I think it's interestin' that I've got thirty-two jobs and most niggas say they can't find one! Haha! Ah, niggas

I think it's interestin' that I've got thirty-two jobs and most niggas say they can't find one! Haha! Ah, niggas.

Uncle Ruckus for President!

I wish the Uncle Ruckus movie got made.

>Uncle Ruckus picks a white guy as VP
>Wins Election and is Inaugurated
>Immediately resigns so a white guy can be President
"Ets been too long since y'alls had yer right place in da Oval Office"

>In 2013, Aaron McGruder launched a Kickstarter project for an Uncle Ruckus film, however it failed to receive enough funding, as many fans were far more interested in seeing Season 4.

Too bad season 4 was a piece of shit.

Is Black Jesus any good?

It was pretty good. Not quite as good as The Boondocks but it's up there.

i'm hoping McGruder returns for a potential Season 5 if only for the BLM episodes

E'rybody knows niggas can't animate. Yeah, you heard me, niggas can't animate.

Niggas lack da physical talent an' mental fee-nesse ta animate! Dat's why all da best animatahs in da world have always been White men: Walt Disney, Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, and don't fo'get Don Bluth!

Name me one great, non-White animator. Name one, go ahead, try, name one....

... See there?! Ya can't do it!

What? What? Oh, oh you wanna pull Miyazaki outta yo ass? Dat what was you thinkin' 'bout? Hayao Miyazaki? Well if dat rice nigga so good, den why does everyone watch da versions dubbed by Disney? I'll tell ya why. 'Cause nobody gives a shit about all dat 'ching chang shing shong' bullshit! Dey wanna see animation wit' White voice actors! Shoot, no nippawhatevah can voice act like da White man can! White man got a voice as smooth as buttahmilk. So rich ya gotta just lie back an' drink it all in.

John Kricfalusi's da best animator in the world. He's so good he don' even botha animatin' no mo'!


I hope people realize uncle ruckus is suppose to be a joke

No shit.

Shit, I read the whole thing in his voice.

10 outta fuckin' 10 user.

Now that I think about it, the only two animated Disney movies to take place in Africa had no black people, only white people or talking animals.

Saved for posterity.

Top kek

but john k does animate all the time


Someone tweet this to...whatever the fuck the VAs name is and ask him if he'll vocaroo a reading.



Princess and the Frog says otherwise.

That didn't take place in Africa, dummy.

Heard the Jabba-tuba and everything, fine post good sir!


The concept is brilliant but the execution is lackluster.
If you want to see Jesus doing funny shenanigans in suburbia, rather watch Saint Oniisan


It's not a masterpiece but it's well worth your time.