Convert to Islam!

Convert to Islam!

Other urls found in this thread:

what's wrong with her face

It's Canadian

Canadian genetics.


I haven't heard of her in ages.


The face of autism


>your brain om islam

Holy shit, I just checked out her channel.

That's just fucking sad.

She's a cutie. I would convert to Islam for her.

hello jap
i am japanese

She is wh*te

Maybe i will

It's a shitty photoshop.

that's not what he's asking

>canadian moves to japan and preaches about islam
Is this some kind of joke or west is really that bad?



She is speaking the truth!

Rachel vs kanadajin3


I slam her if you understand what I propagate :)))

No, she moved to Japan first and then converted to Islam when she fell in love with some Saudi chad who was there iirc

She has videos on her channel explaining why she became Muslim

Side effects of Islam.

... or was it the primary effect?

Takbir! Nihon Caliphate when?

No need for explanations

Yeah, but she's also a compulsive liar who routinely deletes and/or edits things to fit her narrative. So it's better to just read the Kiwi Farms threads to get the full picture.

She's a train wreck.



People still give this lolcow attention?

I don't know who's worse desu, her or Dakota Rose.

hmm... I see...


>be mentally ill
>convert to islam

checks out

Holy shit, and I thought I had the whole picture

>There are people spending this much of a time about some internet personality.
They are a bigger trainwreck than she ever could be.

an*los are an abomination.


Sup roastie newfag


her and applemilk are reasons why you should never go to japan

Internet celebrity drama is soap operas for the modern age.

Takes one to know one, John Smith