Really makes you think

Really makes you think...

Taking pics from your Feminism 101 class, OP?

>what do like/not like

Are you in middle school, OP?

>tfw too stupid to understand what this means
guess I'm failing college feminism 101

they forgot the part where no civilization can exist with feminized men or how none of the women in the class are attracted to timid weaklings

Isn't what's on the board an argument for men though?

Faggot ass bitch

Hahahaha! American education system is a joke.

>education in the city of America


>he doesn't live in America City
lmao'ing at your life, f.a.m.

What uni, OP?

I'm going to university in the fall, please tell me this doesn't pass as university-level education. If this is what they're teaching stateside, it's safe to say that Canada is 10x worse.

In the US public universities there are "general education" courses for any given major.
A women's studies major and an engineer need to take these courses to fulfill requirements which means the course must appeal to literally the lowest denominator

Just wait till you take you required humanities class

This is probably someones class presentation in Civics & Careers class

What college is this from?

>Amerigans :DDDDD
Fugg Yeahh!

>1 post by this ID

Yeah, let's check those university rank-
Oh, shit :(

Wow, quality school there OP

>america ranks american (and a couple anglo) universities at the top

>its rather than it's
>re affirmed rather than reaffirmed or re-affirmed.

Great work. Real intellectuals at that institution.

An entire college degree based on understanding white male culture

This isn't women's studies this is white male studies. Fascinating. We are so fucking powerful our biggest opponents teach women about how to undermine our superior culture.

This is like that old trope in movies and on TV where some kind of autistic character, either a foreigner or alien overanalyzes basic human interactions and colloquialisms.