Peridot is okay, at least they're integrating her somewhat with the cast and Steven can play a big role in her story. Lapis has no meaningful traits or personality besides being a victim, so any episode which focuses on her character rather than her circumstances will inevitably be awkward and out-of-place.

You can't really make the comparison between live actors who can't do flips on a small stage and an animated show where sets and physical limitations don't exist. There are a lot of ways to have decent fights on a budget, I would think most of Warner Brothers Saturday Morning line-up proved that.


>peridot is okay

She went from "interesting antagonist" to "generic anime girl" in the span of a week, and the writers already ran out of ideas for her so they had to throw in a new power to compensate.

>Fan animations are better than the show
>B-but they had a lot of time to work on it, they weren't on a schedule!
>Yeah I know, imagine if this guy had a TEAM of artists and Korean animators working for him? Almost like something like this would've been doable for a finale battle on a schedule.

I honestly believe that Sugar just simply did not hire anyone with the proper skill set to do a proper fight. She seemed to put all her eggs in the basket of "Can they do emotional moments really good?". Which is fine, but when you have 10 boarders who all excel in the same department, it's going to hinder the show somewhere. And in this case, it's the fights. It's why the physics of tears is better looking than Garnet's punches.

I really wish we could get some episodes with Lapis trying to fix her shit with the CGs. Trying to push this thing with Jasper being an abuser is hamfisted and doesn't even make fucking sense considering Lapis was the one holding the fusion together and consented to it. It's not very interesting and could be replaced with characterization for the CGs and their relationship with Lapis as a team member.

That fight had serious problems and could've been done much better

Again, having the fights look really good isn't their top priority. Not to mention they don't have much control over that part of the process anyway, since the actual animation is done overseas and from what I've seen they have to hold their hands for even the most basic of dynamic movements. Anything that looks halfway decent the storyboarders basically draw frame by frame themselves, which is a huge time investment that could be justifiably spent in a number of other places in the episode.

SU wants to be everything to appeal to everyone.

>show about aliens
>slice of life

Did you even watch Alone at Sea?

Lapis consented to the fusion because she planned to trap Jasper all along. She's the abuser in the scenario, and she knows it, and she feels even worse knowing that Jasper got mindbroken into some submissive fusion slut while they were underwater.

If you want more Lapis/CG development though, Bismuth will probably kickstart it.

The only good fight scene is at the end of Ocean Jem

In fact the only good episodes are MIrror/Ocean Jem

Could've, but will never be. Animating it like your gif would mean the storyboarders would have to take time away from crafting a story in favor of frame by frame animating a good fight with the hope of Korea not fucking it up that much.

I literally have no idea why i watch SU

Maybe it's so boring and mediocre I completely forget I even ever watched it and thus I never get tired of it.

But Peridot was never an interesting antagonist.

>SU will never have a good fight because then the artists will have to work hard.

Why do people think people working on shows are amateurs who can only do one or the other? Either it's STORY or FIGHTS! PICK ONE! As if shit like Avatar hasn't shown that both are fucking possible.

It's like the same shitty argument where adult animation isn't allowed to have good visuals because they're too busy writing jokes to look good.

I recently got into SU about a month ago, it's pretty convenient; /sug/ is always up and always has megas for the episodes. What they do right in my opinion is show personality for the characters. It feels real, you can feel an emotional attachment to the character's situation. What really allows this to happen is the delivery, it isn't perfect, but it is done better than any other cartoon I've seen that tries to connect to the audience emotionally.

That ten second clip took what, a month for one guy? Let's do the math here. Boarders work in teams of two, and the animators in Korea can't handle anything beyond simple movement, so something close to the level of that video has to be sent to them beforehand. That's two weeks for 10 seconds of animation. Heck, let's say they do the frames looser and let the Koreans use model sheets, and that cuts the time in half again. That's a week for 10 seconds of animation. Then you need time to write and board the rest of the episode, so you've put 50% of your time you get to work on the episode into less than 2% of the content, so everything else looks like shit.

I found her scenes funny because she was just trying to do her job and didn't really understand why the CGs kept harassing her. It probably couldn't have been kept up for long, but regardless of if you liked it it was much better than the shitty meme dorito we have now.

Things exist where both have been achieved. One does not automatically take away from the other, the creators are just incompetent at action, like how they are at songwriting

Constantly apologizing for ineptitude is why japan/europe make our cartoons look like trash

Solution: Put on one or two more boarders for an episode. It's not fucking rocket science. Maybe SU didn't need to waste some of its budget hiring Nicki Minaj as a guest voice when they could have made the fight between Suguilite and Pearl look good instead.

Shows like Gumball sometimes have high as six writers for a single episode. Gravity Falls sometimes had four - five people boarding an episode. What exactly makes SU so special it can't bend its own protocol now and then for special occasions other than "But Sugar really wants pairs for episodes!"?


It's just a slice of life at most, with little tidbits of action and "lore" here and there, hell the mindnumbingly boring soundtrack, subdued pastel coloring style, and backgrounds that look like it could fit in a maternity ward wallpaper should clue you in on this already. Pretty much not suited for an action show.

But the primary focus is not on that, not even the so-called, MC, but the side characters and the shitty agenda it has (wow look at all these cool stuff these lesbian girls could do while Steven just gets a lame shield) and shipping shit, fueled primarily by retarded drama for drama's sake. Also, there's singing, how would anyone take an "action show" with lots of singing during a fight scene seriously?

I feel this way about AT. I've been watching it and loved in since its release. It just feels like part of life now. No matter what they do wrong I will still watch it. I honestly cannot see a world where AT will be done, and over with no more new episodes. The series might even extend to 2018, due to the confirmation of season 9.

