"I didn't consider fun being part of universe ordering, but this is gonna be fun" -Thanos

>"I didn't consider fun being part of universe ordering, but this is gonna be fun" -Thanos

>"Put your mean faces on" - Star Lord

>"Who the hell are you guys" Thor, king of asgard

>Rocket racoon teaches Spider-Man to dance and dab

*Breathes in*

HAHAHHAHAHHHAHA what a mistake

Now watch me quip


give us the leak....


niggers were a mistake

Marvel Cinematic Universe was a mistake.

Get Cyclops' son and reboot this shitty universe desu


I can't even tell if these are made up or not anymore.

so epic

>>Rocket racoon teaches Spider-Man to dance and dab
Shouldn't this be the other way around? Why would Rocket be more familiar with dabbing than Spiderman, who actually lives on Earth where the dab originated? Or is dabbing a universal thing in the Marvelverse?

Remember when you ass-shattered homos made daily threads about Spiderman like this? Remember when Spiderman was better reviewed than WW? Keep it up.

That's from Snowpiercer right?

You mean the Spiderman that is flopping all over the place despite one of the most expensive marketing campaigns ever?

I mean the Spiderman that's rated better than WW. You know, the one that's rated better than WW by people who don't browse Sup Forums all day. The "flop" (*hahahahah*) that is critically better than Wonder Woman. The one that made DCpajeets so mad, so utterly upset that they'll spam this thread every day until IW comes out. That Spiderman.

What happened Marvel Pajeet? Your india was supposed to save Homeflopping but not even that saved it. At this rate, Sony will curse the day they decided making business with Feige and his mouse overlords was a good idea.

That first image is definitely from Snow Piercer, it's fake

Yeah, it's the moment he enters the engine

>Can't think of a comeback
>just repeats my insult

DCpoos everyone. Always trying to be what other, more successful, franchises are. .

>more successful
>two biggest superheroes ever
>can't even break a single record in the book, will maybe not even hit 800m WW

There is a new Spiderman out?

>can't even break a single record in the book
Is... is this shit post?

>Two biggest superheroes ever
I thought those were Batman and Superman

Batman yes. Superman is behind Spidey and RDJ in box office draw. Hell IM3 alone did fucking 1.2 billion. That is completely insane.