Okay, stick with me here Sup Forums

Okay, stick with me here Sup Forums

What if Marvel rebooted the X-Men and retconned that the X-Gene was only found in a specific existing genotype? For instance, what if mutants were ONLY black or black mixed race people?

I actually think this would be better. The X-Men have always come across as this kind of vague political allegory, which this would make concrete. You would have so many minority characters that you would have the freedom to make them good people, bad people, flawed or unflawed without having to worry about representation and role models. And you can't tell me the hate and protests against mutants as a successor species in the Marvel U wouldn't make more sense in this situation.

Go eat a dick, bendis

Would Iceman still be gay?

Iceman would be a white black guy IDK

Sure, I would read that. Punisher, Cap, Juggernaut and Deadpool stopping violent riot of BLM-mutans would be gold.

>The X-Men have always come across as this kind of vague political allegory, which this would make concrete.

Making it concrete is the issue here, IMO. The fact that it's a vague political allegory is what allows the X-Men franchise to still be entertaining; the political implications are there for those that want to see them, but they're vague enough that it's not too overwhelming for the people that don't like mixing real world politics with their comic book fantasies.

Like, if you're gonna be on-the-nose about it, why not go the whole hog and just divorce it from the Marvel Universe altogether?

>Like, if you're gonna be on-the-nose about it, why not go the whole hog and just divorce it from the Marvel Universe altogether?
That has often been an argument people make for the X-Men desu

Just imagine Bendis doing Milestone relaunch.

yeah and those people are kinda idiots. The X-men only stand to lose from being divorced from the universe as a whole.

this was a Kickstarter. Not!Trayvon is shot to death by the cops for being a young black man with his whole life ahead of him, then resurrects himself and discovers he has superpowers. There's a whole underground movement of black people with superpowers and only black people can get superpowers except obrien white guy in the government who hunts them. The Villains are called The Man and Washington.

That sounds pretty terrible. Link?

I'd still take him over the guy we got. fucking Hudlin

I would take everyone, including the writer of marville, the grand wizard of the KKK, and possibly even the dudes on season 4 of the boondocks before him.

Cracks me up how niggas do this, drawing black versions of their favourite heroes and characters, they do it all the time with Superman and WW as well. Shit's all over DA. Doesn't surprise me that when diverse heroes are being pushed they immediately go and try to change established white characters; they can't even imagine making their own OCs. yet they whine about cultural appropriation

>Cracks me up how niggas do this,
Like 80% of the time this is done, it's done by white girls.

You just say that because they get posted on tumblr and tumblr users are automatically assumed to be white girls.

Are the original 5 X-Men part of white culture, specifically?

>What if Marvel rebooted the X-Men and retconned that the X-Gene was only found in a specific existing genotype?
This is already true. Do you know what a genotype is? I'm guessing not, since you've suggested race is apparent at the genetic level. It's not, btw.

>white culture
>a real thing
Only stormfront faggots think this.

The idea has wings as nobody has been able to provide a good reason why marvel citizens throw parades for super heroes while spiting on mutants at every turn.

The best explanations we get is genetic disdane put in humans by alien gods. But even that gets thrown out when you have mutants join teams like the avengers and suddenly get loved.

It's explainable if you assume there's an equivalent to real world racial prejudice against mutants. The mutants on the Avengers become "one of the good ones"

This is also why the OP idea is dumb.

See I can buy that with certain supers like Captain America due to being pushed by the government. Even the FF as they had money to smooth out their image.

But randoms like Spidy, Ghost Rider, Ms. Marvel, etc get free passes doesn't add up. Especially Spidy with the entire smear campaign thrown at him. Yet we never see 30 ft tall robots coming to rape him at his aunt's house.

But I agree making them just X race would have been bad. It takes away the ability of the medium to be a teaching tool of sorts and broaden perspectives. Something modern Marvel really sucks at.

>nobody has been able to provide a good reason
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

Kill yourself. Kill yourself now


You seem disturbed user. Did your Dad touch you again?

Perhaps you should read shit not (insert) event or even pre Civil War. The avengers and other supers for the most part coasted in the lime light compared to the x-men. Hell they had clothing lines at various points and people like Wonder Man were Hollywood famous.

Meanwhile its hate groups and giant robots every other week for the X-men. And lets not get into how its barely addressed that the non mutant supers seem to keep mum on government sponsored efforts to contain mutants.

I know heroes punching heroes and spooky government brought you into the comics and thats fine. But there was a history before that.

An allegory for racism isn't far fetched, but above all, they're a generation conflict. A new kind of people, with the power to shatter established power structures. Without the old rules applying to them, and without the option to "buy in", you're either one of these or you're out.

Reducing this aspect by turning it into pure racism, like in your example, would lessen this aspect of the X-Men. So, yes, it would make even less sense.

Usually even superheroes in the MU are distrusted, parades at every turn? When have you read Marvel comics!? But besides this, what would more people freak over about:

A) "Some guy survived a freak accident and can now shoot lasers out of his ass"
B) "Soon you're an obsolete part of humanity. Tomorrows retard at worst. At best the appendix, you know that part nobody sheds a tear over, if it get's removed..."

How people can distinguish between "Superheroes" and "Mutants" is another good question, but how one of these things can be more scary than the other should be simple.

Why does this come up so often? It's hilarious to me that you're peddling the idea that you were a fan before 2006 when your question has been addressed multiple times in countless books before AND after 2006.

I'll give you a hint: you (and everyone else that has ever asked this) are ignoring WHY civilians actually hate mutants. And it's not because the have superpowers.