Well, sure, LAPIS knows she fucked up but Steven, the show's moral compass, pretty much gives no shits about what she did to Jasper. Plus, while I didn't save the screenshot, I'm relatively certain she was smiling when she punted Jasper off the boat. I'm not sure if she actually feels bad for Jasper or feels bad for herself for acting the way she did without any guilt for its impact. Regardless, her moping a lot doesn't really count as repercussions for her actions in my book.

I also hope you're right about Bismuth, but for my money, Lapis won't even meet her. Guess I'll wait on the leaks.

>>>/reddit/ is that way

She turned into a cackling cartoon villain with her mocking escapes and insults. She seemed more like a mad scientist than someone just doing a job.

Honestly I feel the same. Only time I get remotely excited is when a new alien shows up.

Because they ARE amateurs when it comes to doing both? Name one SU storyboarder or SU crew members in general who have worked on something with high tier anime fight scenes or high tier Western fight scenes like Symbiotic Titan? Because I'm certain all they've done is silly CN wacky cartoons.

These aren't the fucking Avatar people and they don't have the budget of those people either.

Both are achieved because the people working on it have the skill to do it. Most don't have that skill.

No one is apologizing. I'm stating how things are and why you should give up on expecting fight scenes like that gif.

So what was Rose Quartz made for?

I'm not an expert or anything, but if I had to guess I'd say it's purely an issue of cost. Their budget seems pretty light. GF had that Disney money and the episodes were twice as long, so I'm sure they spent more time on each one (would explain the constant hiatuses, I suppose). Gumball, who knows? It's all mixed media anyway so it's easier for them to do certain visuals than SU, which is drawn on paper and just has colors and such added digitally.

It's not an action show

Fuck you

To be on the other end of Greg's heart

>No one is apologizing.
>Entire post is about how SU's crew being amateurs is an excuse for why elements are bad

"Being bad" is neither an acceptable response nor a good reason for why the creator didn't hire someone who was good. If anything, your entire post proves the point that American animation fans are trying to constantly justify that we're not as good as everyone else.

what animation software did the artist use it looks too good for flash animation

I just use it for background noise.

That'd be a fair complaint if this was an action show. Which it isn't. Some episodes don't even involve lore/Gems.

It's not a Young Justice/Sym-Bionic Titan type show

"I don't know the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone."
-Bill Cosby

Who cares about the opinions of a rapist?

Impregnation fetishism

>What an amazing fight.

I bet you enjoyed that fence-jumping scene in Taken 3 that had 20 different cuts in three seconds.

(That's only barely hyperbole, BTW.)

>mindnumbingly boring soundtrack

shit taste detected


How is not acceptable? That's the state of affairs. Sugar wasn't looking for top tier fight animators. She was looking for people who could do emotional and "funny" stories. The ability to do a fight scene was a secondary concern since Sugar (who oversees everything) has approved all the mediocre shit without a care. She'll jump in and personally animate Greg giving Pearl an overly animated bear hug, yet give no fucks about the weightlessness of Garnet vs. Jasper. And it makes sense. There really aren't that many fights that would justify a fight animator. Unless you really want more frames and smears when Pearl one shots gem mutants.

SU isn't top tier fight animation and was never will be. It's just not Sugar's focus.

>"funny" stories

Funny? The only way SU can be funny is with there meme faces

>Put quote marks in to acknowledge that Sugar's sense of humor isn't for everyone.
>Still get comment questioning SU's quality of humor.

>Also, there's singing, how would anyone take an "action show" with lots of singing during a fight scene seriously?
I dunno, Symphogear's managed to maintain an entire franchise based on that exact premise.

Symphogear is bad, though.

Sounds like something you'd hear in a free to play clicker game

that means it sounds like shit

nigga I will fight you

It's weird how in these threads where people discuss the flaws of SU, people pretty much all agree it's wholesomely mediocre. Yet, in any thread comparing it to Gravity Falls, Avatar, Loud House, etc, it's suddenly the funniest, action packed, story telling masterpiece this side of the Pacific.


Bring it on bitch, I'll hear you coming a mile away.

>thread comparing two popular shows
>not entirely full of shitposters

Are you retarded?

Why shouldn't a show make something look good if they put it in at all? Should action shows have badly written romances and relationships?

They usually do.

Well it is. I mean, you'd think a story about humanity versus extra-dimensional alien invaders wouldn't end with the Whore of Babylon reincarnating into the body of a Japanese woman and then using government resources to build a giant fuck-laser for the explicit purpose of blowing up the moon and breaking the curse of tongues that God placed upon mankind.

And don't even get me started on the woefully inconsistent characterization.

They kind of do though.

And ultimately, the problem isn't that they are doing bad and knowing it. They are doing bad and think it's good or at least acceptable. And as long as Sugar accepts it and the general fandom praises it just for being a fight, nothing will change.

Because a millenial woman made it so its full of pussy aesops that will get you laughed at IRL.

Seems like a pretty big assumption to me.

I thought the one in On the Run was pretty good

Nah they no it's bad. I remember when someone tweeted a staff member about the animation and the staff member got butthurt

The animation lacks weight and impact. Choreography isn't very good either. I don't think anybody watches SU for the action though.

Why even add fight scenes if it is a slice of life drama romance show? What's the point?

Isn't getting butthurt about negative criticism proof that they DON'T think it's bad? I mean if they knew it, they'd respond with a meh instead of getting defensive.

People did not watch full metal alchemist for the action and other action cartoons like teen titans and the last bender just for the action